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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Well guys, I am back to just having one job. I quit McDonalds. They wouldn’t listen to me when I tried to tell them multiple times the day’s I’m unavailable to work. They wouldn’t even schedule me enough hours to get much of a paycheck, plus the majority of the people who worked there were a$$holes. They didn’t even train me! They expected me to know everything from the start. 

    And on top of all of this, my main job right now is back to giving me measly hours. :dry: Time to find a another second job I guess! :ButtercupLaugh:

  2. Getting my PS2 fixed so it can play PS1 games again. Probably just needs the CD-ROM laser cleaned which are common for those consoles. The owner of the locally owned retro gaming store was surprised that it was one of the very first PS2s when he looked at the serial number. Makes my $35 purchase even better honestly. 

  3. It sickens me to see people wearing sandals in the middle of Winter. :eww:

    Do you want to get frostbite?!

  4. I could see Celestia doing this right before she retired. :kirin:


  5. I'm really nervous for an interview I got Friday, I'm hoping I don't have a panic attack. :sunny:

  6. I'm really nervous for an interview I got Friday, I'm hoping I don't have a panic attack. :sunny:

  7. I'm really nervous for an interview I got Friday, I'm hoping I don't have a panic attack. :sunny:

  8. My long holiday break is over, sadly. :adorkable: Time to get back into the swing of school...which, has not been easy. :scoots: I got finals coming up close to my birthday. :sealed:

  9. Goodnight everypony 

  10. Goodnight, everyone. I can't wait to cuddle up under the covers and get some shuteye! :mlp_icwudt:




  11. Honestly, I love Fallout 3 as much as the next guy, but I really don't think it's as good as people say it is...

  12. Goodnight everyone. :Daydreaming:

  13. Good morning everypony!

    Well, I'm back to work at college once again, and although that situation seems rather morose, I'm really attempting to enter the 2020's with a fresh and vibrant sense of optimism.

    Anyhow, good luck with your own endeavours everypony!:grin:

    Image result for mlp good morning fanart

  14. Goodnight pony pals.

  15. Hi everyone! How is everyone doing today?


  16. My car is all better now! She needed a new radiator and hose but now she’s good as new. ^_^


  17. Hi everyone! How is everyone doing today?


  18. I hope you all had a good Monday to start off the week. Mine's coming to an end, and that wonderful bed is calling. Goodnight everypony!

    Have an art I found. :squee:

    Lyra by ZiG-WORD

    (I wish I could draw that type of picture :yay:)

  19. Happy New Year :sassy:

  20. Heya


    yay, the technicians idea worked, that the cable in the basement broke, he replaced it today while i was at work and now i can watch tv again! <3

  21. Just got home from work. :twi:

    Even though my shift was only four hours long, it felt like forever!!!

  22. I like my tendency to get sick right on the last day of vacation :/ 

    lol, how’re yall?

  23. Well morning or whatever. :P

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