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Tom Gallagher

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Status Replies posted by Tom Gallagher

  1. Goodnight everyone.

  2. Heyo~



    I live somewhat

    Though i must say i'm disconnecting with mlp a lot more than i had hoped.. maybe i'm starting to move on from ponies, i don't know-
    I love the people i met but..i no longer see the show or anything nor is the hype still there for me.
    Why? i don't know - my everchanging mind, i suppose?



    I hope all has been well
    I'm going to keep my discord/DA on profile as of now just incase but.. I don't know about remaining active on pony related content.

    One can say I shifted to another fandom? one my folks would accept more easily than mlp'
    i've been in the mlp fandom for a very long time, not on this site but on other places, yes;;


  3. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :mlp_yeehaa:

    Hopefully Moonday was a pleasant enough entry into the week for y'all :darling:  Mine was pleasant enough, was an easy day that ended with a bang :derp:  The results of such, remain unknow :blink:

    Shocked Luna?

  4. Here comes yesterday’s question:

    Around BC 47, Julius Caesar is said to have written to his senate the phrase “Veni, vidi, vici” after he achieved a quick victory against who of the following?

    A. Amantius XVI

    B. Xerxes I

    C. Appian

    D. Pharnaces II

    This was…



    D. The phrase translates to “I came, I saw, I conquered.”


    Here comes today’s question:

    What was World War II referred to by Ireland?

    A. The Big One

    B. The Troubles

    C. The Greater War

    D. The Emergency

  5. It all started with them...


    How goes it, my crowd? :orly:

    Hope everyone had a good Monday. Mine was fine, a bit busy getting price quotes for stuff. Which reminds me...

    Quantify stuff. When you take the guess-work out of it, you no longer have anything to fear. Instead, you have a goal to overcome.


    One cannot take on demons or the supernatural, but if the challenge you face is as mortal as you are, then you can find the strength to take on every challenge ahead of you.

    You can apply that kind of knowledge to financial matters. If you assume something is terribly expensive, you might shy away from it, thinking it's just too much. New furniture? New electronics for your house? New car? New monthly service? There's many things that we might deny ourselves simply because we believe that it's "too much" or that we "could never afford that". But let me ask you something... Do you actually know how much it costs, or are you just imagining a price in your head?

    Instead of fearing what you don't know, do some research. Learn actual prices for how much things cost. Do some comparison shopping. You might find that what you fear is mostly in your head; that the actual prices are a lot more fair or even cheaper than you realized. When you quantify things like this, you no longer have an unbeatable task built up in your imagination. Instead, you have a goal to work towards, something you might be able to accomplish after all.

    And that's just from a financial standpoint. With many things in life, when we stop fearing the unknown and make ourselves fully educated about stuff, it's always much easier to see the best way to advance.

    Take care, my crowd. B)

  6. Zzzz Zzzz time for nini for real this time! :muffins: Hope everypony has a magical Tuesday! 


  7. What a wonderful day I had! My job in IT is super cool cuz I help everypony in my company succeed in their mission. And I get lots of compliments because I am knowledgeable in my field, but I am kind and empathetic, and NEVER make anypony feel small or unintelligent if they need my assistance. :fluttershy: I just remind them that I could NEVER hope to do their job either, and it takes a team where everypony works together to make BIG things happen. Sleep well my friends! ;)


  8. Good morning everyone 

  9. My dad noticed my mouse pointer which is shaped like Rainbow Dash flying, and said he really liked it, that it was neat.     They’ve known I liked the show ever since I started watching it as a teen, but my dad has never acknowledged it. Which is no big deal, but I always kinda thought that maybe he had the stance of “That’s a little weird, but you do you.” 

    So hearing him finally acknowledge it, and it being positive felt pretty good, and a little weird too cause he isn’t really the type of guy to like stuff like that, haha.


  10. Goodnight and take care

    Sry again to @PawelS for overlooking your reply at first, but I included you now ^-^

    I was for a couple of days wondering whether I should post this picture first, but decided against it in the end. Still ist must be at least postet at second position



  11. Goodnight everypony.

  12. Good morning everypony! :) 


  13. Well, it's time for me to go to sleep. goodnight every-pony :laugh: ^w^ :catface:


  14. Goodnight everyone 

  15. Screenshot_20220516-170508.thumb.png.e3907a1870719ea5a7c3a8f902e689b5.png

    Nightmare Moon and Elise Bloodthirst, the latter is possessed by Foniàs, one of my few villain OCs.

    The art is not complete. I decided to create a new ear design for bat ponies/ thestrals.

  16. Good evening, everypony. Tonight is Monday of May 16!

  17. Good morning everypony.  How's it going? :mlp_yeehaa:

    I  hope y'all had a most lovely weekend :squee:  Already the weather is starting to turn against me :mlp_gag:  Can't enjoy Spring when the outside wants to already sneak into the 100s :dry:  Oh well, stay indoors I suppose :nom: 



  18. Hello there, my crowd! Welcome to my Weekly Musings: Orange Edition. :mlp_icwudt:

    [I ❤ JAPAN] -- [I ❤ THE COLOR RED] -- [I ❤ CELESTIA]

    Police STOP - Emoticon Point Right Feel free to leave a video request. Your video will eventually be featured in a future Weekly Musings entry! Point Left STOP - Emoticon Police

    No door into summer? No door into summer. 204077.gif Let's talk, my crowd.

    sun.png.8ab21d7000bfb88f283da8c5e2f104cc.png The biggest thing that happened this week was my uncle's birthday. :) Considering my mother's wasn't too long ago, I am beginning to thing there is a family history of TRYING to keep birthdays as close together as possible... Anyways, my uncle had a great birthday. He got many gifts, including a very special surprise that meant a lot to him. My mother really went above and beyond to make that happen.

    twi.png.f9a8f7839a12a89136cd0641ade8efb0.png I wasn't aware that doing new things would set me back. :ooh: I've been making art for others, art for myself, and I've been exploring Pokémon Omega Ruby (I once played the original Ruby a long time ago, so I wanted to explore this remake). I'm having fun of course, but you'll have to keep reading to see how this has set me back...

    sun.png.8ab21d7000bfb88f283da8c5e2f104cc.png The trailers keep coming and they don't stop coming... I saw trailers for MLP G5 Make Your Mark, Avatar 2, and Rescue Rangers. The hype train doesn't slow down, it just makes pit stops. :proud:

    twi.png.f9a8f7839a12a89136cd0641ade8efb0.png I thought I'd be replacing the screen door this week. I asked for my uncle's help, but he refuses to do so until I've weighed all options. Thanks, uncle. Wasn't asking you to spear-head the operation, just wanted you to help me put in a new door. :dry: Either way, I'll be calling in a local business to see if a new piece of glass can be custom cut. It's not something I really want to do, to be honest. However, if it is the cheapest and easiest option, it might be worth looking into.

    sun.png.8ab21d7000bfb88f283da8c5e2f104cc.png SUPERHUMAN SAMURAI SYBER-SQUAD! HB4hUOc.png If I don't mention any healing scenes, you can rest easy, they're there. Likewise, if I don't get angry at the appearance of any PSA messages, it's because the episodes didn't do them. Be worried if I do mention them from now on.

    • Episode 27, a teen's tiny terror! I was WAITING for this adaptation! Sadly, it's so bad that it makes me want to shred my brain cells. I want to blame it on this being the cheapest adaptations in tokusatsu history, but even this show has enough regular extras make the original story work. Monster footage and plot come from Gridman 31. No contest this time, Gridman 31 is the winner. They hired a one-time extra to make this story work. They wanted to give Syd a lesson about being a human that makes errors, which was all ready done, but they did it at the cost of continuity and making sense. (Considering what happened when I watched episodes 30 & 31, I may need to reevaluate episodes like this, because they might not be in proper order...)
    • Episode 28, no boys allowed. Monster footage comes from Gridman 20, plot is original. The first few minutes with Kilo and Malcom are so rewarding continuity-wise, can we either pretend the previous episode didn't happen or just assume it belongs somewhere later in the series? The rest of the episode, a bit cringe-worthy at first, is a clever use of stock footage. Best of all, there is no “technology doesn't work that way” moment. And with one comment, the lunch lady might just be the smartest character on the show. Once again no contest, SSSS wins! It's rare, but when they make a good episode, they REALLY make a good episode!
    • Episode 29, bad hair day? Monster footage and some of the plot comes from Gridman 19 (or maybe a little bit of Gridman 35). Wait, they actually acknowledged monsters getting a metal upgrade?! Has this always been a thing?!?! After that, it's the same old schlock. It's hard to pick a winner here. Both had moments that were vital to show, but both had their own brand of stupid as well. I never thought I'd say this considering the original is about a magazine model somehow getting a job as police woman, but both win. It's a tie.
    • Episode 30, an unscheduled mess. The plot is completely original; monster footage comes from Gridman 27. While this episode doesn't do anything wrong per se, it's just so cut and dry that I'd swear this was meant to be played earlier in the series. Perhaps some episode shuffling is in order? It's hard to compare an episode about kidnapping and toys come to life against a boring yet sane episode about messing with a school's computer. I have to call it another tie. Both win.
    • Episode 31, revolution never televised. Monster footage comes from Gridman 18, plot is original if not a bit dumb. Oh yeah, this episode confirms that these episodes are either aired or shuffled in a bad order. This episode invented the Dragon Canon, despite seeing it episodes earlier. Although, it is refreshing to see Kilo make an actual attempt to trap and attack Servo personally. Vivacious vocal unveilings, I was not expecting a live action shot of voice actor Jess Harnell! And they even threw in some Malcom abuse without it being a joke! Dumb moments aside, this episode was mostly solid, and it didn't have any impossible reviving-the-dead moments like the original did. With some slight hesitation, I must admit, SSSS wins.

    twi.png.f9a8f7839a12a89136cd0641ade8efb0.png NO DONBROTHER OR REVICE THIS WEEK! osnb5Gt.png nynjRij.png I got so enamored with everything else, that I just didn't have the time. I'll get back on it soon. I really do want to make room for all the programs I plan to watch.

    sun.png.8ab21d7000bfb88f283da8c5e2f104cc.png MLP TYT 09: Twilight's Influence? :ticking: Oh dear... Not only do we have another good story-driven episode, but we have something that is going to make the fans go wild with speculation. Is it possible that this unique unicorn holiday was inspired by Twilight Sparkle and they don't even realize it? The acronym fits TOO well. I never thought we'd get to actually see Trotformers, but here we are! The first official, actually animated crossover. It's good to see Sunny is still as studios as ever, even if this holiday slipped her mind. I like that Izzy's friends were honest when they got caught and still did the right thing. This episode could have been really bad, but it was quite solid! ...And why was Izzy struggling to lift a box with magic when she lifted an entire unicorn trap a few episodes ago? Is she secretly a magical prodigy but only when she isn't thinking about it too hard?

    That's all for now, my crowd. B) Take care, and see things clearly.

    VIEWER WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE. I don't fully approve of all the opinions expressed in this video. I do think you should support things legally whenever possible and if it's not going to ruin your moral compass in any major ways (Don't default to piracy, please!). I also enjoyed DBZ when I was younger; still do to many regards. However, this video highlights a contradictory argument to "overhyping". A problem that exist in anime, but also can be extended to just about anything that hasn't been released yet. So if you're willing to be enlightened, please check out "Anime's Imaginary Problem" by Scamboli Reviews.

  19. I am not as interested in watching my shows, including MLP, as I used to be, and I am more interested in the fandoms nowadays.

    I feel like I'm slowly losing my spirit as a fangirl. Does anyone have suggestions on what to do?


  20. Another weekend come and gone. I wonder what delights await me this coming week? I do hope that everypony has a wonderful night’s rest, and an even better Monday! Make it a great day or not, the choice is YOURS! D11FE36C-F7D4-4DBA-A695-613ED4C04FEF.png.7050b73741f3e8e0f677b63008881694.png

  21. AHHH YEAH the only reason why I wake up and visit this site...... So I can get that number....Screenshot_2022-05-16-09-15-44-166_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.d9d946323814badfaa5cb565fe87e934.jpg

  22. *to herself* Gosh, I sure do like it here. It's been ages since I've been on a forum. I hope I can avoid faux pas.

    *looks at pony emoticons as she's replying to posts* Should I choose the pony that looks happy and is possibly laughing or the pony that looks happy and surprised? D-does it matter?


  23. ohh yeah, I almost forgot. :O May 27th 2016 is when I made my OC and May 30 2016 is when I made my account / is when I first hopped onto the MLP Forums. yeah, those are some pretty important mile-stones. :laugh: man, I still cant believe Solar Flare is already 6 years old. damn!!! :sunbutt: I tell ya, Solar Flare has been more than just an OC. he has been a bro to me. I mean, he perfectly represents who I am, in pony form, and I put a lot of my heart and soul into the design of my OC. every color / design has a meaning behind it. (yellow is my favourite color, red is the color of my favourite team in motorsport, black is my hair color IRL, etc.) I tell ya, he looks perfect. *chefs kiss* I love Solar Flare and I will never stop loving him :ticking:


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