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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Well. I got my new hairstyle. Can anyone say TAYLOR SWIFT?!? :ButtercupLaugh: I am so f**king in love with my hair right now :wub: Hair stylist did an EXCELLENT job. 





  2. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :dash:

    Happy Moon Day to ya'll and welcome to the weekday. :muffins:  Is welcoming somepony to the weekday a thing? :huh:  Meh, it is now. :proud:  Everypony deserves a welcome party. :pinkie:  Even brought a DJ. :blue_baloon:


  3. Night people

  4. couldn’t avoid the first major twilight spoiler, so why would I have been able to avoid the largest end of the series twilight spoiler


  5. A day in and I’m already falling apart and everything is going wrong I just can’t take it anymore I hate school

  6. Happy Moonday everypony! :LunaMCM:


  7. Hey every-pony ^^ :laugh: how are we all doing today? :mlp_icwudt: :catface:


  8. Morning friends 

    have a lovely day & love you!

  9. Goodnight everyone and have a great rest of your day. :)

  10. Just saw something on Twitter and had a hilariously stupid idea.

    Who's up for a game of tag, but with tasers?

    EDIT: How about flashlight tasers... in the dark? I'd pay money to do that.

  11. How is everypony doing?

  12. Goodnight everypony 

  13. The death of celebrities like Kobe always makes me wonder what I'll be known for when I'm gone.

    Is that weird?

  14. Wish me luck at work today. 

  15. EEEEE I did it!!!! I got my wings!! My long-standing forum goal is now complete! :yay:

  16. Good morning everypony! Happy best day of the week! :pinkie:

    I was thinking about changing it up a little this week, but then I had a thought that beat it. How about I don't. :ticking:


    Have a great day everyone. :D

  17. Good morning everypony!

  18. Goodnight everyone 

  19. Fell asleep on the floor again, bleh.

    Goodnight, it's time to bleh sleep again, bleh. :P

  20. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :wub:

    It's Friday!  Wooooooo! :love:

    Related image

  21. I got a new computer desk. :oh_golly: 




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