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Supernova Energy

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Status Replies posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :wub:

    It's Friday!  Wooooooo! :love:

    Related image

  2. How is everypony?

  3. Oh wonderful, it snowed again. Guess it's time to shovel...

  4. Well, goodnight, se ya'll tomorrow!:yay:

  5. Yo I actually liked Philosophy 

  6. Good evening everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  7. Good morning everypony 

  8. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :dash:

    I think the holidays really messed with my sleep schedule. :huh:  I've been staying up a lot later than I use to, even if the time to get up is the same. :maud:  Too easily distracted by videos. :wacko:  I fear the crash that will inevitability happen. :sealed:

    Have an AJ! :toldya:


  9. Good afternoon everyone and how are you all doing?  I am doing fine. :)

  10. 1000 posts!

    and 3 1/2 years on this site. So if you take 1000 and divide by 3 1/2...

  11. *Yawns* Ugh. I feel suddenly overtaken by an urge to fall into bed. Guess my body's telling me I should sleep. :scoots:

    G'night forum folk! Pleasant dreams, and see you all in the morn'.


  12. Good morning everypony 

  13. Goodnight everypony.

  14. Morning, friends. Happy Tuesday. This pone hasn't had his coffee yet.

    'Tis a slooooow morning.


  15. That inevitable time is upon us when all good ponies must return to their stables and hit the hay. I shall be leading the way. Goodnight everypony! See you next time!

  16. Well, goodnight all.


  17. WOOHOOOOO! I won taday on brohoofs as well!:pinkie:

    I wanted to thank everyone, and make a shoutout to @Deerie who helped me with 100+ brohoofs in just seconds! Thank you very much, and that goes for everyone!:kirin:

    And good night, I'm off to bed.:fluttershy:


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