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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Sunnerino

  1. I'm feeling pretty lonely. Does anyone wanna maybe talk? I have a Discord if anyone's interested.

    1. MangoFoalix


      I could give it a shot if you want. :please:

    2. The_Gobo


      Imma PM you a link to a discord o3o


  2. Jeez, my back is seriously hurting today. There is a possibility that I might be dying.

    1. The_Gobo


      Have you gone to the hospital D:


    2. Sunnerino


      Nah, i can't really afford that. But I feel better than when I posted this status. :P

    3. The_Gobo


      Well I hope it keeps up D:

  3. Blep.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PerlsteinProps
    3. Sunnerino


      It's going pretty alright. How are things goin' with you?

    4. PerlsteinProps


      Refusing a test tomorrow, ain't takin no test 

  4. Let's see how long I actually stay here this time. >.>

  5. I love your avatar! Lightning Dust is a gr8 horse.

    1. TeeSix


      Thanks! Yeah, she's not commonly liked, hopefully she'll make a return to the show someday.

  6. I'm glad to see that you know who the best horse is.

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      my favorite is Rarity =)=)=)

  7. I'm glad to know that the banner is best pony.

  8. woah hey i'm back from the dead

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      YAY Hi and welcome back =)=)

    2. Sunnerino


      Oh hi. :P Thank ya. I need to stop disappearing though, lol.

    3. 碇 シンジン
  9. I take my cartoon horses very seriously.

  10. I've been here since late 2012 and only have 4 days on here. GG.

  11. jk guys i actually am a nerd (i seriously don't have an interest in star wars though)

  12. Also may the Fourth be with you or something. I dunno, I don't watch Star Wars. I'm not a NERD like you guys.

  13. I am now a spork. Bow down to me: the ultimate eating utensil!

  14. I love sitting down for too long and then I can't feel my butt anymore. Yay.

  15. I just wanna say thanks for the siggy!

    1. Xabekrn


      Not a problem!

  16. Finally downloading TF2 again. It's been about 2 months since I've last played it. Feels like forever since I've played it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nah


      Yeah, he sounds so convincing though.

    3. Sunnerino


      Along with that his name is *apparently* Clarence just pushes it that he's a troll for me. Clarence tends to be a name that's made fun of.

    4. Nah


      Plus look at his OC, his OC is a militant Christian, Pewdiepie fan, fedora worshipper, has a mane made of flames, has all sorts of religious jewelry on, and his drawings suck, no effort whatsoever put into it.

  17. I'm gonna end up going blind in one eye. My left eye always hurts when I'm looking at a computer or TV screen, it doesn't matter if it's night or not. Is this normal?

  18. Ugh I've been feeling so awful recently.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Friendship_Cannon



      still, having someone look at it, you maybe should do that.

    3. Sunnerino


      Yeah I probably should. But like I said, the dentist scares me. :P

    4. Friendship_Cannon
  19. Furries scare me. Not all of them, but a huge majority do.

  20. I really want some cake.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Sunnerino


      Well, like most of the achievements in Lollipop Chainsaw, you can get through the game, but some of them are hard, like.. You have to avoid getting hit by a wrecking ball on this one level to get the achievement.

    3. Bronium


      Oh well, to each his own.

    4. Pinkie Diane Pie
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