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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. so I accidently deleted every song off my phone, and I had like 400-500 songs on there...fun...

  2. Over 20,000 brohoofs! I couldn’t have done it without my amazing friend here. You pones are awesome! :yay:


  3. Hi epic, How are you? :coco:

  4. Hi epic, How are you? :coco:

  5. I hate it when days go by super-slowly when you are bored with nothing to do. Unfortunately, it feels like everyday is like that for me. I don't have hardly anything to do, which leaves me with hours of boredom. I'm trying to get a job, but it's taking a really long time, and I feel like getting a job is just going to make me feel worse anyways.

  6. I hate it when days go by super-slowly when you are bored with nothing to do. Unfortunately, it feels like everyday is like that for me. I don't have hardly anything to do, which leaves me with hours of boredom. I'm trying to get a job, but it's taking a really long time, and I feel like getting a job is just going to make me feel worse anyways.

  7. I feel horrible right now. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I guess I still have a ton of depression in me after all. I wanted to believe that I was recovering, but with how frequent bouts of depression are happening to me I am beginning to doubt that I will ever recover. I just want to die now and end this suffering.

  8. how's people today? personally i'm very very okay. very in the middle. not good, not bad. just... okay.

  9. Morning friends 

    have a wonderful day / night 

    love you 🦋💖


  10. Morning friends 

    have a wonderful day / night 

    love you 🦋💖


  11. Morning friends 

    have a wonderful day / night 

    love you 🦋💖


  12. Cold getting worse. Everything aches. Want the pain to stop

  13. Today, all of my teachers are not working and I basically have a free day.

    Today, I am sick as peck.


  14. *Looks out my window to see it's a beautiful, sunny day*

    Oh, lovely! Guess I won't be needing my coat tod--

    *Steps outside and instantly freezes*

  15. Goodnight everypony 

  16. preparing for work, bye

  17. Made myself a new profile picture! 




  18. Good morning everypony 

  19. And now for the Great and Powerful Trixie's newest disappearing act. 279A5D78-1505-4972-803B-1850157FE48D.png.3864c79802afc90e75c4f409202d7083.png


  20. *casually slides into forums*

    Well, hello there.

  21. *casually slides into forums*

    Well, hello there.

  22. I must leave now, I have an appointment.


    Farewell again.

  23. *casually slides into forums*

    Well, hello there.

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