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Posts posted by dragon4111

  1. Name:Draco Crow

    Hero alias name:Typhon

    Age: 30

    Likes: Pretty ladies, home cooked meals, but also keeping himself in shape.

    Quirk: Electrokinesis

    A belief description of their appearances:  A rather tall man at 6'7 with a well built body. red hair, strong jaw and the like. Hazel eyes. His costume just consists of some normal insulated clothes. A tank top and jeans. But for those formal affairs.


    A belief description of their background: Draco Crow was a hometown boy of the Usa.  But when he discovered his quirk. He was ecstatic with join the heroes. But when he got the invite to join U.A  in Japan well he was even more ecstatic....Except for the fact that there was mild racisism from his new classmates. He could under stand national pride but this was ridiculous. And The flashier quirks? Yeah he could understand but those that actually had the power of hypnosis? Jeez that would make getting arrests so much easier.

    Personality: (belief): He loves to play pranks on those in his agency but when it comes to fighting those who've done wrong? Serious time. But he's kind when it calls for it.

    Power: 5/5

    Speed:  3/5


    Intelligence: 3/5


  2. 5 hours ago, TBD said:

    Well good news, our villains organization will be held in a hero agency company. So your character can be hero within the agency but suspecting something is afoot, or he could be a undercover, or he can be anti-hero like stain. Where’s he is a hero but agree to some degree with the villain side. These are just suggestions, so Whichever works best for you and your character!

    Oh! I wasn't complaining but alright then -shrugs-Sorry was I coming off as I was complaining?

  3. @Dynamo Pad@Literally Snails

    Draco took those three head on and ordered Dynamo "Stand down now only one of us needs to die you have much more to live for". He slid back quite a few a ways. But he pressed on. "You know I had hoped you would have won this without my intervention," Draco said sadly towards as he came speeding at Rokata. "Come ooon beast here I am," Draco said as he  send some of his remaining energy into this one strike. "Make it good because unlike Jade there I'm not holding back this Angel's Mercy!" Draco stated as he sent an attack at Rokata's midsection a hard punch with his only front hoof. Upon the wind there was a whisper to his team ' I offer thee this silent sacrifice'




    • Brohoof 1
  4. @Literally Snails

    Draco clicked his tongue and he began to walk forward. "Oi Jade!" Draco yelled out. "Seems you can't handle this fight eh?" Draco asked as he walked forward one step at the time. He knew he was no match for Rokata. But this? Pathetic. "Come on Rokata let's go," he stated as he walked towards Rokata. Fires of determination in his one eye.




    • Brohoof 1
  5. @Dynamo Pad

    "Nope every advantage is good if you're on the battlefield. Plus it was his own fault for causing his own horn to blow up," Draco said with a chuckle. "Real life isn't like the fantasy novels ponies and other creatures read," Draco stated. "It's cold and harsh,"

  6. @Dynamo Pad

    "And now one of them can't use magic. Eh no big loss for a unicorn," Draco stated as he rubbed his neck. "I know that sounds cold but you can also train up your body and mind. Fight dirty do not rely on magic," he stated simply.

  7. @Dynamo Pad

    "Your expression gave it away," Draco stated simply. "That and the fact that some of my guidmates try and do that whole redemption for some ponies. While it works for rare occasions some ponies and other creatures who want to change.Or can't change. After all I should know that,"

  8. @Dynamo Pad

    "Some ponies can't be saved Dynamo," Draco stated sadly as he shook his head. "For that is what I fear that is what's currently happening. He want's to probably die," Draco stated with a sigh. He placed his hoof to his forehead.

  9. @Dynamo Pad@Literally Snails@Unicorncob

    "That's the thing my friend she needs to stop holding back," he stated simply. "Allow me to explain she is of the mind she can win this without killing him," Draco stated with a sigh. "But she needs to let go of that part of her for this match and open up that spark in her. To let that spark into a blazing inferno...Because if not I'll have to go up there and show her what it means to never hold back," he stated to Dynamo.

  10. @Dynamo Pad

    "As I said before Dynamo," Draco stated through clenched teeth. "She's gotta stop holding back," he stated with a sigh to himself. The clenched teeth was the residual pain  from the regeneration. "Hmm this is sad," Draco stated slightly to himself watching the fight.

  11. @Literally Snails@Dynamo Pad@reader8363@DwhitetheGamer

    Draco clicked his tongue as he said "He's toying with her. Testing her...But she clearly is still holding back," Draco stated simply as he placed a cloth into his mouth. He then placed the talisman onto himself. He began to convulse with pain as he felt the healing magic floor his system. He accelerated it with his own energy./ it was like a bull through a china shop. his wounded eye healed but it was milky white. It only took moments to heal but he tried to stand up once more He looked ready to fight should the mare not keep up.

  12. @Literally Snails@Dynamo Pad@reader8363@DwhitetheGamer

    "Hmm well now if she only took my advice from the start. She wasted a lot of energy trying to match him," Draco stated as he shook his head. He walked toward his bag. He began to ruffle through it. HE was currently also using his battered body to shield Dai from the winds from the release of the cuffs. "I'll need to step it up If she can't cut it," Draco muttered to himself as he found the last talisman."Found you,"

  13. @Unicorncob@Literally Snails

    "Oh for the love of JUST SAY THE DAMN COMMAND WORD TO RELEASE THOSE SPIRIT CUFFS YOU DAFT MARE!" Draco yelled out as he was getting ticked off now.  He clutched his heart.  H began to breath heavier. Hmm he felt his blood pressure rise and then fall. He had to guess that he was putting a strain upon himself....Well if he had to insult the stupid mare so be it.

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