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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by AngelofDeath

  1. I bring you the ugliest car in the world, straight from Top Gear. I present to you, the Reliant Robin. That thing above, is what I claim the UGLIEST heap of shit to ever roll onto the lot. I bet not even fire can make this thing look any better. On the other end of the spectrum, here are my top 3 most beautiful cars. 1965 Shelby Cobra 427 Next, the 1998 Ferrari 550 Maranello And finally, the 2008 Aston Martin DBS Coupe
  2. People have to be crazy to say that that new Lamborghini is the ugliest car. I mean, I don't drive a car that would win any beauty contests, but it's sure a lot better looking than that bottom picture. I don't even know what vehicle that is. Burn it with fire is my only suggestion.
  3. Hmm I either wasn't on when you added me...or...if the messages take place in that like message box thing when in game, then I might not have seen them because I think I have that message/chat box turned off. I'll check that next time next time I get on. That's good advice for the weapons. I'll have to look at that on my Monk and see what I have that I might be able to change, preferably in the gem department.
  4. Yeah now that i'm back into Diablo, I am willing to try all my characters again and see if I can progress them to the heights of my Monk and Wizard. I need to get them higher anyways cause I have my whole stash filled with rares that I would find with my high lvls to give to my lower lvls as they leveled up. One thing I feel i'm doing wrong with my Monk is, I usually dual wield with him, but earlier I got a shield that upped my damage from about 10k to 12k. Basically I traded 0.10 attack speed for a 2k damage boost and block chance. I'm starting to wonder if that was really worth the trade-off. I'd love to play with other people or in a group. I've played with my friends brother before but he knows nothing about Diablo or the series and he isn't really good lol. I sent you a friend request earlier but forgot to put a note on it saying it was me.
  5. Wow. I'm beginning to feel extremely underpowered compared to you lol. I shouldn't feel that way though because you're a hell of alot higher geared and difficulty than I am. Do you like the Demon Hunter?? I have mine to like lvl 20 and i'm not really sure how I feel about it. I mean with my Wizard, I have like shields and ways of keeping myself alive in dire situations along with the awesome hydra and with my Monk, I have the auras and water summon and pretty fast attack speed. The Demon Hunter just doesn't feel very offensive to me. I may just be playing mine wrong but in order for me to somewhat survive I have to run forward and drop a turret and run for my life behind it haha.
  6. I remember when I used to do lots of PVP in Demon's Souls, back when everyone was actually nice and cool about it and didn't spam spells everywhere. Dark Souls, meh I just hide somewhere obvious and prepare to die a painful death. I can't wait to see and hear how Dark Souls II competes to its predecessors.
  7. Ahh ok. I usually go between MP3 and MP5 with the bit of gear that I have. My lvl 55 Monk is currently doing around 13,600 damage on Act II Magda on Hell difficulty and my lvl 58 Wizard is currently doing around 8,500 or 9,500 damage on Act II sewers before finding Zolton Kuelles Archives on Hell difficulty lol. All my other characters (since I have one of every class) are pretty much in their lvl 30's starting Nightmare difficulty. I'm working with each individually to get them all close to the same lvl as one another. Usually works out well when you play all day and don't have a life like I do. Money is a huge problem i'm having in my game. I mean it was my own damn fault, but before this topic got started, I got desperate and wanted to increase my Monk's and Wizard's damage and bought 2 weapons from the AH (one for my Monk and one for my Wizard). So I went from about 1 million gold to 200,000 gold. I had to stop myself from spending it all at the AH because I want a buffer in case I die alot, then I can afford to repair everything at the higher lvls.
  8. Hmm just to make sure, when you say MP3, you mean Monster Power lvl 3 right?? Just want to be sure we are on the same page as far that's concerned haha. If that's the case, i'll most likely turn mine down then cause it kinda kicks my ass at times when on Monster Power lvl 5 on my Wizard.
  9. The other thing is, both my high lvl characters are only on Hell difficulty with Monster Power of 5. My Wizard is in Act II and my Monk is near the end of Act I. I feel as though i'm doing something wrong XD.
  10. Oh man, you two make me feel so inferior with your characters. The highest I have is lvl 58 Wizard and lvl 54 Monk. I'm trying to get back into the game to get into the paragon levels and get some better gear cause I feel so under-geared right now.
  11. An anime series that a friend got me to watch was Wolf's Rain. Definitely think it's a good anime and one that I think is worth suggesting. I've heard a lot of people say good things about it and I don't disagree with them.
  12. Ah Luna. I remember a friend telling me when I first started watching MLP that i'd love this princess named Luna. Man was he right. XD One can not simply love one thing about Luna. I love everything about her. From her color scheme, to how she acts since she acts so much like me, to her voice. *Starts daydreaming* Oh Luna, why you best princess.
  13. Oh I remember That Maiden in Black. God she gave me the creeps. I always thought like she was gonna turn on me in the end just by the way she acted and sounded. I always figured she'd turn into this monster that I wouldn't be able to kill. I'm looking forward to pre-ordering Dark Souls II no matter what the problems with it are.
  14. I've only been invaded once while playing Dark Souls. Like I said, I play on PC. I was invaded in...the Darkroot Garden I think. The area that you need the Crest of Artorius to enter. I believe the invader was hacking because when I hit him I did like 64,000 damage and not one hit point was lost. He then killed me. I hate invaders haha. Hell the invaders in Demon's Souls were more considerate than the invaders in Dark Souls.
  15. Hmm well I have no life so I have 10 tier 10 tanks. The most i've ever killed in one game was 9. Finally my favorite tank would be...oh that's a hard one. It's a tough choice between: -Object 268 -E50/E50M -AMX 50B -Type 59
  16. I thought about going on the test server tonight but...I don't know if I wanna wait through the queue. I was on yesturday and loved Leopard I.
  17. I don't usually struggle with the environments and bosses (Except Sen's Fortress). What really slows me down is all the damn invading that happens to me. Now since I play on the PC, I get to deal with the hackers. I'm afraid to try to finish Anor Londo because i'm almost certain, as soon as I reverse hollowing, I'm gonna have about 30 seconds to get from the bonfire, all the way to the main hall, summon Solair and possibly other phantoms without getting invaded haha. I know after Anor Londo shit gets real. Afterwards, I figure i'll go take on Sif, even though he's owned me I don't know how many times now. Haha I always tried any cheap tactics I could to kill Flamelurker. He was a giant pain no matter what I tried. Leechmonger was also a pain as well.
  18. I have not yet. I am at the point where I kill them in Anor Londo but haven't actually killed them yet. I've watched alot of Let's Plays on Youtube on Dark Souls just to see how people deal with them and everyone proves my point, I'm screwed as soon as I get into the later game. I would much rather fight an OP Dragon God than 2 Flamelurkers. *Shudders* I've been killed numerous times by that bastard. The Tower Knight was probably one of my favorite boss fights, same with Penetrator. I never got killed by the False King Allant. He seemed pretty easy for me. The bosses that gave me the most hell were the Maneater and the Old Hero.
  19. I couldn't agree more. There are times I lose concentration while playing cause I get too into the songs that are playing. XD
  20. Haha I actually wasn't too bad at parrying. I had an easier time parrying than backstabbing enemies. Don't even remind them about that boulder mechanism in Sen's Fortress. I died multiple times to those damn things. I haven't even gotten that far with my character yet into the Demon Ruins. I defeated Quelaag and looked out the window and said "Nope, don't think so." I think they should bring back the Dragon God from Demon's Souls and put him in a more open environment in Dark Souls II. His fight was too easy and kinda a disappointment.
  21. I love the music pack. The loading screens are really good too. I'm actually using a version of the voice mod from several patches back. I never really update my MLP mods because they seem to work from patch to patch haha.
  22. Oh god the horros XD. I shudder to think what they have up their sleeves. I mean like right now in Dark Souls, I utterly refuse to go into New Londo Ruins and umm...what's that place called...Demon Ruins or something like that.
  23. Ahh I use that MLP modpack. Well about 90% of it at least. I have like probably over 100 different mods in my game altogether. I have out of that MLP modpack, the login screens, voices, music, crew icons, premium and standard garages, national icons, and a few skins.
  24. Oh i'm definitely ready for whatever they have up their sleeves for Dark Souls II. I remember when I beat Demon's Souls for like the 3rd time, I always wondered if it were even possible to make it more challenging. Then I got Dark Souls for PC. Well worth the money and worth finding the mods and programs to make the game playable. Again when I pre-ordered Dark Souls, I thought that they couldn't make it any harder. Damn was I wrong. Let's hope Dark Souls II lives up to the name. I agree that they shoulda made things a little more clear in game since i'm sure most people spend more time on the wiki than playing the game itself, like me.
  25. Oh man I ain't even finished with the first Dark Souls yet. I hope they release it for PC, just not as a horrible port like the DLC version of Dark Souls. I'm also wary of them making things too easy. That's what gave Dark Souls and even Demon's Souls their edge. I can't wait to see how they handle this new Dark Souls.
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