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Everything posted by GreyScholar

  1. Changed to 11 and a half moons.Hopefully, that will do.
  2. Name: Austere Moon (Formerly Fell) Age: 13 and a half moons Alliance: Thunderclan Position: Warrior Picture: Personality: A serious and intimidating tom, often grim and quiet, yet time and again he has worked to prove himself and gain the trust of his new clan. Believes strongly in following the Warrior code without deviation, convincing himself that this will keep him from becoming what he once was. Yet, he has started to open up more, and has even smiled from time to time has he grows close to some of his clanmates. He has also tried to be less scary to the kits, offering a friendly calm presence yet there is also uncertainty there. Has much doubt if he should ever take an apprentice, of which Kitestar knows though does not fully understand why. Backstory: Fell come to Thunderclan a loner, explaining he wished to join and take up the warrior code other cats had spoken of on his journey to the clan's territory. When questioned why, the tom explain he wished for a home, not be be forced to wander from place to place. That he wanted to put his skills in hunting and fighting to use. Yet, he also seemed evasive on his past which would be noticed by the clan leader. Kitestar considered his request, though offered to put him on evaluation period. During this time he fulfilled the duties of a warrior to the letter under the watchful eyes of other warriors. Yet it was not until there was an ambush from another clan that his worth was proven, with Fell watching Poppyfur's back while gripping one cat's neck in his mouth. Yet, for a brief moment, it would actually seem like he might kill the cat before letting go with a growl and telling them to run back to their territory. With this battle, and the wounds he had suffered, Kitestar would allow for his warrior ceremony. During this, Fell would request that choose his new name and with the she cat's permission take the name Austere Moon. After this he would take silent vigil, with the next day starting his new life P untying his old name and past behind him. Hidden Past ------------------------------- He was found by a coven of rogues that called themselves DarkClaw when just a kit, it was thought that he was an orphan. The leader of DarkClaw, Boneclaw, felt strongly that this kit had great potential, it was clear to all the kit was a fighter by how he resisted the cats from taking him to their territory. Boneclaw then spent a long and tireless duty of training Fell to be his very best, he turned Fell into a relentless killer that he taught everything he know too. Boneclaw raised Fellmoon to believe many lies, the one some might say the most potent was when he told Fell that only he could be trusted, that he was the one who saved him from certain death. Fell's training could in many ways be called a nightmare, yet it was extremely effective, no one could deny that he had become one of the best killer in DarkClaw. Yet this all changed when Fell was given the mission to infiltrate a clan that happened to be in Boneclaw's way. Fell could easily have completed his mission if one of the elder hadn't spoken to him first. He would have killed him too, but found himself unable to do so and listened. Much was said, and the elder's words were wise yet painful as well. The elder's words pierced Fell to his heart, and also opened his eyes to evil he had done. Fell then saw the one he had looked up to and trusted, his leader Boneclaw, for who he truly was, a cruel and ambitious monster. Fell decides he would stop this from going any farther, so he went to his leader's den, and left Boneclaw bleeding to death before anything could be done to stop him. Fell then ran and though he was chased down by the coven's very best, he was as well. Yet even then he had just barely escaped with his life. After his excape, Fell swore that he would never fight with the intent kill again, that unless the cat was truly evil or he had no other choice; he would always allow the cat to escape, because he never wanted to see blood of an innocent cat on his claws again. After many moons of wondering, long travel, and meeting many cats, Fellmoon will find himself at the border of the Clans' territory.
  3. If it is alright will you, I would like him to already be a warrior of Thunderclan for at least a few moons. Enough time to have established himself and perhaps even gain a couple of friends or allies, but not enough to be fully trusted yet by many of his clanmates.
  4. Thanks, glad to like him and his story. Into your question, I would prefer to fill out a form and offer his personality and back story more in full. Also, any problem with him having requested of Kitestar that he choose his own name on being made a warrior?
  5. Ohh, a Warrior Cats roleplay! Awesome, I am most definitely interested. I will try offering a character during my lunch break. My original OC was a tom who had once been a rogue trained from when he was a kit to kill, yet turning from such a path at the words of an elder and his own ill feelings of such. He would flee, after attacking his leader, and become a loner for a while. After a time he would find Thunderclan and feeling himself drawn to these cats way of life. Thus, perhaps after proving himself and gaining the leader's trust, having joined them he would put his past behind and keep it secret. Yet, one idea I had, is as the saying goes... one's past has a way of catching up to them. Thus these rogues could become a threat later one.
  6. @, Yes, but there is a difference between forgiving someone and still punishing them for what they did. Heck, neither even got community service or were put on probation. Also, Equestria is a world with magic all around it. With each race having there own magic and a third able to cast spells. I find it reasonable that their forensics team would have unicorns who specialized in spell able to help identify criminal whether they be other unicorns or any other race. Seriously, in a fantasy setting you must consider the world as if it was one who as adapted to magic in their everyday life. Even perhaps, with scientists or inventors who blend magic with technology. That is what is most logical.
  7. Starlight Glimmer being easily forgiven I feel is a major problem, as too there being no punishment for her actions. Her redemption in general was gravely mushandled. Heck even Trixie got away for her actions without consequence when it came to the Alicorn amulet becoming a dictator in a single day. Also don't give me it the the amulet controlling her and thus not her fault. If someone chose to get drunk, drives and then hits someone they are still at fault. Or someone who uses illegal drugs and commits a crime while under the influence, they too are also still punished. Trixie chose to buy the Alcorn amulet, despite the warnings given to her, and chose to put it on. Thus her actions are her fault, as simple as that.
  8. "She isn't too fond of vegetables either - I mean, has anypony ever seen her with any?" Weeeellll, there was that party with Mr. Turnip. Then that Head of Lettuce float with the CMC.
  9. You know, for those who follow a certain fanfiction, Twilight herself is a mother: For those that can't tell, this is Nyx wishing Twilight a Happy Mother's Day.
  10. GreyScholar

    movies/tv New Ghostbusters Movie

    Personally I’d be just fine will an all female Ghostbusters team, or a new team in general… If the movie showed that they were a taking up the mantle of those who came before. The role of being Ghostbusters passed onto them by the original team and the challenges of such responsibilities while proving they are up to the take of taking over… Perhaps even offering updated tech and new tricks/ideas showing improvement in how things are done. Heck the original actors wouldn’t even have to make an appearance as long as the original team was brought up by the new and the whole situation involving the changing of the guard was explained in universe. They could even have Real Life Writes the Plot, offering that Egon died and Peter just wasn’t interested in staying on the team. Such would be better then pretending the new all female team are the originals and no one came before. That would have been more agreeable and would bring less backlash… At least for me, admittingly I can’t speak for others. It is about respect to the original, and not brazenly thinking they can redo the franchise with an all female cast without understandably have complaints/upset by fans of the original.
  11. Anyone disappointed in Sunset Shimmer not being in the movie needs to have some sense knocked into them, especially since she is by far overrated and somewhat poorly written, at least in the first and second movie. I don't get how some fans obsess over her as if she is some great character. I find the love many fans have for Sunset Shimmer almost as annoy as many fans hatred of Flash Sentry. Before any argue he was a badly written character, I argue most of the characters were in the first two movies.
  12. I believe Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell is just the book for you, Hasbro of course published it for younger readers but it clears up a lot of mysteries involving Princess Cadence. You should be able to find and read it online if you don't want to buy it. Onto your questions: Cadence was a pegasus orphaned as a foal, adopted by an earth pony couple in a small village. So no they were not nobility nor rulers of a kingdom. (A) Yes the Crystal Empire had already vanished when Cadence met Twilight, as that event took place a thousand years ago. (A) Cadence and Shining probably met when she started foalsittering Twilight, though they could have met at school. The IDW comics show that Cadence and Shining Armour knew each other in high school... but there is much debate on whether or not those comics can or should be treated as canon. (A) That... Can only really be answered with the IDW comics as well, in which the answer is yes though if memory serves not Saddle Arabia. Otherwise, there is nothing saying one way or another. One such 'country' was a surgery sweet and adorable race of felines with much love to give... Which Queen Chrysalis and her changelings drained mercilessly of love until there was nothing left.
  13. Well I find Twilight and Sunset together comically laughable, but admittingly I never put much stock the Equestrian Girls movies. If that is who you wish to ship so be it. I admit the second one annoyed me a bit but that is water under the bridge. I like Twilight and Celestia myself, maybe Rarity or RD.
  14. Hmm, really now? I would argue that Twilight would make more sense with Celestia or one of her friends, among the Mane Six, then with Sunset.
  15. I support Twilight and pony Flash, I ship them.
  16. @@Nuke87654, Huh, really now? -stops taking you seriously- Well I do believe Twilight and a few other mares would take quite a bit of offense to you speaking such ill things involving their friend, Rarity herself being most hurt. I hope you are happy with your 'findings' and 'proof' because it will cost you the company of six wonderful mares. Rarity knows she is not guilty of any crime, as to does her friends, and anyone who ever knew her.
  17. @@Nuke87654, Actually, I had voted for Twilight* and she is my first favorite with Rarity being my second. *Or at least I had until I saw Twilight had a good lead, and then I switched to Rarity because I do find her more attractive. I wanted Twilight to win though, and I am glad she did.
  18. @@Nuke87654, I argue that Rarity would have had no idea, and be horrified to know some were trying to rig the competition so she would win.
  19. Wow, Twilight had a jumped quite a bit ahead in posts... though I also noted there was a number of ties and some cheating.with fake accounts.
  20. Twilight is two votes behind, lets see just how close this can get! Maybe Twilight can beat Rarity, surprising both mares with the outcome.
  21. @@Captain Sorzo,@@Cleverclover, @@Shimmer Sparkle, Please lets not make this negative, they are both wonderful characters each with their own traits and character to love.
  22. Now, now both Twilight and Rarity are amazing ponies and I will not allow anyone to say otherwise. I don't want to see any mudslinging! :okiedokielokie:
  23. Everyone, we need more votes for Twilight in the Most Attractive Pony Tournament! Lets see her beat Rarity this year.
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