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Count Paradox

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Status Replies posted by Count Paradox

  1. Goodnight peoples.

  2. These Tortila chips and salsa complete my life.

  3. How is everyone tonight?

  4. YEAH it's not confidential, I've got potential, rushin and rushin aroouuund

  5. YEAH it's not confidential, I've got potential, rushin and rushin aroouuund

  6. Has anyone else washed their hands, then were to lazy, like me, to dry off with a towel...so, you just do the fuckin' helicopter for 2 minutes, and looked like an idiot untill they dried off?....Just asking.

  7. Feather Gem wants to post Part One of her three part comic thing. Feather Gem can't be bothered. Feather Gem will try but probably will end up not doing it until tomorrow....today. It is 1:40AM for Feather Gem. Maybe Feather Gem should sleep instead. Feather Gem will sleep instead. Feather Gem will post this useless status anyway.

  8. Woah woah woah... New post rank badges? Awesome!!! :D

  9. I am freaking BEAMING right now! I have the greatest friends in all of creation!

  10. gah, i can't sleep...

  11. So my friend (who owns a store I hang out at frequrently) was confused by the existence of bronies and decided to figure out what it was about. He looked online, found Bass Cannon, and thought it was from the actual show. He was disappointed when I showed him an actual episode :P

  12. Gah, tired and too much creative stuff going on in my mind to actually even THINK about focusing in my class...

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