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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. My laptop is broken, so I can only log onto these forums on mobile now. Thankfully, I might be able to get a new laptop soon though.

  2. I had a dream last night my family was having doughnuts.

    This morning my mom offered to bring me back a donut from the store.


    Dreams really DO come true! :love:


  3. Good morning, everypony! Turns out that rest was just what I needed, and I feel a lot better!

  4. I feel uneasy. I'm gonna go to bed early. Goodnight, everypony.

  5. Fallout 4 is fun!

  6. Well, McDonald's hired me on the spot. I better get used to waking up at 4 am. :sealed:

  7. Good mornin'. 


    I hope you are having a better day than I am.

  8. Good evening everypony. How's it going? :dash:

    Oof, night shift is really starting to take its toll on this unicorn. :confused:  Can't get my sleep just right. And then to switch it all back on the weekend. :derp:


  9. Another weekday "weekend" for me. There's a good feeling about staying in bed while everyone else heads off to work. :yay:

    Hmm.. how best to spend the quiet time? :wacko:

  10. I’m genuinely happy Jedi: Fallen Order is doing well with gamers. Hopefully it sends a message that people just want a good Star Wars game upfront with no bullshit attached 

  11. Good evening everypony.  How's it going? :dash:

    I knew I felt a disturbance in the force. Image result for mlp shocked gif

    Image result for mlp pony life

    Please no Teen Titans Go.  Please no Teen Titans Go.  Please no Teen Titans Go.  Please no Teen Titans Go. 

    Image result for mlp scared gif

  12. Good evening everypony.  How's it going? :dash:

    I knew I felt a disturbance in the force. Image result for mlp shocked gif

    Image result for mlp pony life

    Please no Teen Titans Go.  Please no Teen Titans Go.  Please no Teen Titans Go.  Please no Teen Titans Go. 

    Image result for mlp scared gif

  13. Good mornin'. 


    How is everybody today?

  14. Wow, it's dead around here this morning. Hi hi folks.

  15. Good mornin'.


    Hope you have a great day!

  16. Good morning everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :mlp_smile::kirin:

  17. Goodnight folks

  18. New profile poster! What does everyone think??

  19. I wasn't able to log in for a few days but I guess I'm back now.

  20. Uhhh.... Spike's a girl now..... yeah, that just happened.

  21. Snowflakes on the right think that people are attacking Christmas and also getting offended when people say "Happy Holidays" acknowledging that not EVERYONE is a Christian. In other news, the sky is blue and the grass is green. These same people pretend to be all about Freedom of Religion, while they also discriminate against Muslims and Jews and Atheists and I could go on... :ButtercupLaugh:


    Oh and it's not even DECEMBER yet.


  22. I would like to personally thank @EpicEnergy for plowing the way through General Discussion for us. What a champ! :mlp_yeehaa::balloon:

  23. I would like to personally thank @EpicEnergy for plowing the way through General Discussion for us. What a champ! :mlp_yeehaa::balloon:

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