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    I'm the Evil of Kindness.

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  1. Here we go with yet another spike episode. I'm gonna likely going to skip..

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    2. ~SadisticFluttershy~


      You're right I shouldn't be. The only episodes I've liked so far were the season premiere and bloom and gloom.

      The other episodes that have been aired simply just didn't come to my interests. I was hoping for a good season and so far it's quite disappointing. Imo, S3 and S4 were better than this.

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Same here, dude! I never really liked Spike episodes. They always make me yawn.

    4. ~SadisticFluttershy~


      Right now i have mixed feelings or not if I want to stick around as a brony due to the lack of interest in season 5. The constant disappointments to some of us here just (as much as I hate to say it) for me to not be a brony anymore. I've always believed in, Once a brony, always a brony. and that's true to an extent.


      But because of this season it's drawing me away from the show itself. Shocking I know.

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