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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Good morning, forum friends! :mlp_yeehaa:

    We're now three days into December and so far there's been a lot to smile about. :squee:

    Just learned this morning that we'll be getting a 'Christmas Fair' put into work for a while. I've no idea what's it going to entail yet, but I wonder if it means getting to add a Santa hat to my Medieval outfit. :raritycutehat:

    They had Santa hats back then, right? :sealed:

  2. Goodnight everyone and have a great rest of your day. :)

  3. Ah, that was a really nice, long, relaxing weekend (well, barring traveling). Now I have to start working again tomorrow :yeahno: At least my current job isn't bad. I'm just lazy.

  4. medium.png

    I need to think about winter avatar, maybe tommorow  :o

  5. This is probably the biggest game guidebook I've ever seen!


  6. Merry Chrystmas everypony!


  7. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :wub:

    Ah December, the holidays inch ever closer. :applehat:  Time to get the tree up! :oneheckofahat:  Just need to decide which corner of the living room to put it in. :mlp_confused:

    Slumber Party! :ticking:


  8. I found out that a video I made on a horror game, Pinkie Pie's Cupcake Party, has actually gotten over 2,000 views (the most views I get is usually well under A HUNDRED). A few days ago a version dubbed the 'final' version of the game was released. I plan on playing it today! Whether or not that video becomes popular, I'm glad I got so many views on one channel!

  9. Clear blue skies. It's so pretty outside today!  :D

    Last 2 pics shot in Near IR

    Flowering bush_vis.jpg

    Flowering bush_NIR.jpg

    Flowering bush_NIR wide angle.jpg

  10. Didn't get enough sleep last night but had to wake up early so I am super exhausted rn

  11. Well! Time for bed for me! Love you guys! See you when I wake up!

  12. I'd just like to wish every-one a happy first day of Christmas!!! :laugh: (Eeyup. It's the first of December here in Australia. It's ALSO the first day of Summer here in Australia) B) I hope you guys have a wonderful day today :mlp_icwudt:


    Sorry it took me a while to post this. :twismile: I spent the majority of the weekend playing Pokemon Shield and I was trying to get THE perfect Dragapult. Took me a while, but I succeeded :catface:

    He's been FULLY EV trained AND he's got 6 iv's in his Attack and Speed! :ticking:


  13. Well, I'm going now.

    Goodnight. *sigh*

  14. December 1st.

    I guess I have now officially been here for an entire year. :P

  15. It's the First Sunday of Advent, which represents Hope. 


  16. How was everyone's Thanksgiving?

  17. What did kids eat before McDonalds was invented?

  18. I love pie! What's everyone's favorite kind of pie?


  19. Good evening everyone and how are you all doing? I am doing fine. :)

  20. Rainbow Dash or Rainbow Dash? Or how about Rainbow Dash?


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