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Everything posted by tomatopotato

  1. Oh yeah This remix already destroyed my eardrums I uhhh.....I put the volume on my headphones at 100% a few hours ago. My ears were ringing for 30 minutes after I finished listening to the song :3 Also yes I love the bass in SpinScissor THE EVERY YEAR MUSIC VIDEO IS ABOUT RAINBOW DASH WHOOOOOOOOOOO (RD is my favorite lol) Honestly, I feel like you should finish it. It really has potential and I really liked what you made so far. Where's the download button????????? lol Please make a FLAC, I want loseless. And I generally don't recommend Google Drive file sharing since your email is written in plain text for everyone to see. You could try uploading it to bandcamp or just make a YouTube video (so that we can use ytmp3), or maybe upload it here (idk if this website has .flac or .wav embeds) Most custom ringtones were downloaded through iTunes on Mac and ported to iTunes on iPhone. However........iTunes on Mac was discontinued lol. So now all the articles online are outdated and I have no clue how to set a custom ringtone. Am I crazy?? Most definitely Screen Recording 2025-03-11 at 6.23.13 PM.mov macOS doesn't record audio in screen recordings so I can't break your eardrums but trust me when I say this. It. Is. LOUD. REALLY REALLY REALLY LOUD. It was so loud that a friend who was working next to me felt like he was listening to the song was playing in his headphones at 30% volume. The music traveled outside of my earcups and into his.
  2. @Espy Vibe I forgot to tell you this earlier, but..... I LOVE SPINSCISSOR I LOVE SPINSCISSOR I LOVE SPINSCISSOR I LOVE SPINSCISSOR I LOVE SPINSCISSOR I LOVE SPINSCISSOR I LOVE SPINSCISSOR I LOVE SPINSCISSOR I LOVE SPINSCISSOR I LOVE SPINSCISSOR Seriously, the combination of your instrumentals and remixing skill is jaw dropping. I loved all of your other songs, but for me instrumentals in general are too simple. I don't know why, but I like lyrical songs because they tend to be complicated. Combining the lyrics and your already exceptional instrumentals makes SpinScissor one of my all time favorites. I hope you're OK with this, but I converted the YouTube video to an mp3 so that I can listen to it in my music player. If I could figure out how, I would've set this as my ringtone on my phone
  3. What am I thinking? I'm thinking of how much I despise Java and how much Java sucks and how Java should cease to exist :3 I hate Java
  4. Atticus Finch, Abacus Cinch. That's really interesting!! In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus is a protagonist going against society. In Friendship Games, Principal Cinch is an antagonist, more like Bob Ewell. The plot is really similar: the protagonist (Atticus and Humane Twilight) going against society (Southern racism and her Crystal Prep peers)
  5. Who needs Discord during Hearts and Hooves day when you have Comp
  6. Wait what You don't draw??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I swear I though you did
  7. I usually go to bed between 9PM and 9:30PM. I wake up at 4AM every day, so I usually sleep early.
  8. I was just rewatching the Friendship Games movie yesterday, and I noticed that they provided Principal Cinch's full name in the credits: I also never knew that Rarity and Luna had the same voice actor. Quite interesting! Something similar to this happened in Rainbow Rocks as well. In the beginning, while the main voice actors, producers, the director, etc. were being credited, the full names of the Dazzlings were revealed: This makes me wonder......are there any other instances similar to these?
  9. You're good at art, you're good at music Someone name one thing Espy isn't good at
  10. I recently discovered a comic that explains how Sunset broke apart their friendships: https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/My-Little-Pony-Friendship-is-Magic/Annual-1?id=31861&s=&quality=hq If you combine the information in that comic and the information in the first movie you'll get a pretty good understanding of what happened.
  11. Discord: first name.lastname.108 Steam: tomatopotato17265 Both accounts have the same profile picture as my MLPF picture Send me a PM here on MLPF, or I won’t accept your friend request
  12. January, the same month that I bought this app that I had been wanting for months. yes I paid $21 just to make my Mac’s dock look like Windows, don’t judge me
  13. A few weeks ago one of my friends convinced me to download Fortnite, and I was about to play when I realized that………. …………..FORTNITE HAS KERNEL LEVEL ANTICHEAT AHHHHHHHHHH Since I use a Mac, I have to use a specific launcher to play Epic games meant only for Windows. This works perfectly in Rocket League since Rocket League doesn’t have kernel level anticheat, but it screwed any chance of me playing Fortnite
  14. I've never played Fortnite or Roblox, GTA, Half-Life, any COD, League of Legends, Valorant, and so many more that I can't think of....... My favorite kinds of games aren't RPG games, or even shooter games. The only shooter game that I play is Suroi because it's 2D and isn't as complicated or sweaty as regular shooters. My all-time favorites are games like Rocket League and War Thunder, since, due to the diverse nature of the games, anything can happen. In Rocket League, for example, no two games will be the exact same: in each game, something different will happen.
  15. Pegasus because I like aviation. Definitely not an alicorn because the 4 princesses have all made some dumb mistakes that I will never forgive them for. Not an earth pony because they don't have any visible advantage. Also, Bulk Biceps is a pegasus and he probably has more strength than Cheerilee or something. Unicorns are cool but they can't fly without levitation spells >:(
  16. I've never heard anyone use Fortnite terms for anything this year, but to answer your question, I think it's simply because of Fortnite's popularity. Because Fortnite has become so popular, especially among younger generations, you will see people using in-game phrases and terms to describe similar real-life situations. And this isn't Fortnite specific. In my friend group, we constantly use Rocket League terms in real-life conversation because we all play Rocket League. You're probably surrounded by many, many more Fortnite players, which is why you heard Fortnite terms more. I understand how this is annoying. I used to hate it when someone described a real-life thing with an in-game term. In my opinion, though, we shouldn't worry about it. Try thinking of all of these Fortnite references as just simple jokes instead of degradations of society. Trust me, it'll make things better. I say that from experience.
  17. Nononono, you didn't demean on my work. I just made a small joke because, well, I kinda suck at art lol SPITFIRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
  18. After surviv.io was shut down in 2023, a few devs and I banded together to recreate the game. Initially we used a web archive to just host surviv.io on our own domain..........aaaaaaaaaaand we got sued :DD So, we had to restart from scratch. We were allowed to use the concept of surviv.io, but we had to make everything else by ourselves. We're approaching our second birthday in June, and the game is making great progress in terms of development. I'm personally working on the iPhone and iPad app This game is completely free to play at https://suroi.io/. You don't need to create an account or anything. I implore everyone to give this game a shot. Also, this game is completely open source. If you'd like to check out the source code and run the game locally, you can find the GitHub repository here.
  19. Sooooo..........I know I'm really late to the party, but I've just been doing some rewatching and I noticed something quite peculiar. The stallion who flicked his mane a lot and had 3 admirers outside of Sugarbelle sounded INSANELY similar to Sandbar in Twilight's school. I forgot to check the credits but I'm sure that they used the same voice actor for both. @Astralshy What are your thoughts on this? sorry for pinging you, you were the first person that came to mind
  20. I don’t really have any memories of MLP when I was a kid, I just knew it existed. However, the day before Thanksgiving last year, a female friend of mine (who watched FiM as a child) sat me down and made me sit through the first two episodes of Season 1. I don’t know what happened, but I was hooked. I’ve been binging MLP since then
  21. I was just looking at some MLP art on Deviant………….and I feel like I’m absolutely screwed. Seriously though, HOW THE ABSOLUTE **** AM I SUPPOSED TO COME ANYWHERE NEAR THIS AHHHHHH Credit: Dawnf1re, https://www.deviantart.com/dawnf1re/art/Princess-Twilight-816583552
  22. I wouldn’t call myself a “brand new artist.” “Newbie” is more fitting I’ve never done digital art in my life lol
  23. It's not even April 1st and the chaos has already started
  24. I've never made any MLP art in my life (in fact, I hardly make any art at all) but I decided to try for the first time this month. Thankfully I didn't get someone too hard
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