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sprinkle nostrils

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Status Replies posted by sprinkle nostrils

  1. TMW you're incapable of communication because your brain is in a constant state of white noise whoops

    1. sprinkle nostrils

      sprinkle nostrils

      I have a solution. Just write it with different color ^-^

  2. Hello there =]
    Just wanted to say that your avatar is extremely adorable =3 Who did draw it?

    1. sprinkle nostrils

      sprinkle nostrils

      Awww, I love it so much I can't stand ^o^. How come your DA gallery is so empty? And yah, I must follow you, if you don't mind ^.^

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Yo, Emma. Your avatar is awsum! ^o^ Did you draw it? ^~^

  4. Yo, Emma. Your avatar is awsum! ^o^ Did you draw it? ^~^

  5. 1234.. Can’t get away from it. First, I walked into a room, and saw the clock at 12:34 PM, and now my brohoofs.. This is getting weird. XD

    1. sprinkle nostrils

      sprinkle nostrils

      No one must brohoof you anymore to keep it in perfect condition =P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Hey, @Rainbow Dash, what will you say about @Rainbow Dash? ^-^

    1. sprinkle nostrils

      sprinkle nostrils


      [Fanboying intensifies]

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Welcome to MLP Forums Rainbow Dash. :pinkie:

    1. sprinkle nostrils

      sprinkle nostrils

      Oi! Oi! We expect something awesome!

  8. If you like cartoon foxes:


  9. New OC! Meet Ravenna~ (´∀`)♡


  10. I love your avatar, dude, and can't stay silent about it ^3^

    You made my day.

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