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Status Updates posted by jackleapp81

  1. Tension is so thick in this house I could cut it with a knife. Every keystroke I'm making right now is breaking a painful silence, holy crap. Never get into a roommate situation with somebody who can't pay rent. I cannot believe that it's come to this.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jackleapp81
    3. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      Yeah, sounds like he's not much of a friend if he's willing to just let you deal with that kind of problem. Clearly he doesn't care, so why should you? I'd honestly get out of there asap if I were you.

    4. jackleapp81


      He tried to make me feel guilty tonight, saying I was "treating him like shit", but that is a natural response to him not having paid his bills...I do not intend to room with him anymore after our lease is up.

  2. Anybody want to play Dead Space 3?

    1. Monsoon


      I have dead space 3

  3. Feeling worse than I've ever felt in my life. And I have no one to blame but myself.

    1. Moonlight Magician
    2. The Stranger

      The Stranger

      You need something more then someone simply writing "I'm sorry."


      If you want to vent your troubles message me.

    3. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      Yeah. Feel free to message me too!! I'll try my best to help you.

  4. I need some advice?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jackleapp81


      It's ok, Champion. Just read it over and tell me your honest opinion. Doesn't have to the best advice ever, I just need an opinion and your point of view.

    3. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      I'm open if you haven't already worked things out. :)

    4. jackleapp81


      ok midnight, I'm sending you a PM as well.

  5. Wow...I feel like I just got punched in the chest.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. jackleapp81


      It's ok, I still get to keep the PC, so at least that's something. My Dad's anger will pass, and I'm going to start saving money again like crazy, working extra hours at work and everything. Soon enough, things will be back to normal.

    3. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      That's good. Hopefully this will soon be a thing in the past.

    4. Wayzer


      well now you don't have to keep it a secret anymore I guess

  6. My boss is calling me to come into work at random times even when I'm not on the official work schedule. This job was NOT supposed to be an on-call type of thing! What should I do?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shanks


      I used to be called in all the time so I can sympathize. A few years ago I was called in and it was almost 5 at night. I think it is reasonable to ask that you at least have some fair warning before this happens whenever possible.

    3. jackleapp81


      I agree. I wish they could somehow predict how many customers they would get before work the next day so that they wouldn't have to rely on impromptu scheduling like that.

    4. Wayzer


      eeehm well tell your boss what you think about it, if he refuses to listen you'll either have to live with it or quit

  7. I need some quick advice from people who have worked a retail or department store job before. Can you help me out?

  8. I'm feeling pretty incredulous right now. It's not an emotion that I experience too often, so I'm viewing it as an achievement for the time being.

  9. I found a kickass profile picture, but when I upload it, the images becomes extremely grainy and distorted. Why is it doing that?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. King


      I dont know what Moon used but I use photo shop to resize :P

    3. Princess Periwinkle

      Princess Periwinkle

      It's called Preview, and it's just the standard image viewer on the mac. It can make small edits like resizing and adding annotations. Gimp also works although I don't use it for small things like this because it takes a while to load.

    4. jackleapp81


      Thanks guys! I might get gimp since Photoshop costs a ton. You know, for the future in case I need to resize pictures again. They should have in-website stuff to be able to help with the process. It can be kind of tedious especially if there's a picture I want of just the face of one of the ponies, and then I have to resize it, reshape it, crop it, and pray that it turns out okay.

  10. I wish you a merry Christmas

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jackleapp81


      Thanks! May all your Christmas wishes come true

    3. Kaska


      you too my friend!


    4. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      Merry Christmas!!!

  11. Just had to turn a girl's date proposal down. I am kicking myself, because this girl is pretty and nice, but I simply cannot bring myself to like her in a "lovey-dovey" sort of way. I liked her just fine as a friend.

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Felix


      I second Champ and Master.

    3. jackleapp81


      About the getting noticed by girls thing? Well, I'm not a particular outgoing guy, so any girls I have met have mostly been through connections with my other friends, who are more outgoing than me. If I hang out with my friends, I meet more girls. That's usually how it's gone down in the past. Now that I'm in college though, it's more of a struggle because not as many of my friends are here, and I'm not too good at navigating the social sea alone.

    4. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      It's good to be picky no reason to "kick" yourself...

  12. My dog died last night. We got her when she was a puppy,and she lived with us for 15 years. I grew up with her, and I can't imagine living without her. Goodbye Kayci...I love you

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. jackleapp81


      @WhiteLightning: Sorry to hear that. Kayci didn't have cancer, but she was getting heart murmurs, seizures, and her lungs were filling up with excess fluid. Thankfully, she was put down soon enough to avoid a lot of the pain that would've come with those issues towards the end of her natural life.

    3. jackleapp81


      And thanks for the hugs everyone

    4. WhiteLightning


      @jackleapp81: Yeah, you did the right thing when you decided to have her euthanized. Put bluntly, it's better that she dies quick and painless than slow and painful.

  13. Hi chattydash, my name is jackleapp81, but you can call me Derek. I've been on this site for a few months, and it has helped me to get through some relatively tough times. The people on this website are generally very nice.

    1. chattydash


      i know i am one of them if you need help just ask ok

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