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    Toasty Butter

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  1. I think it's time Nintendo fire their marketing team lol

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    2. Pinkie-Guy


      Yeah, way to just confuse everybody.

    3. lomk


      Then there was the genius that decided "Hey let's not ship the New 3DS with a charger!" They can say all they want "odds are you'll have a spare laying around and we figured it'll keep costs down for everyone"as much as they want but they're obviously being greedy there. Chargers aren't super expensive. And people will have a 3DS charger just floating around? I see problems with that thinking.

    4. lomk


      Like, Nintendo...are you trying to grow your customer base? Also, when people sell their old portable gaming systems (which adopters of the New 3DS are going to likely do) they tend to sell the battery chargers with them.

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