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    Toasty Butter

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  1. Just nuked my SSD. Will nuke hard drives tomorrow. I want no remnants of the old OS on there. I'd like to start fresh, ya know? But I'll need at least 2 hours to nuke those bad boys. 1.5 TB is a lot of bits.

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    2. Pinkie-Guy


      I don't think it's necessary to do that to a SSD. A quick format should do. If you want to eradicate every last bit on a drive, I've used something called DBAN, as in Darik's Boot and Nuke, to completely wipe a drive. http://www.dban.org/ Chances are doing it on a SSD will reduce the longevity of the drive.

    3. Pinkie-Guy


      It might also have to do with your install options.

    4. lomk


      Well that way it's like starting with a fresh drive. And no DBAN won't work with an SSD because it's made for HDD's and they don't work the same at all. Parted Magic will nuke an SSD (it's called Secure Erase or something like that) where all the data is cleared and it happens in a matter of seconds. But even if it does reduce the longevity, those modules can take a lot more than what we give them credit for.

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