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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Rarity

  1. What a fabulous pony



    1. Wizard


      Oh my! The Rarity! You grace me with your presence and kind words! I'm happy to be here!

  2. Welcome to MLPF

    I'm sure you will have a fabulous stay here 


    1. BlueberryShiver


      Thank you best ponyyyyyy! :proud:

    2. Rarity


      You're welcome, Darling!


  3. Hello there, DAWWWLING!

    And speaking of darling, please do not think that you have been forgotten! There is a darling who has been waiting just for you! This gift was simply delayed because it had been stuck on the moon for some reason-- but here it is!

    *offers a picture frame with a special somepony in the center, happy to see you*

    For your Secret Santa, someone decided to give to you the gift of 
    true love. It is a gift that shall forever be with you no matter where you place it. May this badge be a reminder that you hold the key to someone's heart.

    You have impacted the lives of many, but this pony in particular shall forever hold you dear. Thank you for helping the forums and for Making Christmas Merrier, dawling! Stay tuned for tomorrow for the revelation on who sent you this gift! TAH TAH, dawling!


    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot


      A truly wondrous gift it is, thank you so much to whoever has given me such lovely gift :blush:

      *hangs the lovely badge on a wall, so that Silky may always shine with her lovely smile for him* ;-;


      @Silky The Smolllook what I got from my secret santa!! :pinkie:

    2. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      Who the heck gave you THAT?! D: 

      im stuck in a portrait forever Dx

  4. Hello, TheRockARooster!:raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    A #1 fan of mine and I get to deliver a gift for him? Fabulous! TheRockARooster, I know you also happen to be a superhero fan, so for you I bring the image of myself from the famous adventure where I got to be a superhero! It's amazing ponies like you that made me embrace my image as Radiance! Thank you for embracing the spirit of generosity and enjoy the gift, darling!


    1. TheRockARooster


      RARITYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rarity:

      I’m so honoured to be your number one fan, I love you soooooooo much and I love the gift soooooooooo much too, thank you thank you thank you. :D

  5. Rarity


    Hello, TBD! :raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    You are one of the old fashioned members from here! Suits, noir style, jazz music. That's an image you crafted for yourself and your secret santa was fully aware of that. It took a bit of convincing from him (she's not exactly the musician type, you see :please:) but he managed to convince Princess Luna to take you for a jazz concert as her guest of honor! She even agreed to play an amazing tune for you! Enjoy your gift!


    1. TBD


      @Santa Rarity awww thank you Rairty for the gift and the kinds words. :D

  6. Hello, Skylight Scintillate!:raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    I've been told you're a big fan of our one and only Princess of Friendship - Twilight Sparkle! I was wondering with her what could we give to you for that, but eventually decided on this!

    Casts an illusion spell on you

    Now you get to wear Twilight's very own wings and horn! Now, it's just a spell, so of course it does not grant alicorn powers, but you can always show it off to your friends!


  7. Hello, Silly Druid!:raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    A lot of ponies, who come to this website, come to express their love for one, specific animation they enjoy! But that doesn't mean no other animations catch their attention. Your Secret Santa heard of your love for Moomins! So that's your Secret Santa gift!


    1. Silly Druid

      Silly Druid

      Thanks a lot to you and to whoever gave this to me!

    2. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      Don't worry, a thread shall be made soon to reveal who they all are. I wonder which one was mine? Though, I do have a suspicion. :ooh: But our Events Team is mighty secretive! :grin:

    3. Silly Druid

      Silly Druid

      I might have a suspicion too...

  8. Hello, Silky The Smoll!:raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    Phrase "hold my chocolate milk" and overall your love for that delicious drink... everyone heard of it. So your Secret Santa made this for you. The chocolate milk most delicious! Enjoy it and should you drink it all quickly, worry not! There's entire crate stored in your fridge already to make up for all the chocolate milk Sir stole from you!

    Ps. Princess Luna says hi, she misses you already and hopes you'll visit her again! :LunaMCM:


    1. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky


      Not only is it my favorite drink, but it's also in a lovely glass which further enhances the taste for me! Thank you, my secret santa! I'm looking forward to the thread which reveals who you are <3 
      Thanks for my delicious badge. Can I drink it now? c: 

  9. Hello, Shiny Silvermoon!:raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    It is no secret that moon is what resonates a lot with you. Princess Luna herself heard of your dream to one day rise or lower it and cheers for you to study magic well enough to achieve that with her guidance! For now, for encouragement you receive our moon, immortalized with the galaxy we get to live in. Follow its light always, when seeking inspiration to hone your craft!


    1. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      Yaaaaaaay! Thank you so much! *Shiny hugs rarity tightly.*

      I can't wait to find out who is my Secret Santa! Trust me, I'll find them... :oh_golly:

    2. Rarity


      I'm sure you will, dawwwling. I mean.. ahem.. Hou hou hou! Gotta gou!! *speeds off in her sleigh*

  10. Hello, River Wisp!:raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    Your Secret Santa told us that you love all things related to kirins and art! So, just for you and on the special request, Sunburst himself put away his ancient tomes and scrolls of magic to paint this badge to adorn your profile! He really hopes you like it!



    Hello, Rainbow Cloud!:raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    We heard you managed to have quite a significant victory against this community's moderation team, specifically @Cash In as you counted all the way to 1000! Rainbow Dash sure noticed that and so did your Secret Santa, so you receive Rainbow Dash's approval of your achievement!


  12. Hello, Epic Energy!:raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    Wind carried on the message that you're a big Star Wars fan! Because of that our Rainbow Dash here agreed to pose with a blue lightsaber for you! She fell in love with the idea the moment she saw what Star Wars is, so now thanks to you, there's a fan of it in Equestria too!


    1. EpicEnergy


      I see that the force is with me, and so is a loyal and awesome, rainbow-colored companion! I love this gift! B)


    Hello, Dynamo Pad! :raritycutehat:

    I am so happy to get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    We all know what a big fan of Starlight Glimmer and Pokemon you are and so does your Secret Santa! Because of that we have something special for you - a pokeball that Starlight Glimmer herself enchanted so that its future resident knows they will be in good hands as soon as they come inside for the first time!


    1. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      Oh, wow! :pinkie:

      This is incredible and this is really sweet. *tears up with a smile*

      Thank you so much, Rarity and this is perfect. I couldn't ask for a better gift than this. :hug_day::fluttershy:

  14. Hello, Comrade Friendship! :raritycutehat:

    I am so happy to get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    I heard you're a big fan of Sunny Starscout - our new, prominent pony who gave it all to unite all pony races as one once more. Because of that you are hereby given Alicorn Sunny - as she certainly is one of those who deserve the highest, royal rank in Equestria!


  15. Hello, Captain of Fun! :raritycutehat:

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    Your secret santa said you have a lot of fun with counting or video games! Now, math isn't something that's good as a gift, but gaming sure is! So enjoy and have fun, dear!


    1. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky


  16. Hello, Astralshy!:raritycutehat: 

    I am so happy I get to deliver the gift from your Secret Santa!

    Everyone already knows that you can easily be considered the most faithful student of Fluttershy, so as a recognition of your endless pursuit of embracing the element of kindness I give you a badge of approval by Fluttershy herself!



    1. Astralshy


      Thank you! Im loving it so much

  17. This match fees like deja vous!


    No matter, LET'S DO THIS GIRLS!



  18. My horn is going crazy with all of the gems out there. This is quite the curiosity. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rikifive



       I hope someone didn't lose these. 









    3. Snow


      If they have been lost it would be best to find their original owners 

    4. Flutterstep


      I think we need the pick axe back :darling:

  19. Ooooh. Thank you for following me darling. :mlp_grin:

  20. Well hello! I am told that you are quite the fashion aficionado Mr. Artemis, and that you are in the market for a rather impressive suit for some sort of gala in Baltimare next year. If so, you should make some time to stop by one of my stores for a custom fitting. I simply insist you do, as we use only the best fabrics and materials. 

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Aficionado might be a stretch, but I always do thorough research if I'm going to be putting on the ritz. Everypony knows I need all the help I can get. I'll certainly be paying you or one of your stores a visit very soon!

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