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Ganaram Inukshuk

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Status Updates posted by Ganaram Inukshuk

  1. Umm, explain how I went from Kirin Pie to Fluttercop to Gallus just being grumpy or whatever...

  2. Is it wrong to wanna hug Gallus?

  3. As long as there's a chance of what I have say to be rejected by the community, I will never share my thoughts on anything: not the show, not anything else in the world, not even what I had for breakfast three weeks ago.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swit Swat

      Swit Swat

      I'm just confused is all. You sound like you're breaking down. You ok?

    3. Ganaram Inukshuk

      Ganaram Inukshuk

      My thoughts on anything are never worth sharing and they'd just be disregarded or rejected; let's leave it at that.

    4. Swit Swat

      Swit Swat

      I won't delve on it anymore if you don't want me to, but just remember that we all have opinions, and we are all bound to get flack for them from time to time. It's to be expected.

  4. Can I talk about why I never participate in episode discussions or is that not worth sharing?

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      what is and isnt worth sharing is up to the individual in question, some people find different things worthwhile as their starting point while determining what is worthwhile and the worth of something in general are different and usually based on prior experiences or systems that they have laid out for themselves in order to maintain a functional sense of communication or conversation with different parties.


    2. Ganaram Inukshuk

      Ganaram Inukshuk

      Alright, I'll say it...


      I don't wanna be influenced by negative or dissenting comments and I don't wanna be judged or even ostracised for having a differing opinion. This is why I'll never talk about anything unless it's something that's extremely close to me or indisputable.


  5. Came to the realisation that I don't look up to other artists and I had to remind myself why: to prevent myself from being compared to others.

    There's no good way to share what I have on my mind because I feel like that rule starved me of interaction and improvement.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Seeing my own work and then seeing some other works in DA for example can be tough but my starting point in that is that I am looking for something that i can improve on and incorporate into my next work. So i dont think comparing is inherently bad I'd say that it has enabled me  to progress as an artist maybe more or atleast in different direction than what would have happened without that

    3. Ganaram Inukshuk

      Ganaram Inukshuk

      I'd just be reminded of the fact that what I like is something no one likes and what others like is something I can never try.

    4. Usager


      There is always people who want to learn and there will always be people that compare you with other artist, there is nothing wrong with that as we always are improving techniques.

      Being compared shouldn't desmotivate you to ask for help or for a critique

  6. Personality flaw #1: Constantly wavering confidence regarding art.

    Personality flaw #🅱: Will constantly obsess about the functionality of even the simplest scripts for hours on end.

    If I ain't worrying about how my art looks, I'm worrying about how my code works.

  7. It'd be nice to have someone to talk to, but ehh, they all disappear eventually.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      Well, if you can do it anonymously, you are still putting your work out there, sharing it with everyone, which is pretty rad. 

      Is it mostly issues of confidence that you are having when it comes to your own work? 

    3. Ganaram Inukshuk

      Ganaram Inukshuk

      It's always a confidence issue with my art because that's always been the one thing I've tried to improve for the longest time without any indication on what to improve. Everything else, I can pick up and figure out within a week or so, but art's always been the hardest to improve.

    4. JonasDarkmane


      Well, I like your avatar. 

      I think it might help to put your art out there and look for feedback. That way, you can expect the negative feedback and hopefully be pleasantly surprised of getting rather positive feedback (though all feedback that aims at helping you improve is positive). 

  8. Which is worse, being a person without a voice or a voice without a person?

    This is how I feel about anything I make close to my heart; anything I have to share gets ignored or lost, so maybe it's better to do so without anyone ever knowing who made it.

  9. Went from Kirin Pie to Fluttercop for an avaderp. Now what?

  10. CharacterPrototype police_pony_prototype = DefineCharacterPrototype(ParseMedia(ConsumeMedia(GetMostSignificantSearchResultFromQuery("derpibooru", "police pony"))), "police_pony");
    CharacterEntity flutter_temp = ganaram_inukshuk.CharacterDatabase.GetCharacter("fluttershy");
    VectorPony mlp_characters = {
    VectorString art_parameters = {
      "no parking",
      "legally allowed to leave meme",
      "police pony",
    ganaram_inukshuk.ImagineScene("blinkerscape_version_1", mlp_characters, 300, themes.NoTheme(), art_parameters);


  11. At some point I learned to never help anyone before I learn to help myself; the help myself part never happened and now I'm in a position where I not only rarely share my thoughts but I fear what others have to say, even when I ask for it and even if it's on a topic that isn't relevant to me.

    Can't I just be a Turing machine and live that way forever?

  12. Seasonal depression is like a cold to me: it comes and goes and there's not much I can do about it.

    Please don't share what you think; I can't have people thinking me the wrong way based on what I say and sometimes I can't stand what others say.

  13. And as usual, there aren't any discussions where I'd feel right at home or feel like I won't be ostracised for thinking differently.

  14. Things don't seem to get better, and no, I'm not explaining what's happening; the two things I've been told a long time ago (no details) are "people have it worse than you" and "no one will fully ever understand you", and even when I do explain, there's always misinterpretation, so there's never been a point to explaining ANYTHING.

    I'll handle it myself; that's how it's always been and that's how it'll always be.

    1. Ace Muffins

      Ace Muffins

      Well this sure reminds me of some character in a certain movie, hmm, cant remember their name though

    2. Ganaram Inukshuk

      Ganaram Inukshuk

      I honestly can't tell what you're trying to tell me...

  15. Tell me, is being opinonless about the show (or anything at all) (or rather, having an opinion you refuse to share) a good thing?


    I think so; I can't be invalidated if I never share what I think; happened a few times before and I'm not letting it happen again.

  16. Now I'm just far too tired to want to do anything.

    Good. It's probably better that way.

  17. I just want today to be over with and forgotten.

    It's ok if you don't care about what I have to say; I'll do my best to keep myself silent.

  18. And today has gotten slightly worse.

    1. Ganaram Inukshuk

      Ganaram Inukshuk

      You're probably tired of me babbling on and on all day; well, it's never like me to make a status update at every part of the day, but I've just had it with today.

      There's no point in explaining what I'm going through to anyone.I don't need sympathy, either; I've solved every major life obstacle without ever asking for help; I'm sure I can figure this out on my own.

      Hopefully, an ungodly amount of sugar will make me try to feel better.

  19. Today is just not my day.

    Whatever, I guess...



    Either that or it's seasonal depression; then again, not like anyone notices... 

    1. Self-Improvement Man
    2. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      A depression for every season.

    3. Self-Improvement Man

      Self-Improvement Man

      It isn't depressing! It's pretty and somewhat amusing!

      Dreamy Swirls on Saturn.jpg

      Loookat those clouds.


  20. Actually, why is it comforting being an absolute mystery to just about everyone?



    Because those who figure out who I am, I fear I'll never see again. Being a mystery spares me from all the emotions baggage of losing those who know me and those who dare bring me down for being far too different; you can't tear me down if you don't know how.

    1. Ace Muffins

      Ace Muffins

      bro, I know how it feels to fear that everyone will not understand you, but trust me, its not gonna help if you keep everything about yourself locked up in a box, even if you don't wanna spread it to everyone you know, then at least let some of your best friends know, I've had the same problem a while ago, and trust me, opening up really helped me at the time

  21. Maybe my keyboard preference should've stayed secret from day zero.

  22. Now I'm reminded why I kept all social interaction to as close to zero as I can.

  23. I shouldn't try to disappear at the least opportune time; also, what happened...?

  24. So, uhh, was I bit over-the-top with my latest art thread?

  25. Is it Candy Distribution Night yet?

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