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Bright Honor

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Status Updates posted by Bright Honor

  1. I am thinking of a attempting a poem about Luna tommorow

  2. I used to dislike Chrysalis, but now that I have seen more of her I find her to be an interesting character

  3. Just drew a picture of Lin from The Legend of Zelda

  4. Luna, thou have elected to push a pie in my face today. You are awesome, however thou must be punished! Prepare to be tickled!*tickles Luna*

  5. Friendship really is magic

    1. Lunatic


      hey friend! *pushes a pie in his face*

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      *Licks face* Yum that was good thank you Luna! However I ust get you back...I heard you were quite ticklish.*Proceeds to tickle Luna*

  6. Goodnight everypony!

  7. The 3DS XL came out today!

    1. Shiki


      ... So that makes about 90,289 versions of the DS, now.

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      ^I see what you did there :P

  8. I just got a Dairy Queen Blizzard yay! hehe U Jelly? XP

    1. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      so did i:3 i got oreo:3

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      I got Vanilla Reeses!

  9. I once had indea for a Megazord made from the Mane 6 pets! lol

    1. Argent Artique

      Argent Artique

      dude, that idea is freakin' awesome, you or someone should make that

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      I tried once. Didn't turn out so well....

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      See Tank would form the head and main body, Winona and Angel would form the legs, Opal and Gummy would form the arms, and Owloyscious would form the wings for flight.

  10. I have been playing TLoZ; A Link to the past on Wii. I need 74 more rupees to get the flippers. So...anyone got any rupees they don't need?

    1. Iudex


      I would lend you some, but some guy stole them when I was traveling in the. Skeleton Forest.

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Aww gosh darnit!

    3. Solar Wind

      Solar Wind

      I play on my snes...

      Sorry I got so many rupees I dont know what to do with them!

  11. What will Trixie break first next season? Twilight's spirit or her body? ;)

  12. For those of you who play Zelda, you know Pipsqueak the colt? I don't know why, but when I see Pip, I see a bit of Link in him.

  13. After days of consideration, I have decided....I consider Princess Luna to be Best Pony!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      I guess you are older than me!

    3. Lunatic


      we approve of this.

    4. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Ah so happy with my choice!

  14. If those pics from ED are legit....seems like Trixie may end up being Ponyville's reckoning. The question is: What will she break first? Twilight's Spirit? Or her body?

  15. If Nintendo releases a sequel to Super Mario 3D land....I will get it the day it releases!

    1. Nas


      Doubt it. It doesn't really need a sequel. NSMB2 is all we need right now.

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Eh, still. Games like SM3DL have so much potential and IMO NSMB 2 will be fun but not as good as SM3DL.

  16. So yesterday I went to Price Chopper to pick up a magazine. After i pay for it, it starts POURING out! So I walked home in the rain, which lead to me getting DRENCHED. As soon as I step in my room, guess what? It gets all nice and sunny out!!!!!

  17. I'm Looney For Luna Puffs!!!!

  18. Happy 50th Birthday Spiderman!:

    1. Skullbuster



    2. SPLinux
    3. Vaporeon


      Is that today? Huh I though it already happened a few days ago. In that case,

  19. Thinking of awesome ideas for a Nintendo theme park

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Zebroop this is a Nintendo theme park, not a horror-theme park.

    3.  spas-ticShotty


      If there's a Bullet Bill roller coaster, it has to be like Top Thrill Dragster or Kingda Ka. If you don't know what they are like, look it up. Then, it'll make sense :P

    4. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Also have the entrance gate be called The Warp Zone.

  20. Six Flags was great!!!

    1. I used to be a stranger
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Well I rode the Joker's Wildcard, Catwoman's Wip, a water ride, The Mind Eraser, Tea Cup ride, and more

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