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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Well after getting up,stepping out side...I’m like oh hello 23f. and ice on the cars...

    Hope you all stay warm out there!:BrightMacContent:

  2. The reactions are now Fluttershy themed?


  3. Well, after surviving last night's power cut (Thanks @Snow :yeahno:), today is a day for chilling with a warm blanket and a hot tea~ 

    Happy Kindness Day, everyone. :squee:

  4. I'm not even sure if it will hit 40°F today. The sunshine feels good tho, coming thru the window.  

  5. Minis 1 degrees out, yikes!

  6. Good evening everypony.  How's it going? :dash:

    Ah, first day of work on the new mids shift. :orly:  Not so bad. :muffins:  Not a lot of ponies to talk to though. :mlp_wat:

    Oh well, keep trying Twilight. :wacko:

    Image result for mlp twilight fly gif

  7. Getting out of a nice warm bed to go to work when the house is freezing cold.

    It's a... difficult decision. :sealed:

  8. Good morning to all of Equestria:D
    I hope you all are doing well!!
    Today is one of them days where its warmer now then it will be this afternoon:yeahno:...oh and add rain to the mix too...
    Stay safe out there!


  9. Whoa. It's literally so foggy out right now I can't even see my truck in the driveway from out my window. This fog be thiccc.

    Good morning though! :BrightMacContent:

  10. So a new trailer has been released for the Sonic the Hedgehog movie, showing off his new redesign. It isn't just better, but I dare say that it's outright GREAT. At first I kinda wanted to see this movie because I thought it was gonna be enjoyably bad... but now I wanna see it because it looks... enjoyable. :laugh:


  11. Goodnight everypony 

  12. Hope I don't get too sick.

    Here's a song that @DivineHeart1000 reminded me of when we were chatting about a movie. Seriously, if you haven't seen the movie it is from go watch it.



    I'm off to bed.

    Good night, and may Princess Luna guard your dreams.

  13. I get to bike to work in record low temperatures tomorrow. 



    :maud: Yay....

  14. I've been feeling like crud since yesterday morning. Nasty cold

    Coco Pommel kleenex.png

  15. Well y’all, think I’m gonna take a tiny break from the forums. Nothing wrong, just thinking like a week maybe, if that. If you need me, you can message me on Discord at ShadOBabe#3578.

    Just let me know who you are. XD

  16. Hey, I just went on my profile and saw that my community reputation is at 1111! That's a lot of 1's!

  17. Who wants milkshakes with the princesses?


  18. You seem like a cool person. Here's a follow. :grin:

  19. It's snowing! Autumn, what's that? XD

  20. Good mornin'. 


    How is everybody?

    I'm mildly sick. Oh well. It happens.

  21. Bleh, another fun week at work. But at least only two weeks until a trip, I need a nice vacation, a big one.

  22. Anywho, here's my official mane six! Say hello to all my OCs, everypony!

    Emerald Heart:



    Conch Shell:




    Hot Cocoa:











  23. Good morning, er evening, uh afternoon everypony.  How's it going? :muffins:

    Changing over to mids has completely thrown off any concept of what time it is with the rest of the world.  :derp:  On top of just being tired.  :pout:  I hope ya'll had a great weekend and for those to managed to do so, enjoy the extra federal day off. :ithastolookpretty:

    Image result for mlp starlight phyllis

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