Musical put a bookmark in her book and put it away, then she wondered what to do next. Finally she took another book out of her bag and read it. All she wanted to do then was read and hum, right there, on the chair.
Don't you worry, we're all your friends here!
And I read the whole thing.
Here's what you can call me:
Pinkie Pie Rocks
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie's Biggest Fan
Musical looked above her book and saw a test on her desk. She got scissors, cut up the test, and then stuck the paper pieces in her bag. Then she went back to reading her art-and-music book.
Musical stopped daydreaming and looked around. "Huh? I guess I must be late for 2nd period..." she sighed as she teleported into second period and sat down on the nearest empty seat.
Hearing the names of certain sweets, Musical started daydreaming about sweets, then stopped daydreaming when she accidentally hit her desk with her hoof.
Fluttershy flew above the group, with something on her wing. It was... Fluttershy looked at it. "Huh?" she wondered. "I thought I only had one Discord book..." she said, closing up her wing and sighing in confusion.
XDWould you ever know, when Musical is no longer shy she's a pranker too.
The Prank Three XD
It wasn't a laptop I had, it was a Ponyphone which is a pony version of an iPhone.
Mine is like Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, basically, because Musical is a little shy, but once you've been around her a while, her playfulness comes out.
Musical stopped daydreaming when her pencil broke. She searched her bag for a sharpener, but couldn't find one. "Oh, great..." she muttered, looking for her Ponyphone to start writing all over again.