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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. I’m baaack! Things are so looking up for me right now!


  2. Sorry for the lack of updates so far this week. It's finals week and i'm also struggling through a chest cold.

  3. I haven't been on at all today, I've been doing some things. One of them is playing in the snow! It's probably going to be gone either tomorrow evening or the day after that.

  4. Can you believe this year ends in 3 weeks? :sunny:

  5. Looks like I still have power, almost lost it a few times today. Anyways, I've been having a great time in the snow! Turns out that it's going to be 1 foot deep or more! Right now I'm tired though, I've been in the snow for a couple hours, so I'm probably not going outside until tomorrow.

  6. Looks like I still have power, almost lost it a few times today. Anyways, I've been having a great time in the snow! Turns out that it's going to be 1 foot deep or more! Right now I'm tired though, I've been in the snow for a couple hours, so I'm probably not going outside until tomorrow.

  7. Do you guys know any ideas on what to draw? I mean, I have some, but I don't know if they're good ideas. :blush:

    One is of Midnight sitting on a rooftop of a high building, watching the skyline and the cars below. 

    And the other one is him looking outside a window, watching the CMCs play in the snow while he just sits there, wishing he had friends.

    What do you guys think? Any advice would be really helpful! :twismile:

  8. Alright, Ladies and Gentlecolts! I'm heading off to bed now! I actually have church tomorrow that I have to attend to! Have a goodnight, my friends! I'll see ya'll tomorrow after church! May your favorite pony visit you in your dreams tonight!


  9. I think I'm feeling better now. Now to bet back to the topics I'm missing out on!Twilight_excited_about_sonic_rainboom_S02E25.thumb.png.bb95cb1cae836a33eabb2f4f9f807567.png


  10. Ugh. 

    As this year closes I am again reminded about my health. 

    3 am I had to go to the hospital. (I rarely go). 

    I had chest pain on my right side. They did their tests and found out that I have some scaring that is calcified and to my best understanding its inflamed and rubbing causing the pain. This pain is no joke. It felt so bad that I was in agony. 

    I hope next year will be better for me. 

    I hope everyone else is having a better Holiday. I would not want this to happen to others.


  11. (Yawns) good night everypony 

  12. Good night everypony 

  13. How has everyone's day been?


    Being honest, mine was really bad for the first half, I was discouraged and going hard on myself for being lazy and wasting time, but I got over it and moved on, so now I'm happy and ready for it to start snowing any time now! :raritycutehat:

  14. Sorry I haven't had hardly any time lately! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Good night, and may you have wonderful dreams.

  15. 20181209_114641.thumb.jpg.8cb9deae567064de7f7ff0651027084a.jpg

    Why still make DVDs when you can watch it on Netflix? :D

  16. Thanks for following me! :D

  17. Apparently, it's supposed to snow later today. It would be a nice follow-up of what we got two days ago.IMG_2253.thumb.JPG.2ee214379070cfc3a50d2f1bc4168d44.JPG


  18.  Good morning everypony :mlp_yeehaa:

  19. Good night everypony 

  20. According to the forecast, I'm going to get hit by a huge snowstorm on Sunday! I'm already preparing for a good amount of snow on the ground, I've been raking leaves today and yesterday.

  21. According to the forecast, I'm going to get hit by a huge snowstorm on Sunday! I'm already preparing for a good amount of snow on the ground, I've been raking leaves today and yesterday.

  22. Getting job experience in a nutshell


  23. Good morning everyone! I have a feeling today's going to be a great day here on the forums and in real life for me!

  24. (Yawns) good night everypony (curls up and falls asleep)

  25. I've been feeling a little in the dumps today. I don't know why, I just feel drained. Maybe this weekend, I'll do a MLP marathon. It's actually been a really long time since I've watched it and a feel good show is probably just what I need.

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