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Ganaram Inukshuk

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Status Replies posted by Ganaram Inukshuk

  1. And today has gotten slightly worse.

  2. // I blame whoever it was who shared that Gallus-Silverstream pic and that vid that called them Dallas and Livestream
    CharacterEntity gallus = DefineNewCharacterFromUniverse("mlpfim", ganaram_inukshuk.EntityDatabase.GetCharacter("griffon"), "gallus");
    gallus.RefineEntityDefinition(ParseMedia(LookAtMedia(GetMostSignificantSearchResultFromQuery("derpibooru", "gallus"))));
    std::vector<std::string> gallus_aliases = { "dallas", "dallas texas" };
    FictitiousEntity hippogriff = DefineEntity(ParseMedia(WatchMedia(GetMostSignificantSearchResultFromQuery("google", "hippogriff"))), "hippogriff");
    CharacterEntity silverstream = DefineNewCharacterFromUniverse("mlpfim", ganaram_inukshuk.EntityDatabase.GetCharacter("hippogriff"), "silverstream");
    silverstream.RefineEntityDefinition(ParseMedia(LookAtMedia(GetMostSignificantSearchResultFromQuery("derpibooru", "silverstream"))));
    std::vector<std::string> silverstream_aliases = { "livestream" };
    ganaram_inukshuk.AddToSupercategory(gallus, ganaram_inukshuk.GetSupercategory("flap_flap");
    ganaram_inukshuk.AddToSupercategory(silverstream, ganaram_inukshuk.GetSupercategory("flap_flap");
    std::vector<MlpfimChar> mlp_characters = {
    std::vector<std::string> art_restrictions = ganaram_inukshuk.SongDatabase.GetLyricsAsVectorString("if you ever come back", "the script");
    // Input art style, list of characters, number of iterations, optional theme, and optional restrictions/parameters
    GanaramInukshuk.ImagineScene("minimal_version_4", mlp_characters, 300, Themes.GetTheme("separation"), art_restrictions);


  3. // I blame whoever it was who shared that Gallus-Silverstream pic and that vid that called them Dallas and Livestream
    CharacterEntity gallus = DefineNewCharacterFromUniverse("mlpfim", ganaram_inukshuk.EntityDatabase.GetCharacter("griffon"), "gallus");
    gallus.RefineEntityDefinition(ParseMedia(LookAtMedia(GetMostSignificantSearchResultFromQuery("derpibooru", "gallus"))));
    std::vector<std::string> gallus_aliases = { "dallas", "dallas texas" };
    FictitiousEntity hippogriff = DefineEntity(ParseMedia(WatchMedia(GetMostSignificantSearchResultFromQuery("google", "hippogriff"))), "hippogriff");
    CharacterEntity silverstream = DefineNewCharacterFromUniverse("mlpfim", ganaram_inukshuk.EntityDatabase.GetCharacter("hippogriff"), "silverstream");
    silverstream.RefineEntityDefinition(ParseMedia(LookAtMedia(GetMostSignificantSearchResultFromQuery("derpibooru", "silverstream"))));
    std::vector<std::string> silverstream_aliases = { "livestream" };
    ganaram_inukshuk.AddToSupercategory(gallus, ganaram_inukshuk.GetSupercategory("flap_flap");
    ganaram_inukshuk.AddToSupercategory(silverstream, ganaram_inukshuk.GetSupercategory("flap_flap");
    std::vector<MlpfimChar> mlp_characters = {
    std::vector<std::string> art_restrictions = ganaram_inukshuk.SongDatabase.GetLyricsAsVectorString("if you ever come back", "the script");
    // Input art style, list of characters, number of iterations, optional theme, and optional restrictions/parameters
    GanaramInukshuk.ImagineScene("minimal_version_4", mlp_characters, 300, Themes.GetTheme("separation"), art_restrictions);


  4. Looking at everything I ever tried to do and have fail on me (writing, RPing, drawing (except drawing is already being revitalized)), is there anything I can ever do to start again? This has been a smile-free zone for years as a result of trying new things, having them fail, forgetting I ever tried, and disallowing myself from ever trying again.

  5. Looking at everything I ever tried to do and have fail on me (writing, RPing, drawing (except drawing is already being revitalized)), is there anything I can ever do to start again? This has been a smile-free zone for years as a result of trying new things, having them fail, forgetting I ever tried, and disallowing myself from ever trying again.

  6. What a way to start out summer... With a deadly heatwave... @~@'

  7. It's too haaaaaaaut to cuddle. 90 degrees with no A/C. I'm dying. xc


    1. Ganaram Inukshuk

      Ganaram Inukshuk

      If you overthink things the same way I do, you'll realise that paper is the tree equivalent of pringles.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)


  10. Gaush... can't believe I've been here for 3 years. Time flies by. O.O

    1. Ganaram Inukshuk

      Ganaram Inukshuk

      Time flies like a banana.

      Whatever fruit you have, hide it now, and invest in a fly swatter.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  11. Feels like I've stagnated. How's everyone doing? Been a looooooooooooooooooooong time since i've been here. :wacko:

  12. I find it funny.. I see so many others that have friends who just have everything in common with the other, I see that very often, two different induviduals that just happen to have 90% of things in common with the other, I see it all the time with everyone I know, but me? Umm... Such an individual that is like me doesn't exist, there are other friends who have plenty in common with me but the problem is it's a limited thing, I am just so vastly different from everyone that no one in this world would have more than 90% of the same interests it gets kinda meh to see everyone I know have one person at least that is so much like them... I don't have that, and never will cause such an individual doesn't exist.

  13. About to listen, hum, and sing For Old Time's Sake (Auld Lang Sine) in an hour. oco'

  14. Sometimes I can't figure out why people do things that people do. So many stories, plus I have dealt with things like this myself in the past.

    Why do people like to put others down? Why is it cool and hip to cause trouble, tear up on other's interests? Tell them they are weird and make them feel like utter meh just cause they like something? Why is it cool and hip to do that?

    I dunno, those people I see post comments towards other people on other sites or even seeing that IRL or even that sort of thing portrayed in movies or TV shows.. I just don't understand why people do that. I guess cause it's a part of instinctive behavior, I guess. I just don't understand it, maybe cause I have never enjoyed others feeling like meh. It's just wrong, it's not cool, and hip, or the "thing to do", it's wrong, and people shouldn't do it.

    Note: Nothing like this has been happening to me, I'm just kinda thinking about it since I see that stuff happening around the world all the time...

  15. -sighs- Can I just o something right for a change? I keep messing up in one way or another, and a list keeps piling up, it's just a matter of time before I do have nothing... I try and try and I keep messing up even when I try my hardest.. Maybe I am not capable of anything...

  16. The time has come to be forced to pay to watch any sort of YouTube video. The dark days lie ahead. Net Neutrality is over. :v


  17. Oh my... I am up really late tonight. Well I don't have work tomorrow...

  18. Leave it to me to mess up in one way or the other...

  19. My car is wanting to have issues again, uugh. And I can't afford to do stuff to it cause I have rent and stuff. Hmm....

  20. Another cramp this morning, granted it wasn't as bad but still.. I just had one the other morning... I wonder why....

  21. Sometimes I wonder... Am I the only one who has NO FRIENDS from over 8 years ago? I mean the people I knew long before that I don't even talk to anymore.. And I see stories about best friends forever and ages, and people having friends they knew since like preschool or elementary school, and I don't have that, online or off.. That just shows how much of a social failure I am... Two reasons why I don't have any more.. A, either they just drop me like a rock, or B, we just lose contact and eventually stop talking altogether. I guess... I dunno. it's kinda hard to think about...

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