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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Wow. That was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in weeks. :adorkable:

    Good morning! :grin:

  2. I seriously can’t believe it... I’m about to reach 30000 brohoofs!

    Can you all believe it? How is this even possible?


  3. Good evening everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  4. I just reached 1,000 posts and the rank of dragon! :yay: For me this is a huge accomplishment!

    Although it is nice to hit this goal, it isn't the main reason why I post here. The main reason is because I just love to post here on these forums, and it's a very amazing place with awesome staff members and users!

  5. Well my mom worked her magic and seems to have fixed my phone for the time being. So yay, I can chat with y’all tonight! But I should start planning to get a new phone. Don’t want to have to constantly worry when this thing will croak.

  6. I am back a little early from my absence, hope everyone's been doing well.

  7. Hmmm... well, I don't want to call it too early, but it looks like my phone might finally be DEAD-dead. It's been charging all day, but still isn't working. Which means I won't get to chat with you guys for a while, at least while I'm at work.

  8. Join Luna for some hot cocoa? :pinkiehat:


  9. Why do so many people hate the episode Baby Cakes?! I LOVE THAT EPISODE.

  10. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :dashcutehat:

    Ah, New Years Eve has come at last. :flutterhat:  The last day to wave farewell to 2019 and the decade of the 2010s :applehat:  Soon we will leave our blip on history and make comments like "That was so 10s" :applecutehat: 

    Image result for mlp new years

  11. Apparently, I'm ranked "Dragon" now. Never imagined I'd make this many posts here.


  12. Happy new years eve every-pony!!! :laugh: it just turned the 31st where I am / here in Australia :derp: :catface:


    (man, this meme is getting old...) :adorkable:

  13. Good morning! 

  14. My dad's coming home tomorrow. Me and my family will celebrate New Year in a hotel near the airport.

  15. The weather has been very warm for me the past few days - it's not normally like this around this time of year, I was expecting it to be very cold.

  16. Goodnight, everyone! I will see you all in the morning. :mlp_smug:

  17. I just accidentally ruined one of my Minecraft worlds that I've been working on for hours each day since Christmas (I made a ton of progress during that time period). I'm not too upset, just a little discouraged that I lost all that progress.

  18. Thanks for following me. :squee: Have a nice day. :POh, by the way, you have very cute avatar!:fluttershy:

  19. Good morning my sweeties! :kindness:

  20. Today has been quite an exciting one today. Me and my family went to a water themepark and it was epic! :kirin:

    Well, now that that's over, it's time to hit the hay. Good night, my friends! I'll see you all tomorrow! :coco:

    Image result for mlp pony sleep art

  21. Good morning everyone and how are you all right?  I am doing fine. :)

  22. Goodnight all. ^^

  23. Good morning, happy third day of Christmas, and happy Friday everypony! :squee:

    Happy Friday especially to a yellow pone I didn't send a message to earlier. ;) @Fluttershy Friend

    I hope you all have a great day and weekend. Keep on smiling and maybe share a smile with someone who needs one today. :)

    Oh, and of course we can't forget this. :yay:


  24. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas!


  25. Random picture of the week



    Anypony else thinking about summer holidays yet?


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