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Count Paradox

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Status Replies posted by Count Paradox

  1. Hey, you! Quick! 'A' has just been hugged by 'B'! 'B' is asleep and doesn't realize this! What does 'A' do? Does 'A' hug 'B' back or just look embarrassed?

  2. Hey, you! Quick! 'A' has just been hugged by 'B'! 'B' is asleep and doesn't realize this! What does 'A' do? Does 'A' hug 'B' back or just look embarrassed?

  3. Hey, you! Quick! 'A' has just been hugged by 'B'! 'B' is asleep and doesn't realize this! What does 'A' do? Does 'A' hug 'B' back or just look embarrassed?

  4. My God, am I flirting? I hate myself. xD

  5. My God, am I flirting? I hate myself. xD

  6. My God, am I flirting? I hate myself. xD

  7. My God, am I flirting? I hate myself. xD

  8. My world just got a little dark and sad, but I think it's okay now.

  9. anybody got some good minecraft mods for a newbie like me?

  10. anybody got some good minecraft mods for a newbie like me?

  11. Hm, today is a fine morning. Hopefully the world will be happy today, as it is never in a good mood.

  12. Hm, today is a fine morning. Hopefully the world will be happy today, as it is never in a good mood.

  13. Hm, today is a fine morning. Hopefully the world will be happy today, as it is never in a good mood.

  14. Hm, today is a fine morning. Hopefully the world will be happy today, as it is never in a good mood.

  15. Question: when buying a frame for a poster, should I get one exactly 11x17 (the size of the poster), or one that's slightly larger?

  16. No matte who you are, all humans have two things in common. We live and die.

  17. WRE-E-E-CK ME. sure thing Miley Cyrus, but you've a,ready done that to yourself :D

  18. WRE-E-E-CK ME. sure thing Miley Cyrus, but you've a,ready done that to yourself :D

  19. 13th Friday... I bet it'll be same as all other days... as usual

  20. WRE-E-E-CK ME. sure thing Miley Cyrus, but you've a,ready done that to yourself :D

  21. Cat, get your butt out of my face.

  22. Cat, get your butt out of my face.

  23. Cat, get your butt out of my face.

  24. Nothing like killing a spider with a wet floor sign and Windex.

  25. Can't wait to play Outlast tomorrow! :D

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