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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. It's getting pretty hot where I live...

    Image result for mlp on the beach

  2. Twilight: Found you!


  3. I am really enjoying this site in the last few days! I've been getting on everyday and I really love it here!



  4. Looks like we have snow in the forecast for Saturday :dashcutehat:

  5. Ready for winter?


  6. The rooster is back. ^^


    Good morning all.

  7. Guess who just hit Dragon rank? This pony! :derp:

    Image result for Spike christmas mlp

  8. I finally decided to get a cover photo for my profile! :mlp_yeehaa:

    I don't know why I didn't have one, I guess I never really thought about it much until now.

  9. Good morning everypony!  How's it going? :ooh:

    When a pony wakes up and realizes that it's only Tuesday :dry:

    Image result for mlp cute trixie  

    At least one's insanity can be adorable at times. :derp:

  10. I’m going offline for a day or two, MLP Forums.


    I’m feeling burnt out and need a rest from online and have to relax my mind from being so paranoid.


    I’ll see you all when I return, lots of love from your friend, @TheRockARooster.



  11. Thank you for following me! :D

  12. Good early morning all.

  13. Thank You for the follow, New Friend! :-D

  14. (Yawns) night everypony (curls up and falls asleep)

  15. I'm calling it a night. Goodnight everypony!:flutterhat:


  16. Thanks for the follow! :D

  17. Thanks for the follow! :wub:

  18. Has anyone ever seen this video? I love watching this one a lot!


  19. Has anyone ever seen this video? I love watching this one a lot!


  20. Good morning everypony 

  21. Oh jeez its December already? Never really been a fan of the cold, I much prefer warmer weather... I know, ironic.

  22. It's December 1st! Official Hearths Warming countdown has begun:oneheckofahat:

  23. Yunno what's a likely episode for season 9? Terramar coming to the school!

  24. I’m getting a feeling, we haven’t seen the last of cozy glow.

  25. Good early morning all.


    Not gonna be on much today.

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