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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Good morning everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  2. How many of you love Fluttershy?


  3. Hey every-pony :laugh: ^^ how are we all doing today? :catface:


  4. Good mornin'.


    Hope you have a great Saturday and weekend!

  5. Friday at last! What is everyone doing for the weekend?

  6. Happy Friday, everypony? How is everypony doing? I finally got off of work. So it’s time to put my hooves up and relax. >_>

    Have an adorable Scootaloo! :kirin:

  7. Good afternoon everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  8. I'm tired so good morning 

  9. Good morning to you all!! Today is Friday!!:ButtercupLaugh:
    I hope you all are doing well!:D

  10. Good morning everypony! Happy Friday! I hope you all have a great start to the weekend. My day will be quite busy, it's the busiest day of the year where I work. I'll be staying late and going in early in the morning so I won't be around here much. I hope your day is more relaxed than mine will be. :P

  11. Good morning everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  12. Sonic vs. Rainbow Dash!


  13. Going to bed soon.

    Good night, and may Princess Luna guard your dreams from Nightmare Moon, or Daybreaker 


    Nightmare Star is better :sneer:


  14. So I decided to change my profile name and picture for Christmas! :dashcutehat:

  15. Good morning, all! I hope this Thursday finds you well. :BrightMacContent:

    Have a Sketchy Horse~




  16. Good morning ponyville!!!
    I hope you all are doing well!:BrightMacContent:
    I feel like Ive been missing forever....:(

  17. Good mornin'. 


    Hope you have an awesome day.

  18. I don't understand Surrogate Scootaloo Day. :scoots:

  19. WHOOOO!! Vacation in t-minus 30 minutes!!



    EDIT: FREEDOM!! Wheeeeeee!!!!

  20. Good morning everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  21. I don't understand Surrogate Scootaloo Day. :scoots:

  22. Good morning everypony. How's it going? :dash:

    Yay travel days


  23. Still one of the show's best songs.


  24. Good morning how is everypony today :3

  25. Good mornin'. 


    Hope you have a good day.

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