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Matraxial Artemi

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Status Updates posted by Matraxial Artemi

  1. Nighty-Night, Everpony! ^^ :oneheckofahat:

  2. I'm so happy cause I accomplished my goal of raising my grades in school and the concentration choice is Arts Production in Bureau Of Education! :-D

    1. Tacodidra


      Congratulations, my friend! :yay:

    2. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Congratulations! I know it wasn't easy but you pulled through graciously! ;)

    3. Matraxial Artemi
  3. Nighty-Night, Everpony! ^^ :oneheckofahat:

    1. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :rarity:

  4. Nighty-Night, Everpony! ^^ :oneheckofahat:

    1. Arc Flash
    2. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :)

  5. I don't know what I'm having today; A Bad Day or A Good Day? :stressed:
    There is one cure for those stuff! Is playing My Little Pony :mlp_lie:


    P.S. My code in My Little Pony game is f38e7a8 :-D


    1. Tacodidra


      I hope the rest of the day is good! :kindness: And ponies always help! :)

  6. I love the Derpy Emojis, don't you all agree? ^^ 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matraxial Artemi

      Matraxial Artemi

      Yea. We better not exploded in cuteness cause of derpy's emojis :mlp_please:

    3. Matraxial Artemi

      Matraxial Artemi

      It maybe a great idea, it'll be a chaos! :derp:

  7. Night, Everypony! :darling:

    Image result for MLP and Terraria

    1. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :kindness:

  8. Why being alone in the living is scary :sealed:

    1. Passion


      One of my recent status updates covers a tiny physiological aspect of this issue.

      It's not too expansive, but you can pretty much get the general idea and the gist of it if you read through it :x

  9. Tomorrow, No school cause is a festival! :yay:

  10. Nighty-Night, Everpony! ^^ :oneheckofahat:

    1. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :fluttershy:

  11. I'm back from my grandparents! ^^

    1. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      Welcome back:squee:

    2. Matraxial Artemi
    3. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :D I hope you had fun! :)

  12. I'm going to sleep now
    Nighty-Night, Everypony :adorkable:

    Image result for MLP crying on bed

    1. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      Good night!

      Rest is the key to a faster healing

    2. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :kindness:

    3. RDDash


      Sleep well

  13. I don't know if I can make it till monday cause my illness gave a stuffy nose and a dried throat, I hope I can endure it just for a day

  14. Tomorrow I'm going to my grandparents with a fever!
    I hope my health and body can withstand the hot environment :bea:

    1. Tacodidra


      I hope you get better soon, my friend! :kindness:

    2. Matraxial Artemi
    3. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      Is refusing to go an option?

  15. I'm gonna be online on this weekend due on schedule to the dentist and go to my grandparents birthday, I hope you all have great time without me on weekends! :mlp_grin:

    1. Tacodidra


      I hope your grandparents have an amazing birthday! :yay: And also that the dentist appointment goes well! :kindness:

  16. I'm gonna have a debate on tuesday about; "Should Video Games be considered a sports?" :darling:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      I don't think chess is a sport. But if you consider video games a sport, then genre is irrelevant.

    3. Matraxial Artemi

      Matraxial Artemi

      My teacher doesn't talked about  genre but the main question is, she aid


      P.S. mind using the general Poby emojis, cause you might cause a questioning of user s n those two emojis right now that you have :muffins:


    4. Rikifive


      Me neither. Personally I don't consider video games as sport. It has to be physical activity in a real environment for me.


  17. Nigh Everypony! ^^

    1. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :)

  18. I have slept with no blanket in for the cold night, as that I got a cough


    1. Tacodidra


      I hope you get better soon, my friend! :kindness:

  19. Night, Everypony :sunny:


    I have finished my drawing! :oneheckofahat:


    P.S. don't steal it them!


    1. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :D Nice drawing! :rarity:

  20. Why does all my weekend have a schedule for places and stuff, I'm getting tired of this... :awed:

    1. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      That's how life works

    2. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      I know the feeling....:wau:

  21. Night, Everypony! :darling:


    1. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :D

  22. Do you ever experience on riding a horse? :mlp_icwudt:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      I'm allergic to pretty much all animals... cats, dogs, everything! :okiedokieloki: It can be quite annoying when even clothes worn by other people can make my nose itchy but what can you do... :mellow:

    3. Matraxial Artemi

      Matraxial Artemi

      I hope that your allergy it'll be gone :awed:

    4. Tacodidra


      Thanks, my friend! :kindness: I doubt that'll happen, though – some of my allergies have disappeared (like the nut allergy I had as a kid), but most of them are still there... The one I hate the most is my pollen allergy – I don't have to be in places with animals that often so it's not an everyday problem, and I can avoid eating things I'm allergic to... :unamused:

  23. After I got home with my family from my grandparent's, I had to listen to my lil'brother's jokes and puns but atleast we had fun! :mlp_icwudt:

    1. Tacodidra


      Great to hear that, my friend! :mlp_yeehaa: I hope those jokes weren't too bad... :please:

  24. does my drawing is overkill? :mlp_lie:
    By overkill I mean awesome?! B)


  25. Hello eveyrpony, I have not been only since a few days but I have made a schedule that I can be online in the forums if had free time cause I have 3 three months and also a week to my Father's parent's sleep over, that I hate to go but  it's decided
    I hope ya'll didn't miss me :mlp_please:

    1. Tacodidra


      Hello, my friend! :) I hope you have more free time soon! :kindness:

    2. Matraxial Artemi
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