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Everything posted by GreyScholar

  1. Lets see if I can get a digital copy to send your way, I thought I had one but am having trouble finding it.
  2. I'm glad to see this, and everything seems to be in order with the character sheet. My apologizes for not posting before and making you double post. Glad to see a Paladin join the ranks of this adventure, I have a fondness for the class myself and I could perhaps even PM you a PDF of a little book I use for playing Paladins or knightly characters.
  3. @Queen Cassie Actually, a player of mine provided an idea as a solution for this: * Princess Celestia as the avatar of the Sun Queen. *Princess Luna as the avatar of the Moon Princess, and at one point stolen by Night Mare to become her avatar. *Twilight Sparkle, on ascending and becoming as princess, is chosen as the avatar of Luminance. *Princess Cadance as the avatar of Lashtada, in much the same way when she ascended. *Queen Chrysalis as the avatar of Kara. *Discord.as the avatar of the Unspoken. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This way we can keep deities as they are but also allow the above to be more power players.
  4. @Queen Cassie Well that is appreciated, glad to know that you are taking such an initiative despite being new to the system. Sadly while I have been a part of two of David's kickstarters for Ponyfinder and have played a few games of D&D 5e, the Star Pony tier getting my characters on the covers, I have yet to read his stories of FiMFic. I am more familiar with Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, and AD&D 2e though, so we seem to relate in that.
  5. @Queen Cassie Very nice, happy to hear! I look forward to seeing your character soon. How much experience do you have with D&D 5e, and in TTRPGs in general?
  6. Ponyfinder - Age of Adventure Equestria is a land of magic, joined by the allied Crystal Empire in more recent history, a nation built upon the principles of Harmony, Unity, and Friendship. Where ponies and other races may join together for a common cause, bringing about grand cities and close-knit towns. Where ponies may discover their destiny and pursue their dreams, show by a cutiemark that guides their lives. Following the three Divine Lights that are the holy sisters Celestia and Luna, joined by the crystal princess Cadance who are the avatars of their goddesses. Yet this land is also a place of danger and uncertainty, with a long past where legends and folklore can prove true with the appearance of many threats long forgotten. Also, not all believe in the ideals taught by the Divine Lights, that of Harmony and Friendship, selfishly following their own path without concern for others. With power to be gained and ancient secrets discovered not all is as it seems. Princess Celestia's sacred light hiding many things over the millennium she ruled alone as well as time before with her beloved sister. The Times of Discord, that of Eternal Night’s Fall, the Tyranny of the Shadow King, this and more that have revealed themselves to but a few. Now, with such examples as the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony and heroes older still record in lore, adventurers and others have come forth in to find adventure and fortune. To gain fame or infamy, uncover knowledge and lost artifacts of the past, to fight monsters and villains that others would tremble in fear at. Will you follow the call? That of adventure in an age where friendship is taught yet darkness and regrets can be found, of dangers and monsters, secrets and mysteries. So much can be found for the curious and strong of heart, the timid and the brash, the elegant and the hardworking. Character List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will be adding rules and information on the roleplay as time goes on. Playable Races: Earthbound (Earth Ponies), Unicorns, Pegasus, Gem Ponies (Crystal Ponies), Zebras, Drakehooves (Dragon Ponies, Eastern, Kirin), Leather Wings (Bat Ponies)*, Sun Ponies (Desert Ponies, Saddle Arabians), Short Legs (Think Flufflepuff, particularly with certain feats, or other shorter legged/smaller ponies), Hippogriffs, Doopleganger (Changelings), Flutterponies*, Sea Horses (Sea Ponies)*, Ghost Ponies*, Chaos Hunters*, Griffons (Only the Predator, Cheetah, Prey, Scavenger, Sea, and Snow aspects), Coven (Goats), The Impure (Donkeys), Purrsians*, Ruminants (Deer)*, and Big Mao (Pandas)*, Luminous Dragons (Dragons like Spike), Gem Gnoll (Diamond Dogs). *Limited, PM me if you want to play this race. RULES: 1. Only the races provided by the Ponyfinder resources I profile in the link are allowed. 2. Only the rules/information given in the following links, taken from the Ponyfinder Campaign Setting: Dawn of the Fifth Age, D&D 5e, Unearthed Arcana, and some 3rd Party with permission. Main resources can all found here. though Unearthed Arcana and other 3rd Party can be looked for. 3. Alignment will be handled as shown here. 5. We will be using the Focus and Foible system to generate ability scores. First, choose a Focus, an ability score at which you excel. You receive an 18 in that score. Next, choose a Foible, an ability score that is your weakness. You receive an 8 in that score. The other four, roll 1d10+7 four times. There are no rerolls, but you can decide where each of these other four scores go. 6. Standard equipment and gold for 1st level characters. 8. You can buy no item for more then half your starting gold, and are advised that you balance purchases between weapons, armour, and other items based on class. You can pick one common magic item, if it can be afforded. 9. Players will need to use an Editable Pathfinder Character Sheet, as provided here. 10. Characters of evil alignment will not be allowed, also certain classes may well have negative stigmatism attached to them such as necromancers or clerics of the death domain. 11. The use of dark magic is strictly forbidden by Equestrian law, with few being allowed to even study it. Dark magic counts all magic with the evil descriptor as well as potentially other spells, so if you're uncertain please ask. Use of dark magic will slowly corrupt and turn evil a character, no matter how good one's intentions were. 12. These rules may be added to at anytime but before the beginning of a session.
  7. I created the thread: 


  8. @A.V. I'm sorry to say, I will probably read #50 anyway as I like to see what is official before deciding if I like or dislike what is offer and if I feel anything needs to be changed. I like to read a full arc, not putting one aside, and feel it is unfair to judge unless I do read it myself. For example, may people say the Nightmare Rarity arc cannot fit with canon before of a few details such as Luna having her appearance be that of what she looked like in S1 and in how the citizens of Ponyville needed to tell her they were her friend/forgave her or something like that. I can't remember exactly, but the way I worked it out was that the Lunar Eclipse episode intruding Luna and her new form happened before the comic. Yet because of her own fears and doubts on the nightmare forces return she reverted back to her S1 form. Another being Daring Do being a real pony and people thinking the comics show Twilight's mother as the author of the books, my explanation being that what was shown literary award related to Daring Do or the author. My explanation being that it is an award given to those authors who prove themselves for what they write.
  9. Very nice, especially Pinkie Pie's voice though with my headphone the chorus sounds distractingly robotic though most of it. The song as a whole though was nice.
  10. @A.V. What is Chaos Theory, one of the comics? Also, whether the comics or the show itself fans can always find a way where things could have been written a bit differently or where characterization or plot could have been improved/changed. Though I am sad to admit, there are things I wish that I could change. Discord involvement in the series both before and after his reform, Starlight characterization and reform as well her skill in magic, as well even giving Princess Celestia her own episode much sooner or exploring the Royal Sisters' backstory
  11. @MechaZ&Poniez_4 Banned for not taking the time to understand why. The issue with Ledger's Joker is that it doesn't feel like Joker. Even Nicholson had the Smilex and props/gags where as Ledger had maybe one or two jokes, the pencil trick, was more of an anrachist/arsonist, and just laughed because he loved fire and explosions. Hamill's Joker though feels more like the comic because he makes multitudes of bad jokes and puns, has all the little toys and gadgets that someone with the moniker of "The Clown Prince of Crime" would have, and is still absolutely intimidating.
  12. @MechaZ&Poniez_4 Banned for using an image of a Joker far too serious for his role and without the sense of humor, "laughing mad" insanity, or history with Batman that made him such a perfect foil and villain for the dark knight. Mark Hamill is best Joker, and the Dark Knight games offer a much better modern portrayal.
  13. Banned for talking non-sense. The "ways of the o3o", really? Admittedly, when I saw the thread title I was thinking of another banned game. One banned from Equestria D.
  14. Hey, you live in Utah?

  15. Yet at the expense of everypony being made useless? In seeing , or more not seeing, how the Mane Six, the Royal Sisters, and the Crystal Royal Family got captured?
  16. Who in Celestia's name told you that Zootopia sucked??! The movie has been highly praised, considered of the best modern Disney movies of late. Pushing just how far you can take CGI technology with the way they did the fur, as well in how they are able to weave in racial profiling, stereotyping, and generally how we treat others because of appearance or race. Judy and Nick had wonderful chemistry, the way they played off of each other very well done, as well their personalities and character.
  17. Yes, it did, and now has a cult following. Lauren Faust was actually an animator for that movie.
  18. Actually, perhaps in the Debate Pit with its own thread, I would be happy to debate such as maybe with your help I can work through some of my misgiving. I would rather not be as bothered and frustrated as I am with Starlight and if I had someone to discuss such with maybe my views could change... if just a bit. Yah, where the Royal Sisters, Mane Six, and Crystal Royal Family is captured overnight and off screen so Starlight's "ragtag band of misfits" can save the day.
  19. My apologizes for my words, as based on your avatar I suspect you like the character very much, but my bias against "A Royal Problem" is in large part because of my feelings on Starlight. Yet, if I were to be honest, it is more the way she was written in the Cutie Re-Mark that has really soured her character for me. Her plot armour, sudden magical ability and skill despite no evidence of a teacher or formal schooling compared to Twilight, and her reform. Especially the five minute montage where everything is tied in a nice neat bow, forgiven without any punishment or consequences, student of Twilight and friends with Mane Six, where she even receives forgiveness by the ponies of the Town she created... which could have been an episode in and of itself. Which I will admit, may be unfair have that single two parter prevent me from enjoying any other episodes with Starlight. I will offer though that I very much enjoyed the "A Hearth's Warming Tale", probably my favorite Starlight episode. I just wish her reform and what led her down the path she was on might have been better written, for her to be better utilized and perhaps even have her actually struggle at magic a it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In "A Royal Problem" I feel Starlight stole the spotlight from Twilight, who knew the royal sisters better then perhaps anyone else out of the main characters. With Celestia as her former mentor and she as the first pony ever to befriend Luna. Yet it was more then that, but in the premise that princess Celestia could somehow not appreciate her sister. Who she had to banish to many years ago, forced to have her heart broken as she was forced to use the Elements of Harmony on Luna and see her banished inside the moon. Her feelings of guilt in what she had to do and in not being able to prevent what had happened, the sorrow and loneliness of having to take over her sister's duties as well in ruling alone, and in having to wear a mask that hide her true feelings from her subjects especially during the Summer Sun Celebration. When I first read the synopsis it was like a slap in the face for all I have come to see of Princess Celestia heart, that she could ever NOT appreciate her sister and if anything overappriciate her to the point of being a bit smothering at times at least in private. Signs, which is why I guess I would just have her offer the excuse that it had just been a bad week for her for things to play out like they did in that episode, if it comes up in roleplay. Also, the comics handled them switching responsibilities and duties for a day much better then in the episode I feel.
  20. So did I, I have no issues with her portrayals in the comics and particularly in Reflections. Still doesn't change my feelings on "A Royal Problem".
  21. I will admit, Princess Cadence really does need more character development as does Shining Armor, perhaps if I'm going over the story of how they first met and if they did hopefully it not clashing too much with what was offered in the comics. And you know I very much doubt that's ever going to happen, I kind of hope that the writers will show bit more respect towards the Royal Guards and even to an extent maybe the Wonderbolts and stop writing them so poorly. Moving back on to Princess Cadence we have so very little on her from the show at least, and really all we have to go on is the Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, as well as the comic showing her and Shining Armor in high school. In the show we really know nothing. Also, for supposedly being captain of the royal guard they really haven't been generous at all towards Shining Armor and showing why he would have reached such a rank.
  22. Not really, for the fact that it does have a very pronounced fandom even if someone might not feel comfortable going to the theaters to watch the movie. You will have the families with a little girls and then you'll of course have the adult fan. Sure one may say the stigma could have an effect, both for with older generations perhaps as well as of course the fact that it's so entrenched with the idea of being a little girls snow. Although, I do think it will do well, at least well enough. All in all though I do think they'll be plenty of people going to the theaters, unless my faith in the fandom is misplaced and they show the same behavior they did with the Brony Documentary movie. Sighs, I really hope they wont do that though.
  23. Princess Celestia needs more development, far more than she's gotten. And why she may have had a couple of episodes more recently I felt they were in some ways marred. Celestial Advice was nice, when focused on Princess Celestia and Twilight, guitar don't feel quite enough time was given between them. And "A Royal Problems", well I believe quite simply it had a lot of problems. With one character which I felt was completely unnecessary was given too much focus, while pushing another character I felt should have been a lot more important to the sidelines. Then there was the basic premise, and how I would see it is a bit out of character for Princess Celestia. All in all though the writers seem to be unable or unwilling to do anything with Princess Celestia, and it's not even funny anymore how often they've had her kidnapped or otherwise indisposed.
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