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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Why am I always doing this, laying down and falling asleep before bedtime?


    Anyway, goodnight.

  2. On my way back to the airport after an enjoyable few days with a friend overseas. You don't feel the time pass. :adorkable:

    Now to sIt around for 3 hours waiting for my flight whilst being tempted to buy junk I don't need. :yeahno:

    How has everyone's week been? ^_^

  3. Goodnight everypony 

  4. I have a math test today. I understand the concepts, but I don’t expect to pass, which is annoying but fine. My husband brought me breakfast and set up my laptop and test space so I wouldn’t have to worry about either of those things. He’s so sweet. <3

  5. Good morning everypony 

  6. Am I a good friend?

  7. t-t-today somep-p-pony made the m-m-mistake of watching Smile HD I willll nev-v-ver feel the s-s-same again :sealed:


    i feel very wrong...


  8. Sorry I haven’t been very active today, I’ve been at work since 2. I get off in three hours though, yay! :P

  9. Time for bed, goodnight friends! 

    Hope you’re having a nice time! 🦋909D9532-12C9-4777-8F7D-519636250238.gif.c13607082738c560dc3c44e243b13f6f.gif

  10. Good evening everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  11. 7731CA75-7272-46B6-8E01-D97FB46E0EBF.thumb.png.35548caf7c486dc35f2b0463dce9ec5f.png

    little doe wearing a ribbon, ain’t that sweet? 

    Artwork by Loyaldis

  12. Good afternoon everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing. :)

  13. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :dash:

    Have a song today. :darling:  Kick back and relax to a tune I feel is often too forgotten. :balloon:


  14. Sorry you guys, but the princesses are busy right now!


  15. I'll be back...…...sometime

  16. Thank you for following me! ^_^

  17. Hi friends,

    how is your day?

  18. Damn, I fell asleep again.

    Goodnight all.

  19. Have a free hug :P

  20. How is everypony doing?

  21. Hope you're all having a good day!


  22. Hi friends,

    how is your day?

  23. Goodnight everypony 

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