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The Pirate Prince

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Everything posted by The Pirate Prince

  1. One of Rainbow Dash's lesser known abilities, being able to identify her friends by the smell of their spit. " *sniff* *sniff* Pinkie, maybe Rarity."
  2. Young justice is an excellent show. I think the worst part is that stupid hiatus where they had for DC nation. If they'd kept it on the air, they might have finished the series by now and not be in the position of canceling a show in the middle of its rising climax. I'm still looking forward to the new teen titans show, and I'm willing to give Batman a chance, but this mistreatment of this show is just stupid.
  3. Yeah, I'm a fan of the site. Most days they upload somethings I want to watch. Todd is pretty good, I'm not into pop music so he's good for checking out what's going on. There's quite a large number of different contributors.CR would seem to be the resident brony, here's his videos about the previous pony gens and FIM: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/cr/ff/32418-episode-57-my-little-pony-retrospective-part-1 http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/cr/ff/32594-episode-58-my-little-pony-retrospective-g4 There's also a few reviews of particular episodes titled "Reviews are magic" here: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/cr/crspecials
  4. "Celestia, this is just grim." Rich walked up to his captain. "Here's the full damage report, nothing that can't be fixed. As for the.." He sighed. "casualties, I guess we should be thankful it wasn't worse. Morale's at a record low, this isn't what they imagined when thought they might die in the line of duty."
  5. "Great. Report to the galley and start peeling potatoes." Rich looked up from the list of pegasi crewmen he'd started writing from memory. "Next time you try to impress somepony, be sure it's not the unicorn that can knock you out with a stare and make you dream you're a fluffy bunny for two hours." He stood up. "I'll be going below to check the list of pegasi in the crew. I'll arrange a room for our vicious hunter." Rich left the room, then stuck his head back through the room. "By the way. The correct term is talons, not claws."
  6. @SilverHeart "You have a plan?" Rich asked his commanding officer. He went to the captain's desk and pulled out pen, some ink and a piece of paper. "I assume it's not dropping cannonballs onto the pirate ships from high above." That might actually work, Rich thought to himself.
  7. "So, what's the plan? I assume we're not going home." Rich had listened to Guin's intel, He'd hoped for more info on the pirates, where they were going, how long they were planning on staying, etc. Still, what she did know was pretty extensive. "What'll happen to the civilian now?"
  8. Rich looked out of the porthole from his quarters. "A griffon? Is that the informant? I would have preferred someone a bit more subtle." Rich said to himself. He readjusted his uniform and went to the captain's quarters. "Sir." He saluted his commanding officer. "This is the civilian, the informant? I assume making the whole island aware of our presence by yelling at the top of her lungs was some kind of double bluff?"
  9. "Well, we're following two pirate ships there, so I don't think it's that much to a stretch to consider it as such." Rich hadn't been a sailor for very long, he didn't know what he was talking about, but he'd never let that stop him before. "I don't think trying to take the pirates on while they're there is a good idea. There's already two ships we know about, plus whatever number of ship are already there and the locals. I don't suppose there's much hope for reinforcements?"
  10. You know, it's funny, It's always the ponies you'd least suspect to be psychopathic serial killers.
  11. Rich thought for a moment. "Perhaps I was exaggerating a little. The combination of the battle and you walking about on deck, the crew was probably expecting you to start yelling. As for Casaflanka, I'm not too familiar with it. Not the most respectable of places from what I hear. I assume we're going to follow."
  12. (OOC: Timezones, curse them to the depths) Rich knocked on the door of the captain's cabin then let himself in before waiting for a reply. "Here's the ship report, damage, injury, that sort of thing. Nothing too major." Rich wasn't sure if he was supposed to list all the details himself, but it was all written down if the captain wanted to know the specifics. Rich considered it inefficient for him to stand their and recite information that the captain probably didn't care about anyway. "Next time you go on deck, you probably should have a good reason for it. I think half the crew thought you were going to start punishing them for losing those pirates."
  13. An idea formed in Rich's mind. "You were born with blood magic as your special talent, as was I. The princess thinks blood magic may be coming back. The two us are law abiding citizens, but there's no guarantee that somepony will be born with powerful blood magic and use it for evil. I need to know how to counteract it."
  14. Quick internet, think of pony versions of all the batman villains. Neighface, Brayne, Black Maresk..
  15. Actually, my eyes match the color of my scarf, not the other way around.
  16. 6/10 the art style's alright, but the subject is rather icky.
  17. What's my cutiemark? That's a mystery I'll never share.
  18. Rich heard Diego's voice, but didn't allow himself to be distracted. "I know the basics, I just need to know what to look out for, what the inmates could do to counter it. These prisoners are dangerous, if something happened to you, you're knowledge would be lost." Rich's avatar's cutiemark had already become one that implied blood magic. "You have been ordered by Princess Celestia herself to teach me." Rich showed him the official looking document. "I can use blood magic, I want to use it for good. Tell me what I need to look out for."
  19. Rich allowed Jack's own mind to fill in where they were, a guard break room perhaps.Rich handed him the documents that Jack's own mind wrote in order for it to look legitimate. "They think I'm able to cast the spell. I need to know more about it in order to learn how to do it. What to look out for, what the prisoners might try to get past it."
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