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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Thanks for the follow! I really appreciate it!

  2. Is it hyperbole to say that due process is dead and that we have killed it? No?

    Okay. Due process and we have killed it.

    Innocent until proven guilty is now non existant, you are now guilty until proven innocent, and even then its not enough.

    Salem witch trials all over again.

  3. Almost forgot to say goodnight before I pass out. Goodnight.


  4. Good night, everypony!

  5. Ah man, I love that feeling when you realize you have the day off tomorrow as well.

  6. Lyra’s about to be booped by a foam finger and BonBon’s fluffy tail!


  7. Apologies, I'm very late in saying this, but thanks for the follow!

  8. When someone says "I like your shirt" and you look down because you forgot what you put on today.

  9. Metallicringe strikes again :yeahno:


  10. Metallicringe strikes again :yeahno:


  11. anyone wanna pm or something im bored

  12. I do feel a little sad about Battlefield V. It’s clear that the developers put their all into it, and must have nagged EA for months to allow them to have no paid DLC. Unfortunately, their forced politics and sloppy marketing has damaged the franchise.

  13. It breaks my heart every time I read of someone committing suicide. And it hurts even worse when you know the pain that person had to be in to decide to end it, because I almost did, too. I have some stories to share this month, to bring awareness to suicide for national suicide prevention awareness month. If you're going through something, I promise you that things will get better. Each day is a battle, but you are stronger than your demons. You can always talk to me if you are struggling with depression or any other mental illness, whether that's to seek advice or just to vent.

    Nat Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255

    Stay alive.

  14. It breaks my heart every time I read of someone committing suicide. And it hurts even worse when you know the pain that person had to be in to decide to end it, because I almost did, too. I have some stories to share this month, to bring awareness to suicide for national suicide prevention awareness month. If you're going through something, I promise you that things will get better. Each day is a battle, but you are stronger than your demons. You can always talk to me if you are struggling with depression or any other mental illness, whether that's to seek advice or just to vent.

    Nat Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255

    Stay alive.

  15. So NASA launched it's new mission yesterday, Parker Solar Probe, which will come within 3.9 million miles from the sun. We will literally touch the stars.


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