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Casey Pones

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Everything posted by Casey Pones

  1. I get what you're saying but I think MLP already has a good balance of redeemable and irredeemable villains. On one side you have Nightmare Moon, Discord and the Pony of Shadows. On the other you have Lord Tirek, Cosy Glow and Queen Chrysalis.
  2. I was the Hearth's Warming helper for TheRockARooster. Lucky for both of us I found a quote about friendship and food. Thank you hoovever made mine. I've never received a badge before on this site, does anyone know if you can get a closer look at it?
  3. I can only speak to my own experiences. I have never found a school, college or university that I truly enjoyed. And I think they and education as a whole let me down and left me feeling bitter. My whole life I was given the message that education was important, that it would mean the difference between a well-paying, exciting and gratifying job and slaving away for life in a burger bar or as a cleaner. Those two were portrayed as the lowest legal jobs in society. Well I did the whole education thing for my whole childhood, got dragged through exams, even put myself though some higher education. But when I applied for jobs... nothing! No one thought I was qualified enough for anything, not even burger bars or cleaning! I applied for both. Now I look back on all those years I slaved away in schools and I think... "What was the point of all that? Where did it get me? I did education and I ended up with less with what I was warned about." Also, when I moved out I found there were a ton of things I had no idea how to do for myself. If the point of education is to prepare us for life on our own then it failed me. With all the problems I have, what good are things like times tables, playing the recorder, cursive writing or the Tudor monarchs? And I'm not the only on who thinks so. Although I don't agree with everything the School of Life says, I do agree on their proposition for reforming schools. And documentarian Keven Perjurer mentioned the problems with education in his video in Kid Cities Here is a list of things that I think schools should change their curriculum to. I'm not saying general knowledge is a bad thing. In my adulthood like to learn things just to fill in the gaps in my knowledge, especially with history. But these are things I think all schools should include and focus on. In ascending order... 15 How to use a phone I know teenagers are infamous for doing this in school anyway but still what does the +44 at the beginning of numbers mean and how do you type that into a phone? Do you add it onto the end, do you replace numbers? And what do the various sounds it makes mean? It it busy, was I disconnected, is the number invalid? 14 Human history I know schools already teach history but I don't remember it being a very complete history or well organised. My brother was taught the Tudors every year for 3 or for years in a row. Normally when we start a movie or video game we're given a prologue to bring us up to speed and give us the feeling we're acclimated. Not with life. For so long I thought WW1 and WW2 were the same thing and didn't know what the Soviet Union was. I think history should be taught as a way for us all to understand how our world got to where it is. It should start us off with the stone age and give us an overview of the whole thing up to the present, teachers of each year picking up where our last one left off. 13 How to use public transportation. Unless you have a car this is essential. And yet I found I had no idea how to read train timetables, figure out which line I wanted or which platform they stopped at. Busses were even harder, at least trains list all the stations on their route and announce the next stops. I was shocked when I found out busses don't do that like they do in movies and tv. I got stranded once in bucketing rain because I got off to early because I thought the bus didn't go near where i wanted. One time I was standing in the snow trying to figure out the sign on the bus stop and didn't see my bus coming so it went right past me. Also it took a few tries to learn it's not enough to stand at a bus stop, you have to flag them down too. 12 How to repair things. Since we all surrounded with appliances, devices and machines, many of which are responsible for life as we know it, know how to fix them ourselves or at least their minor problems would be useful and save us some money over calling a repair man. My fuse-box has tripped many times but the closed thing to an education I received on that was that scene in the power plant in Jurassic Park. 11 How to clean At one point I saw some footage of a girl's school where they were supplied with mock apartments and taught how to clean them. I thought it was the most sexist, condescending thing I'd ever seen. But now I think, why don't they tech us this? Cleaning is something everyone who can't afford a staff of servant needs to know. I've been confounded by so many cleaning things... what do all the little symbols on laundry items mean? How often do I change sheets? What kind of cleaning agent do you use on certain stains and moulds? The tumble dryer has a thing called a condenser? 10 How to cook and get our food. I know this is possibly covered in home economics but none of my schools ever had it. Since we are what we eat I would consider it very important how to do this so we don't fall in the trap of ordering takeout every night. Because there are so many things that can can happen with sharp utensils, hot metals, boiling water and risk of food poisoning. Also since we need food to survive we should all know where to get it, which ones are healthy and buy it cheaply. I know to avoid UPFs but I don't know what constitutes one. And do you know how many people mistakenly think GMOs are bad for you? And close on the heels of this... 9 How to take care of our health. This is a more intimate and vital issue then maintaining our devices. How much exercise we need, what kind and how do to it. The whole workings of our bodies and how to care for them. What kind of nutrition and how much of it. What our risks of infection are, where they come from, what they do to us and how to prevent them. Upon being given our body we are left with no care or instruction manual. And I would put our mental health inhere. Things happen in life, and it can be hard to know when you need mental support let alone what kind or where to get it. 8 History of racism. No I am NOT advocating for any kind of racist ideology to be taught in school. But what I think needs to be taught is which races have suffered discrimination, what those wrong racist beliefs were and what is found offensive. Otherwise it could lead to all sorts of unwittingly hateful moments. When I was young I had one of those electric cars you could ride in. One day I wanted to dress it up as a police car. I made a sign to go on the side with a star but those are tricky to draw so 2 triangles on top of each other. so there I was trundling through the neighbourhood in a toy car with something like the star of David under the word POLICE. Fortunately I got away with it. You know that bit in Family guy where Stewie's talking about dogs in a dumpster and Brian says ""Don't joke about it, that's like the holocaust for us!" That was the first time I'd ever heard that word. 7 How to socialize. I know it's said that school is where children develop their social skills but not always. Some of us don't just pick it up. We're not alone because we choose to be. It's because we have no idea how to strike up a conversation with someone we don't already know or what the boundaries are. And it's not just for companionship, humans are social creatures, deprived of human contact we literally go insane. This could be a matter of mental health. The world needs a real School of Friendship. 6 Safety signs. I took a course in this as an adult. I couldn't believe I had gone this far in life not knowing that safety, warning and hazard signs were all strictly designed around universal rules and colour coded. I always thought the green thing that looked like a fire alarm was a fire alarm with a different choice in colour. 5 What your country is and it's values. I don't mean in a propaganda sense like Soviet Russia. But since we live in this country, shouldn't we know what kind of country is in terms of government, electoral system and what values it has? I imagine it's easy for Americans, they love to crow about it every 4th of July. But it's not so for countries that didn't have a crystallizing moment in their culture to mark. I'm British and for all my childhood I thought the Queen ruled the country just like the monarchs in the Disney movies I saw. And no one told me the value of democracy, civil government, the rule of law or trail by jury. I picked those up from episodes of the Simpsons, and that was just pure luck! 4 What the laws of your country are and what to do if you're in legal trouble. When you sit down to play a board game, you're explained the rules and what you're not allowed to do. You'll think the law you actually live under would be the same. Especially since you could get into real trouble without even knowing it. One time someone said they were going to sue me for slander based on the thing's I'd been saying about them. I had no idea how to handled this unfamiliar situation, how to get a lawyer, if that's what they're even called in this country. Also could I be sue for slander when I had in fact been telling people the truth? One time my neighbour handed my a document threatening to take me to court over the tree branches hanging from my garden. I didn't even know I could be held legally accountable for that. 3 How to think for ourselves Time was I sort of thought that out there was some kind of council of scientists, probably working under the UN, who divined through science what was and wasn't true and then those facts were put into all the school textbooks. I think I was shocked when I learned that scientists could differ on opinions and scientific "facts" could be overturned. Until 2 or 3 years ago I had gone my whole life thinking critical thinking skills meant vital skills for thinking. I had no idea they were about questioning things. 2 How to get a job and manage money. When you think about it, the whole point of education is to get a good job. And yet we are told nothing in all our education of how to find work. What a CV is, how to format one, write a cover letter, interview skills, how to find a position. As such I've been stumbling down numerous avenues of employment and finding nothing but dead ends. 1 How to deal with life. This is what should be taught in school above everything else. Life is full of labyrinthine corridors fraught with uncertainty, pitfalls, heartbreaks, disaster, failures and things that can make us want to give up on life altogether. And yet we have been given no education to deal with all this. We all have been thrown into the pool of life and expected to sink or swim. If we are here in life, if it is the purpose of education to prepare us for life, then it should be their #1 priority to teach us how to handle life. To understand ourselves and what we really need, to deal with what the next catastrophic event might be and to find our way through the murky, messy, at times deeply depressing thing called life we've found ourselves in.
  4. There is a little bit of the masculine vs feminine where Spike thinks he's a bit of a sissy as he wears a pink apron and lives with ponies. Then he goes to visit the dragon lands for the first time and realizes he's fine how he is. Ponies vs dragons could be viewed as a metaphor for feminine vs masculine and feeling pressured to conform to traditional gender roles. And there is a little LGBTQ content, in the last season... Still it's pretty toothless stuff that's easy to miss. You'd think a show like this would take a definite stand on the issue.
  5. If today, I were put in charge of a revived MLP FIM I would do this... First I would declare G5 non-cannon. I don't know if you've seen my other posts on the subject but I wrote an essay on why I think Make your Mark is terrible, how it made a mess of cannon lore. I think the only way to fix it is to wipe it out. So sorry if this would upset you G5 fans but it's non-cannon. Second I would start off the revived G4 from where it left off, not in the future where Twilight is a full grown alicorn, I mean just after she is crowned. I haven't read the season 10 comic yet so I don't know if it's covered these ideas already. I think it's sad that (as implied at least) Twilight and her friends only see each other once a month. But I know the last episode was a lesson about friends who move away and I don't want to tamper with cannon. So I'd have Twilight ruling in Canterlot and meeting her friends in council every month but also some contact with at least some of them in between. Third I would also bring back Equestria Girls as a full TV series to run parallel with the revived FIM. Forth, above all else, I would establish an open relationship between the two worlds. If like me, you've seen a lot of movies and tv, you'll have noticed that it's a if there's a universal law that magic must be kept secret. From isolated events like in the Pagemaster, Jumanji or most horror movies where the characters have a supernatural encounter and then never speak of it again. Or entire hidden magical societies like in Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Jake Long or Fairly Odd Parents. And I for one am sick of it. I think the human world learning that magic is real would be a story with a lot of potential. For better or worse it would be the greatest shift in human culture and understanding of reality. Bigger even then first contact with aliens, because at least aliens exist in the realm of science. The new series would open with an arc where the Equestria Girls are given a box like the Mane 6 got. They also learn that their pendants were sent to them by the Tree of Harmony, chosen to protect their world from Equestrian threats leaking into it. (Which I though was where the series was heading be fore they just seemed to forget about it.) At the season finale, some event happens to reveal Equestria to the rest of the human world. The girls eventually open the box and it becomes a castle for Sunset Shimmer containing a portal to Equestria. Sunset becomes an alicorn and is crowned a princess, who's role is to protect each world from the other while maintaining peace. She appoints the rest of the girls as official guardians, the 7 of them work to defend both worlds from threats from the other and are even worked into the local law enforcement. The human world learns of the existance of magic and Equestria. Sunset's castle becomes a kind of consulate for each world as well as an official portal where people from each world can visit the other. Fifth, I would bring back Luna and Celestia in some capacity. Maybe living their lives as ordinary citizens (maybe Celestia becomes a professional stage director?) or possibly having them re-crowned to help lead Equestria again. And I know The Last Problem was about accepting change and this could be viewed as back-pedalling. But I wouldn't want them just living in that retirement home forever. (Possibly) Sixth, I would make the rest of the Mane 6 alicorns. I know the last episode showed them as ordinary ponies in the cannon future but I have an idea to change that. Some villain travels back in time to do something evil during twilight's reign as leader. Followed close behind by the older Mane 6. A battle ensues and the rest of the Mane six become Alicorns. Everyone is baffled how this could happen until they work out that the villain's interference in the timeline caused this alteration to it. The current version of the future 6 disappear as their history is altered (much like Biff in Back to the Future part II) saying they can't wait to see how their history will be improved now that they will be alicorns. The rest of the Mane 6 are crowned and Twilight reorganises Equestria's leadership again, forming a royal council of the princesses Pinky, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Cadence, Luna, Celestia and Sunset Shimmer to rule Equestria with Twilight as queen. Also the Equestria Girls become alicorns too, although admittedly it's never been established just quite how the relationship between the human and Equestrian forms work. Personally I think the whole mane 9 should have become alicorns in the Ending of the End part 2. As for general episode topics and season story arcs... I would cover lose ends left by the series like what happened to Scorpan? How did the statue outside Canterlot High become a portal? What about the portal they found on that island? Did pony kind have contact with humans before? Is that why so many creatures and places from their world feature in human mythology? Where has Sunset Shimmer been living in the human world this whole time? I would also cover the origin of the princesses Luna and Celestia, feature more of the other species like the Kirin, add some more male recurring characters. And some new students at the School of Friendship, ones with disabilities that impede social interaction, like Autism. These episodes would not only teach neuro-typical viewers to acknowledge and get along with the neuro-diverse but also help the neuro-diverse to socialise. Something I think such people really need and FIM was lacking. I also have several ideas for arcs and episodes but I'd rather save those, in case I decide to write fan-fiction. Actually come to think of it, maybe I would start from the end of season 8 if possible as I don't like some of the directions taken in season 9.
  6. I found TYT's on-par 2D to be way more palatable than MYM's sub-par 3D.
  7. I actually started work on building my on world and I had the idea that their Christmas and New Years could be one four-day holiday.
  8. As I am writing this, it will soon be new years. As any followers of G4 and G5 will tell you, Equestria has many holidays that are parodies of our own. Valentine's = Hearts and Hooves Day Halloween = Nightmare Night Christmas = Hearth's Warming/Winter Wishday/Wishyhooves/Wishentine's But despite New Years being celebrated by so many cultures around the world, Equestria doesn't seem to have one for this. So if you were given the job of coming up for a New Years for Equestria... What would you call it? What kind of traditions would it have? What kind of celebrations and decorations? Also... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  9. As I am writing this it is 1:13Am local time Dec 31st. How do you like to celebrate New Year's or plan to celebrate it this year? What are some memorable New Years you remember? Here in Britain we have an annual variety show that marks the occasion called the Hootenanny that many people tune into. In 2013 I when to a open party at a local hotel with stand up comedians. As I got up to leave I lifted a glass and said "To 2013, may it finally dispel those myths about the end of the world!" Personally I didn't like that one much which is why I've settled on this annual tradition. I sit at home on New Year's eve and watch Rudolph's Shiny New Year, the only New Year's Movie there is. Then I tune in and wait for the biggest New Year's party in the country... Big Ben striking midnight and the massive fireworks display following. How about you? And one more thing... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  10. I thought... "It's a thread about what you are thinking at this moment."
  11. In the run up to Christmas I hadn't gotten around to buying the ingredients for my Christmas dinner. Then, the day before yesterday, there's a someone at my door. I open it and there's a man with a take-away tubs full of food. I told him I hadn't ordered anything but he said he was from the school across the street and they were giving out free full-Christmas dinners to people in the neighbourhood. I felt underserving as I wasn't homeless, aged or disabled but he insisted. So there it was, my Christmas dinner all taken care of! Last night, Christmas eve, I was a straggler at a local Christmas carnival. It was full of rides and stalls that were being closed up and out of the blue this young man grabs my attention. He and his friend had been running this gourmet sausage roll and pork pie stand. Since it was the last night they had some left over stock and asked if I would like as many as I wanted fir free! So I took one of each. As for myself, I recently participated in this site's Secret Santa event (which should really be called Hearth's Warming Helper.) I've been gathering up boxes of items to drop off at some local charity shops. And I've sent gifts to my grandma, parents and (for the first time) my young American niece. Specifically DVDs of some of the fist shows and movies I ever saw, namely... Santa Claus the Movie Wind in the Willows by Cosgrove Hall (film and series) Around the World with Willy Fog. These made my childhood, inspired me and I've never stopped loving them. I hope they can do the same for my niece. I think they will last longer and do for for her then any toy. Also, these shows and movies have largely been forgotten about and I like to think I'm introducing them to a new generation. Also (except for Santa Claus the Movie) I doubt she would ever see them in America.
  12. I hereby sign up. Some random facts about me... As a child, I went to the same school as Brendan Fraser. But not at the same time. I am autistic. I was once the subject in a tv documentary. I think the 1997 film Titanic is very overrated but don't think the film Batman & Robin is that horrible. My favourite book is A Christmas Carol and my 2 favourite film adaptations are The Muppets and the Jim Carry ones. As a child I thought sealing wax was wax you used on the ceiling. I still watch the movies and shows I watched as a child. My favourite holiday is Christmas. My favourite Christmas film is Santa Claus the Movie. I like to reuse the leftover milk at the bottom of my cereal bowl in my morning coffee. I have driven a real steam engine. In 2010 I made a short film that won a prize.
  13. I might be interested but 3 questions first. We're supposed to make badges? How? Is there some programme on here for that? You mentioned a charity, are we supposed to donate? Shouldn't this be called Hearth's Warming Helpers?
  14. Personally I think this special had the potential to be a lot better. The show was supposed to be about inclusion and respect for other cultures, this could esily have been a great way to express that. I'm British, when I was 7 my family moved to the Nederlands where I attended an American school, so you might say I was exposed to 3 different cultures and each one has different approaches to Christmas. You're probably American, so you're fully aware of the American version of Christmas and the figure of Santa Claus who lives at the North Pole and rides through the skies on Christmas night in a flying sleigh drawn by magical reindeer to deliver toys to the good children of the world. You hang your stockings, leave out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer and watch It's a wonderful life. The British have a similar version of the character that's been replaced by the American version. But to some Britishers, he's still called Father Christmas and he lives in Lapland. We gather around to watch The Snowman (the animated film, not the one about a serial killer.) Or Holy, the Christmas episode of the sitcom Bottom. And of course the royal speech. The Dutch however have an entirely different character. Sinterklaas, who's actually one of the precursors to Santa. Instead of the north pole or Lapland, Sinterklaas lives in Spain, comes over every Christmas on a ship and rides through the streets at night on horseback to leave toys. The children leave out wooden clogs with carrots for the horse. And that's just the tip of iceberg of the different ways different cultures celebrate the same holiday. Winter Wishday could have done the same thing. Go into how the 3 pony kinds have the same holiday but celebrate it differently. Thus teaching lessons on how to respect cultural differences and how they can be a good thing. the way I see it, they could have had everyone gathered round in the Brighthouse, Sunny would have said "On three... 1, 2, 3!" expecting everyone to say "Happy Winter Wishday!" but instead they get a cacophony of 3 different holiday names and greetings. It is only then do they find out that each pony kind has a different name and tradition for this holiday. At first they're a little at odds over this before they decide to work through it and respect each other's traditions. But Maretime Bay is preparing a holiday pageant which no longer jibes with everyone as the town is now full of unicorns and pegasi. A similar situation is brewing in Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood. The new 6 resolve the conflict by adapting their own pageant and having it broadcast live. The pageant now shows not only how the holiday began but how it began to differ between pony kinds but still revolves around the true meaning of the holiday. The lesion for us would be that we shouldn't squabble over differences over Christmas, to do so would be antithetical to the universal meaning of the holiday. Peace on Earth, goodwill to all. But instead we just follow them as they rush around trying to make everyone's holiday plans happen in time. We never even get to know what this holiday is about or how it started. On another note I was disappointed to see they no longer celebrate Hearth's Warming. But it makes sense as it's about how all pony kinds came together and the ponies of G5 no longer believed that happened. One thing I did like though, was the song which was a cunning parody of All I want for Christmas is You.
  15. I prefer TYT. The writing in general was better then MYM along with some of the story ideas. And I prefer TYT's on-par 2D animation over MYM's sub-par 3D animation.
  16. I want to post some thoughts and opinions I have on FIM. But there doesn't seem to be a place for that in the FIM section, only specific episode discussion. There is a section for "Beyond Equestria" but since this is FIM stuff, I don't this it is Beyond Equestria. So where do I post?
  17. I thought the movie was great and promised a lot of potential for the new show. And it could have worked if the writers had done a better job and respected all that established lore.
  18. I'm not 100% sure that's strictly true of all TV shows. As for running out of friendship problems. that's simply not true. They never covered autism, neuro-atypical people or other conditions that make it difficult to socialise. They could have brought in some such characters to study at the school and thereby teach kids how to interact with such people. And tech kids with these conditions that they have nothing to be ashamed of and how to interact with people.
  19. From a writer's perspective, is there a way around this problem? Does everyone feel the same way about protagonists?
  20. If it's true that neither fans or Hasbro wanted to move on from G4, why did it end? In fact I read that fans weren't that bothered by the end of G4. I think the problem was that G5 just wasn't that good. I made a long post as to why it isn't good and I stand by it. G5 had a huge amount of established lore to work with but it kept disrespecting that and mangling it's own storylines. To me, G5 has been what the Jurassic World films and Disney Star Wars has been to their originals. Studios stumbling around to make money without making the effort of their predecessors and thinking brand loyalty will make up for any bumbling on their part, forgetting that (as fans) we are acutely aware of the lore.
  21. I thought it was so bad I sought out a fan forum to join (this one) just to make my case abut how bad it is: Why Make Your Mark is terrible. - My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - MLP Forums And while I stand by everything I said, it is possible you're right and, by itself, G5 is an average kids show. Perhaps no worse then the majority of stuff they peddle to kids. But the thing about Friendship Is Magic is that it was above average. They made made a real effort for quality, something that few studios do these days. They cared more then making money and selling toys, which is amazing considering the original show was conceived to literally make money and sell toys. Perhaps the problem with G5 is, because G4 was so great and G5 was a direct continuation, it had some big horseshoes to fill. But at first it seamed like it could fill them. A New Generation was a better movie then the G4 movie, and the questions it brought up would have been great material for story arcs. But after raising our hopes it let us down. And people are at their lowest point, not when they have been down for a long time, but had their hopes lifted then brought down again. I still think it was a bad show but maybe it would have worked better if it had been a straight reboot. In some ways, it might as well have been.
  22. Do you mean where will you be able to see the show in 2025? If so I'm not bothered about DFC, Netflix or any other such medium. I've got Watch Cartoons Online. Or failing that, DVD.
  23. This feels like something a politician would say when asked a direct question. What does this mean? Are the G5 characters continuing on in a new show? Is G5 only going to be in comics? What will be cannon? Are they going to end the continuance and make an entirely new show? Is there going to be some kind of pony multiverse? Is there going to be some kind of rip in space and time that will allow G4 and 5 to merge? Cartoons were so much simpler when I was a kid. Cosgrove Hall's Wind in the Willows and Around the World with Willy Fog never left me so confused and uncertain across multiple mediums. Well I can, it's high time the media started making an effort again and treating this more as an art then a business. If times are troubled, you rise above it.
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