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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. So, the MLP Season 9 Premiere is next Saturday! Who's PUUUUUMPED to see it?! :D



  2. Good afternoon everypony 

  3. Triple the Rainbow!


  4. Posting on mobile is so tedious. Took me around 10 minuets to write one comment. :nom:

  5. So I get into my first match of the day in Paladins today, and my team gets completely demolished. I was hoping to break my lose streak, I haven't been winning lately. It's mostly my fault, but it's still annoying - especially when I perform decently in a match. 7 loses in a row right now, worse than the 5 win streak I got a few days ago.

    Paladins screenshot

    Brings back the old Call of Duty days when I got a 15/0 K/D in TDM yet my team still lost. :yuck:

    I don't really care though, as long as I get a decent K/D in any match I'm fine with it.

  6. Posting on mobile is so tedious. Took me around 10 minuets to write one comment. :nom:

  7. *drinks green cider*

    Mmm, this has a watermelon-flavored taste! 

  8. I'm off to bed. G'night, everyone! ^-^

  9. I'm going to sleep, goodnight.

  10. A song for the evening. I'll see you all later. Goodnight. :adorkable:


  11. Hiya! I like your profile pic. :D

  12. Hiya! I like your profile pic. :D

  13. Goodnight everypony! Anypony care to give me some muffins before I hit the hay? :muffins:

  14. I've been hearing rumors that Frozen 2 is coming out in 2019, if this is true then I am very skeptical about another Frozen movie coming out.

  15. Good morning all.

    The rooster is gonna take the day off, I'm not feeling so great and not feeling like myself.

    I'll see you all when I return to the forums, take care and I love you all. <3

  16. Tomorrow's Luna's birthnight! What do you all plan on getting her? I already have my "gift" planned out!


  17. Honestly I think I like MLP too much. :(

  18. I guess you can say I'm doing a little better today, still struggling on the inside though. On the other hand, I still could get hired soon.

  19. Geez... LoE is boring and I barely see any other ponies there that isn't an NPC

    Is the game dead or what?

  20. Good morning, everypony! I have just woken up a hour ago and I'm now just playing minecraft! Even though haven't had breakfast this morning! I do need to eat soon!


  21. Just a heads-up, I'm am thinking about leaving these forums but I haven't decided yet. I'll be posting more about it in a blog, if I choose to leave.

  22. Just a heads-up, I'm am thinking about leaving these forums but I haven't decided yet. I'll be posting more about it in a blog, if I choose to leave.

  23. I found Red Dead Redemption 2 for $30 new.

  24. My biggest fear in life is that I won't be able to find someone who shares the same views or the same things that I like.


  25. Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a good rest last night!

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