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The Pirate Prince

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Everything posted by The Pirate Prince

  1. Spotted Rich grinned, pleased with himself that he'd finally gotten a reaction from somepony. As he followed the 'The kid' and 'Blue,' he wanted to start thinking up names for the other two ponies in the group, but he he found himself thinking about what could be causing the noise. Perhaps some unicorn had put a spell on the house to scare ponies? Maybe there was a pony squatting in the house? No matter what it was, he was sure he could handle it.
  2. Well kid, looks like you're outvoted. I'm sure 'Blue' here will hold you hoof, if you want." Spotted Rich joked. He didn't really care what they did, as long as he got paid at the end of it. He might as well a part of the majority.
  3. Here's an interesting website for people to look at. http://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2 It explains that economic leanings is a separate entity from social leanings. Try the test.
  4. "Good idea, wander off alone in the haunted house." Rich replied. " I'll sit here and play with my ouija while the kid can start singing creepy nursery rhymes." Spotted Rich began his descent into the basement, using the camera's night-vision to watch where he stepped.
  5. I voted other. I doubt a word has been invented to describe this government, as no human society has had an immortal ruler. Monarchy implies succession through bloodline, not relevant with immortal beings. Also monarchy means only one ruler, so Luna mucks that up. Democracy is also unlikely. I doubt the princesses were voted into power. Probably what happened was, after Discord's defeat, the princesses took the position of supreme rulers of Equestria by the request of the people. They were heroes and in modern Equestria I doubt enough ponies have serious quarrels with the princesses ruling to justify an election. Cult of Personality. This one I find most interesting, if anything, it's the exact opposite. Celestia and Luna are, for all intents and purposes, gods, but Celestia seems to try and make herself more relatable. She doesn't want ponies quaking in fear of her, she wants them to feel relaxed and to like her for who she is, not what she is. Alicorn-Supremicist Republic. Unlikely, as we have only seen three Alicorns so far, and Candace doesn't seem to have any power outside of being treated as royalty. The princesses rule because of who they are, not what they are. Theocracy. Not really. Celestia is the ruler because everypony including herself think she's is the best for the job, not because she's a god. I doubt there is a higher power that Celestia worships. Communist. The state doesn't seem to control the industry, so communism wouldn't really apply. Tyrannical fascist. Unlikely, I doubt the princesses would mind sharing their power if they found someone who cared about Equestria with the skills to rule. Also, if the ponies demanded their retirement, I think they would yield. You don't need armies when you have the will of the people and the ability to rule. The way I would describe this government would be "Utopia with positions of supreme administrative power." The princess rule because everyone, including themselves, think they're the best for the job. They care for their subjects and vice versa, and everypony is happy. This topic has made me think. Are Celestia and Luna the princesses of Equestria? Has anyone ever said that? Are their titles as princesses unrelated to their positions as the rulers of Equestria?
  6. "Great." Rich quietly snarked "Let's go to the lowest part of the house built on top of a hell hole. No suspense, no tension, these ponies really have no clue about narrative structure." He took a position by the top of the stairs to record everypony walking through the doorway onto the staircase.
  7. Spotted Rich looked around the room with his camera, looking out for anything that might upgrade his train ticket to first class. The moment the door closed, Rich whistles a few spooky notes. Glancing at the faces of his companions, he tried to gauge their reactions.
  8. "If you're going to have trouble, maybe the pegasus should be in front of the camera instead?" Rich nodded to Shooting Star's acting cutie mark. It wasn't like him to point out other people's strengths, but to make fun of the Earth pony and point out an obvious flaw in the producer's casting at the same time was too good an opportunity to miss. He climbed the stairs and opened the front door.
  9. Rich was satisfied with the answer. They were there to entertain, not document or educate. No close ups of ponies talking to empty rooms. Shots of furniture moving by it's self or a ghostly image created through some unicorn magic and in the morning he'll take the train to Trottingham. Spotted Rich pulled the camera out of his saddle bag and reacquainted himself with the controls.
  10. Spotted Rich finished eating the apple that had cost him the last few bits he had and threw the core into the unkept garden. He wasn't used to any kind of real work, but Daddy had cut him off... again, and one took what one could get. He pulled on the saddle bag containing the camera he'd be using and waited at the rear of the group for the producer to answer the purple pony's question.
  11. Hello everybrony. I was writing a fan-fic for this: http://mlpforums.com...nfic-challenge/ When I reread the rules and realized it didn't allow OCs. So I decided to carry on writing with my OC, go over the 500 word limit (now 750) and post it here. I haven't done any fan fics before and this is the first time I've done any creative writing in years, but I'm quite happy how it turned out. Please give feed back. P.S. It's set during "MMMystery on the Friendship Express." so please be familiar with the episode before reading. _______________________________________________________________ The MMMM Conspiracy The three ponies bowed there heads in turn, each asking for forgiveness from their poofy haired friend. “But I'm really, really sorry.” “Terribly sorry.” “Sorry Pinkie.” As she watched them, Twilight Sparkle felt a wave of satisfaction. She had presented her evidence, created a logical theory, and everypony (and griffon and mule) had accepted it. “That's OK. At least this mystery is finally solved.” Everypony, except one. “Not so fast, Miss Pie!” They turned to see a grey unicorn with brown spots walk into the carriage. “The name's Spotted Glass. I'm a private detective .” The pony motioned to his cutiemark, a dirty magnifying glass.” Pinkie Pie giggled, “Hee, hee, Spotted Dick.” The unicorn nodded, “Quite. A fitting name for this confectionery caper. I've been listening in to your predicament and I'm afraid it may not be as simple as it seems.” “B-but, they already admitted to eating the cake.” Twilight stuttered. “True, but I still have some questions.” said the stranger, using magic to place the deerstalker onto his head and rubbed the pipe on his side. Twilight turned, “What do you think, Pinkie?” “It's fine, he's just a self-insert OC” she replied, not noticing Twilight confused look. “Fire away mister Dick.” “Thank you. Now, as I understand it, you six are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, correct?” “Yeah, what of it?” answered Rainbow Dash. “You, Rainbow Dash, represent loyalty, Miss Fluttershy here represents kindness and Miss Rarity, generosity.” Explained the detective, placing pipe in his mouth, giving it a brief bubble. “Now, isn't taking a bite of your friend's cake rather disloyal? “Well, yeah, I guess.” “And it's rather unkind and not very generous.” The unicorn continued.“And Miss Applejack here represents the Element of Honesty, so I'm sure she would have confessed if she had committed the crime. Leaving only...” The detective slowly turned to face his prey. “you, Miss Sparkle.” “What? Me? B-but, what about the clues?” she protested. “Ah, yes. Did anyone else see these 'clues' before you removed them from the crime scene?” He asked. “No, she wouldn't let me see.” said Pinkie, now suspicious of her magical friend. “And she just happened to find the three exact pieces of incriminating evidence needed. Now, how likely is it that all three of them would leave conclusive evidence?” “Now tha' does sound a bit unlikely.” Applejack admitted. “Now, now come on. If I did it, why would they confess?” “Because they believed they had done it. You used magic to make them dream they had taken bites out of the MMMM. You collected your evidence while they slept and used your teleportation to evade Pinkie Pie.” “But.. but.. but how I don't know how modify someone's dream.” whimpered Twilight Sparkle, close to tears. “No. But you don't need to know something if you can read.” Spotted Glass levitated a book from the sleeping carriage and threw it on the ground. Its title, 'Hypnosis: controlling sleep through magic.' “You mean she was planning this from the beginning?” Rarity exclaimed. “I doubt it, she probably brought it to help herself sleep. These trains can make it hard to get to sleep for people used to the peace and quite of small towns.” “Twilight!” Pinkie yelled, facing her purple friend “Is this true?” Twilight cried loudly, unable to reply. “Twilight, why would you do this us?” Rainbow Dash demanded. “*Sniff* I'm.. I'm so sorry. I just.. I just wanted to have some of the cake. Can you ever forgive me? *Sniff*” It took a lot of talking, promises and I.O.U.s before the girls forgave Twilight. Meanwhile, the three chefs quietly admitted their guilt to ruining each others desserts. It took everypony by surprise when the train pulled into the station. “Oh no.”yelled Pinkie Pie, “The competition is starting soon. I had a plan on combining all our dessert into an awesome, super dessert, but now it's too late.” “We'll just have to hope the judges value taste over presentation.” sighed Rarity. The judges did not value taste over presentation. The four of them came joint last place. In the evening, in his hotel room, the winner was enjoying his creation, a current filled pudding covered in custard. He chuckled to himself as the spell he used to hide his cutie-mark faded, turning the image on his flank from a magnifying glass to a trio of Zs.
  12. 18... Fluttershy... SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE I will pet her, and brush her hair, and tell her stories, and take her shopping, and protect her from bullies, and give her hugs, and help her with animals, and sing songs with her, and play board games, and help her when she's scared (continues for a few minutes)... Pinkie would have been more fun, but I am a sucker for cuteness.
  13. Sneak into sweet apple acres and tape the bucked apples I can find back on the trees. Pretend to be a stupid animal, get Fluttershy to think I'm sick, getting her to look after me, mess with her for a while, then say good bye and walk away. Use a powerful laser pointer to set fire to Twilight's letters before spike sends them. Clip Rainbow Dash's wings while she sleeps. Mail an order for 50 suits from Rarity, then refuse to pay as they can't fit me, being human. Have a long, public conversation with Pinkie about the fourth wall, making every pony in earshot have a existential meltdown. Cut Princess Celestia's hair and see if it is still wavy after being detached from her head.
  14. If you'll excuse a little lateral thinking here, what if the Cutie Mark Crusaders' special talent are being the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Helping other ponies discover their talent would be a great talent, and it means we still have them be the Crusaders. Only, the big question is, what in Equestria would their Cutie Marks be? A picture of a blank flank? Also, they need to do a time travel episode where we find the CMC have their cutie marks, but not tell the audience (or the CMC) what they are.
  15. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: Google "MLP forums" How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Tough maths MLP:FIM=(Cute+Action)Funny^Fandom=Awesome!!! To all the pony people. All the pony people. To all the pony people. All the pony people. I give a big hello. Big hello. I give a big hello Big hello. I'm The Pony Pirate Prince (YAY alliteration). and I thought I'd make a post in this here forum about my self and such as. Well, if I had to pin down what I like most about this series, it would probably be the fanon. For me, you guys turned good show into something wonderful, and the fact the people making the show recognizance this, whether in the show or out of it, makes me give them a huge amount of respect Derpy, Doctor Hooves, Lyra's hand obsession, I find it awesome and I look forward to being a part it. As for info on me, I'm a pretty casual brony. I'm still very much in the closet, but I like thinking up jokes, theories and silly concepts and sharing them, (see my avatar) and to me that's the most fun I can have with a series. See you all later, look out for any ideas of mine. TPP
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