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Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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About Kyoshi Frost Wolf


  • Title
    Not wired like the rest

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Element of Harmony

Element of Harmony (23/23)

  • Sharing Kindness 2024
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  1. "Oil prices are so high we can't feed ourselves so we buy into fast food and occupy the will, We upload our status and beg for attention, They're all eating cake up on capital hill..Still living one big nightmare. What can save the human race? Handing convicts fame in HD, glorified ignorance...A.M.E.R.I.C.A!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dargent


      "Industry insiders slang test tube babies to corporate crack heads

      They flash logos and blast ghettos

      Their embroidered neckties say "Stop Stitching"

      Conscious rappers and whistle blowers get stitches made of acupuncture needles and marionette



      There is a war going on for your mind


      Professional wrestlers and vice presidents want you to believe them

      The desert sky is their blue screen

      They superimpose explosions

    3. Dargent


      They shout at you

      "Pay no attention to the men behind the barbed curtain

      Nor the craters beneath the draped flags

      Those hoods are there for your protection

      And meteors these days are the size of corpses"


      There's a war going on for your mind


    4. easymac


      Dargent that is Flobots,


      might as well post one of my favorites

      "We are the embarrassment to market suicide

      Without eyes full of genocide

      We live where flags can buy more than others' lives

      Where it's fashion to show your love homocide [homicide, most likely]

      Of the victim we haven't seen enough

      For the victim it's the escape that keeps them drugged

      It's the best blood money can buy

      It's the best way to fund genoc...

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