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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Awesome PFP!

    Do you have the original picture?

  2. Happy Harthswarming everypony :raritypleadhat:

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy Hearth's Warming everypony! I'm going to drive to my relative's house, which is 3 hours away! Let's hope I don't die in traffic today. Anyways, I hope y'all have a wonderful Christmas. :raritycutehat:

  4. Merry Christmas everyone! :twilighthat:

  5. I hope y’all’s Christmas has been going well. I’m getting ready to eat Christmas dinner early this year because I have to work tonight. :scoots: Ah well, life must go on. 

  6. Welll, I have to shower and get ready to go to Christmas dinner at my uncles! 

  7. Merry christmas!

  8. Hope y'all are doing well and having a great Christmas. I'm alright, not great, but alright.

  9. I have had difficulty with my wireless USB adapter the last couple of hours. Getting internet access is getting harder and harder. My computer has already destroyed one LAN card, and the built in LAN on the motherboard as well. :worry:


    If I disappear for a longer time, it means I am out of internet access, which sucks! But at least you will all know I am okay. :coco:

  10. Merry Christmas to all and good night :dashcutehat:

  11. I have had difficulty with my wireless USB adapter the last couple of hours. Getting internet access is getting harder and harder. My computer has already destroyed one LAN card, and the built in LAN on the motherboard as well. :worry:


    If I disappear for a longer time, it means I am out of internet access, which sucks! But at least you will all know I am okay. :coco:

  12. Oh wow. Leaving the forums was the worst decision I’ve ever made. I’ve only been gone 12 hours but all these messages I’ve come back to are breaking my heart. How can I be so stupid? 

  13. Merry Christmas everypony! :oneheckofahat:

  14. Good evening everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  15. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :dashcutehat:

    Happy Hearth's Warming Eve! :oneheckofahat:  Well... to those on this side of the planet anyways. :twilightcutehat:  Soon for the rest! :applehat:  Eggnog's a chillin, ready for when the sun sets and movies begin! :pinkiecutehat:


  16. Half the roads in my town are so slippery and flooded right now that even old Matt couldn’t hardly handle them. :sunbutt: I almost died. :sealed:

  17. She is just too cute! Applejack always makes me feel so happy. :mlp_yeehaa:BF825419-0DBE-4DD4-9AAE-F6B989E7820E.gif.dcd1f401dc926aff0d59c0b6560237f9.gif

  18. Morning.

    Not gonna be on much, it’s Christmas Eve here and I’m gonna be busy.

  19. 600 brohoofs?? :wau:

    That’s pretty rad!!! :mlp_yeehaa:

  20. Great news, everyone! My Pinkie Pie's Cupcake Party ended up in Youtube's Recommended system! :squee:

    I've made it into the bigger part of YouTube!


  21. Hello everypony, and welcome to the Christmas holidays!

    I've just recovered from a really unpleasant dosage of tonsilitis and have realised that, to my sheer disbelief, it's already just two days until Christmas. I suppose that time really flies when your stuck in your bed, barely moving.:rarity:

    Anyhow, I hope that you're all having an excellent holiday season! Make sure to get your rest - you all absolutely deserve it my friends!:grin:


  22. Good afternoon everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  23. I’m finally home! Today was rough, for sure. I’m just glad it’s all over and I can relax now. :mlp_yeehaa:

  24. I am still not feeling well today... I hate when I get sick like this! :dry:


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