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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Installing a new video editing app on my computer. So excited!!!!

  2. The weather has been strange where I'm at. There were hot temperatures with thunderstorms and strong winds yesterday, and now there is a freeze warning that temperatures could drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit tonight and tomorrow. :huh:

  3. The weather has been strange where I'm at. There were hot temperatures with thunderstorms and strong winds yesterday, and now there is a freeze warning that temperatures could drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit tonight and tomorrow. :huh:

  4. The weather has been strange where I'm at. There were hot temperatures with thunderstorms and strong winds yesterday, and now there is a freeze warning that temperatures could drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit tonight and tomorrow. :huh:

  5. Sorry for my spotty activity. I'm going through some things right now and am working on few other things like music.

  6. Hi! 

    Thank you very much for the follow

  7. Hi! 

    Thank you very much for the follow

  8. Hello! Thank you for following me! :D

  9. @EpicEnergy Hello, my friend! It's been a while since I last talked to you.

    How are you doing?


  10. I've decided to go back to college, so I'm taking some courses right now. Not sure how well I'll do in the end though, I keep having doubts about it.

  11. Part of the air conditioner in my house has went out and it's almost 100 degrees Fahrenheit outside, so it's approximately 80 degrees inside. :angry:

    Someone's coming to fix it sometime today though, hopefully sooner than later. I don't mind things being hot, but it's annoying when I'm sweating while sitting down with a fan blowing on me and there's nowhere else to cool down.

  12. Good morning everypony!  How's it going? :dash:

    Is it Friendship Day now? :o  Happy Friendship Day! :ticking:

    Is this why Princess Celestia made her mane flow? :ooh:  I suppose having such a long mane could be a tripping hazard. :muffins:



  13. Well ponies I’m off to see a big firework show this evening! :ticking: I hope you all are enjoying the holiday! :mlp_yeehaa:

  14. I've been playing a lot of the game Neverwinter again recently, I really enjoy it!

  15. Good morning everypony how is everypony on this beautiful Friday morning?

  16. I am under a severe thunderstorm watch until ten pm.

  17. Happy Memorial Day to all my fellow American ponies! Hope y’all had an awesome holiday weekend, and don’t forget the true reason for this holiday. Honor those who have fallen fighting for our freedom. Here’s to the ones who didn’t make it back home. Thank you for your service. 


  18. Do any of you think that I'm posting too much? :dry:

  19. @EpicEnergy *hugs* Hope you're doing well, my friend!


  20. Good early morning all.


    Not gonna be on long but I’m here for a while.

  21. Good morning ponies! :LunaMCM:

    I slept in...so I feel really good. But, now I have a load of work to do. :lie:

    Be fun be free!

  22. Indigestion is an unpleasant experience. :yuck:

  23. Good morning! (or afternoon) whatever. :P

  24. Good morning everypony how is everypony on this terrible Monday morning?

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