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Everything posted by Mr.Brony

  1. i just got done them about 25 minutes ago. there only 2inch by 2inch big. so there small, but each one took about 15 to 20 minutes to do them.
  2. i been working on this one for a while. i got it done about 30 minutes ago. i used my ipod to take the pic. so i hope you like.
  3. yes another fluttershy drawing, i just got done with this one about 10 minutes ago. i hope everypony likes it. and i just can't help it to draw fluttershy she just so cute so just have to draw her.
  4. you guys are so nice. im glad to be a brony, a lot of people don't like my art work sometimes. but you guys are awesome. so thank, and a brohoof. /)
  5. man i love to draw and i don't know y and i don't care ya!!!

  6. yes this is Medley request oc, ask me to do. so Medley i hope you like it. so if you like it or don't let me know and will redo it for you ok.
  7. yes my friend Admiral Acorn ask me to draw his oc for him it took a few days to do it. so i hope you like it Admiral Acorn. so let me know if you do.
  8. his story is that he a prince of chaos. when he was little he was given a necklace to guard with is life. that necklace contains a very powerful curse. this was over 3,000 years ago. but he steal lives this day guarding that necklace by fighting off everyone who trys to take the necklace. but now he lives in the tallest mountain in the world. he only comes out during sun rise and sun set. and that the only time you can see him.
  9. im looking for some brony friends on the PS3. so if you want to be my friend my GT is. xXMrBronyXx and i think it would be fun playing with some bronies. and i play COD.
  10. i am now working on special request drawing for my friend. so all my other request are on hold.

  11. well here is some of my drawings i did. some of them took two weeks or more to do. well i hope you like them. and you guys can draw them if you want to.
  12. going to do some art worke now see you all later

  13. i have two request drawings done now, Now it's time to get some more done ya!

    1. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      I'm still waiting for mine y'know

    2. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      me too. (I'm not trying to be pushy. I'm just curius :) )

    3. Mr.Brony


      i have 12 of my own art worke i have to do, and the 6 or 8 request i have to do to, and my camera is broken to. so i have a lot on my hands right now so it's going to take sometime ok, and dont worry i will get them done.

  14. im might be moving to iceland soon this year this sucks man sad face.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.Brony


      i know but i might be the only brony there and my family came from iceland a long time ago


    3. Hushabye


      I know several bronies that are from Iceland! :)

      The main problem is finding them in real life...

    4. Mr.Brony


      i know it's just i haven't been there for so long

  15. i choose Mr.Brony to be my name because i became a brony in G3 of my little pony so that how i be came Mr.Brony so ya i been a brony for a long time
  16. i love not having school

    1. BlackWater


      Hey cool. Agreed. But the feeling is odd for me.

  17. me i have no religion none at all, and i really don't care for one at all, so no religion for me ya, i believe in no gods or goddysey, and that all i have to say
  18. first i have to get the money to get the shirts and i have to go goog friend's place to help me put them on the shirts.
  19. yes i draw both of those drawings they both took a long time to do i think they will look good on a shirt.
  20. i made a drink called The Pinkie, it's very very sweet, and very flavored, it's so good ^_^

    1. Cakesplat


      What's in it?

    2. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      Severed pinkie fingers, pinkies (the newborn mice) and pinkies (the demons from DOOM).

    3. Mr.Brony


      pink lemonade, lemon & lime juice.

  21. i made a drink called The Pinkie, it's very very sweat

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.Brony


      no it's very good infect it has a lot of flavor in it, it so good!! ^_^

    3. NavelColt


      I was just making fun x3 You said 'sweat' when I'm pretty sure you meant 'sweet'. But anyway that sounds pretty cool :D

    4. Mr.Brony
  22. my request list is full now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.Brony


      because she just like me crazy some times

    3. Zerul


      I bet you she stays up for days making cupcakes :)

    4. Mr.Brony


      you got that right

  23. im looking for friends for PS3 if want to be my friend send it to Yan_Ma_Yha_Who

  24. the shadind tool i use i got it in a art set fom my dad for my b-day so i don't know where to get it at. but i make my own shading tools and they work better then the one in the art set.
  25. i use a shading tool and all it is a piece of rolled up paper, if you rub the lead lightly it makes a light shad, if you rub it harder the darker the shad gets so i hopes that helps you out
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