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Bright Honor

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Status Updates posted by Bright Honor

  1. Hedgehog!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Philosophy Pony

      Philosophy Pony

      :0 jellin! That's what I want for my Birthmas this year. (Birthmas=Birthday + Christmas)

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Cool. It is fun.

    4. Philosophy Pony

      Philosophy Pony

      Brohoof to that /)* anything Sonic has to be fun ^^

  2. Late, but happy bday!

  3. Anyone here planning on getting PS4?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      I like 360, but PS3 gives you more bang for your dollar.

    3. Nas


      Meh, I never look at Nintendo, Sony or MS with who's superior. I buy all of their games and am happy with it.

    4. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Yeah imo when it comes to PS3, 360, and Wii, there was no definitive winner.

  4. Did good on my report card! :)

    1. Nas


      Congrats! Try to better again next grading period.

    2. Bright Honor
  5. Batman: Arkham Origins!

    1. Radiance64
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      :D there is also Arkham Origins Blackgate heading to 3DS and Vita.
    3. Radiance64
  6. Babs Seed Babs Seed What We Gonna Do?

  7. Downloaded Super Mario Bros. 3 :)

    1. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Wii Virtual Console.

  8. Ok how do I fix a tag? cuz my art piece ended up in video evn though I could have sworn I clicked visual art.

  9. I miss my dad. Haven't seen him in months. :/

  10. Quick! Celestia needs rescuing from Ganon!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Otter


      I skipped two grades.

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      WOW! You must be really smart.

    4. Otter


      Heh, no.

  11. I got Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon!

  12. Would it be okay if I added you on skype? :)

  13. Hear about Equestria Girls?

  14. I am withering away for this girl...

    1. Veronica The Miffvixen

      Veronica The Miffvixen

      I know that feel... BAD.

  15. Are you actually on?!

  16. I had a bucket of nails for breakfast...without any milk.

  17. Not a big fan of the banner...

    1. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight


    2. Veronica The Miffvixen

      Veronica The Miffvixen

      Dude, Feld0 didn't have any other April Fools plans, so I capitalized on the opportunity.

  18. Is it bad that sometimes I feel like the guy that people smile at when in person, but laugh at me when I walk away sometimes?

  19. I officially give up on making ask threads.

  20. Battle of the Gods is out in Japan theaters today! Cha La Head Cha La!

  21. Lovely avatar! :)

    1. Shift


      Thank you! I just found some cool deviantart picture and cropped it.


    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Very lovely. I wish I could draw like that!

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