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The Pirate Prince

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Everything posted by The Pirate Prince

  1. Star trek is awesome, I wish we had a new series rather than the film reboot. Fans of Star Trek should try watching SFDebris' reviews, he's quite funny and takes the show very seriously. He also does all sorts of sci-fi and fantisy, including the first mlp:FiM episodes, he isn't a brony though. http://blip.tv/sf-de...-review-5658418 Twilight Sparkle is Rorschach!!!! Be warned, some naughty swears, so you little kids stay away. http://blip.tv/sf-debris-opinionated-reviews/star-trek-first-contact-review-part-1-5430594 http://blip.tv/sf-de...-review-4435480
  2. Hello everyone. I'd like to present the first two chapters of my new fan-fic. http://www.fimfictio...imal-and-Steven! "Dewey Decimal was the head librarian of the Royal Canterlot Library. When Twilight Sparkle returns to her hometown to perfect an ancient long-distance teleport spell, Dewey sees an opportunity to escape his humdrum life. Dragging his childhood friend, 'Blank Flank' Steven, along with him for the ride, the pair find themselves in lands far from the safety of Equestria. Facing strange monsters, spirits and races while making few friends, they'll test how much a cutie mark really defines a pony." TL;DR? Two OCs go and have adventures far from peaceful Equestria. Please have a read, rate and give feedback/advice. I'll be updating this fic alternately with the other ongoing fic you can find on my profile.
  3. I will trade you my limited edition, full sized Fluttershy plushie with "yay" voice box for 400 bits and nothing less.
  4. Screw you! I didn't want to go on your bouncy castle anyway!
  5. Fluttershy, it's not what it looks like! I found this fully sized stuffed toy version of you, I didn't get it made specially or anything.
  6. "Oh, you think muffins are your allies? You merely adopted the muffins. I was born eating them, molded by them. I didn’t see ice cream until I was already a mare. By then, it was nothing to me but freezing! The baked goods betray you because they belong to me."
  7. Rich nodded. He'd fought skags, these 'crazies' couldn't be any worse than them, could they? At least skags would just kill you and eat you, who knows what these ponies would do to us. Rich's stump of a horn started to itch a little, he tried to suppress his memories of what happened.
  8. HAHA. When I find out who put superglue on my hair I'm going to kill them.
  9. It took me 24 rare candies, but it was worth it to really express myself.
  10. The Wire is a police/crime show written by a former homicide detective and a former police reporter. Very realistic, very good characterization and can be funny as hell and extremely dark. Set in Baltimore, it deals with drugs and drug culture. Each season is around a single investigation, you need to watch every episode. There is swearing and violence, but it's not fan service, just realistic. Runners up are Avatar:TLA/Korra, Adventure Time, Firefly and One Piece.
  11. A toy crossbow. I s**t you not, a toy bloody crossbow with sucker darts. If I survive, it'll be the most badass thing ever.
  12. Banned because it's Halloween and I never celebrate it.
  13. A polar bear in a snowstorm or the avatar isn't loading for me.
  14. This disguise is perfect, no one will realize I am actually a pony.
  15. WHY DOESN'T CHICHI LEARN TO DRIVE!!! I'm sorry, but this is just silly. Silly Chichi. Even when I was little, this was always bugged me. Still funny though.
  16. Rich wondered how the 'crazies' reacted to that. "I assume they turned on each other, or did they form some kind of 'insanity union'?" Rich also wondered how they'd gotten access to the security systems to seal off the wing. He also wondered whether skags were preferable to these insane inmates.
  17. I'm heterosexual, but I think I'm far too wracked with neuroses to actually become romantically attached to anyone. I'm rather prone to avoid being social, even though when I am in social situations, I seem to do perfectly well, even being some what a comedian. I'm comfortable having female friends, I just find the idea of anyone being attracted to me viscerally impossible, even though logically I'm aware that it is quite possible.
  18. I spent three hours trying to find the meaning to this. I'm not sure there one.
  19. "Yet while I'm alive, it's pretty much all I've got." Rich stayed quiet and made no sudden movements, being careful not to crunch to broken glass underhoof. He followed Red along the corridor. 'Where did all this broken glass come from.' Rich thought to himself.
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