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Blog Comments posted by Fizz.

  1. I've always wanted to go to North Korea. A lot of people think the kind who goes there are just stupid, but it's really a once in a lifetime opportunity.


    Unfortunately, before I'm old enough to go tensions will probably boil and the North and South will go to war again. Oh well.


    (Also, why Mao? Why not someone respectable like Trotsky? I understand Lenin but Mao caused a famine.)

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Not something I've really noticed.


    Even if the minimum did push some people away, I'd rather have more quality posts in exchange for a bit of activity, instead of raging activity with tons more posts less than a sentence long.


    If people leave because of a character limit, that's not actual dedication to a community, in my honest opinion. The character minimum is not something that the staff wanted to implement from day one, it's just the only solution for quality post incrementation that works so far. It's alterable in the future, and the staff is always approachable about it.



    What quality posts? It's like you guys never see these forums. Half of the posts are just adding in unnecessary, sometimes random sentences to pass the character limit. All it does is making talking harder. Sometimse what I have to say is 80 or so characters. Do I need to write a paragraph about anything? It's a forum, not some kind of fireside philosophical discussion. Length doesn't equate to quality: I've seen paragraphs of rambling and stupidity.


    Maybe we don't have improved post quality because people don't have good enough things to say. We're a forum of people who watch my little pony, not an intellectual debate club.



    As for the original question, it's because we have nothing to discuss. Everything's been discussed to death and the users who used to post a lot are bored of this place and have left. It's not a tight knit community of people who knew each other anymore, so it's gotten pretty faceless and boring.

    • Brohoof 2

    The degree to which politics has become shouting matches is incredible. I didn't ask why it exists, I ask why it has to be so disrespectful and immature.



    Because people are stupid. :P Mature politic discussions is an oxymoron.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. >i dont like politics why does it exist!



    I don't understand this line of thinking. I can understand not getting INVOLVED in politics, but it is absolutely necessary unless you want to live in somewhere like Somalia.

  5. I also want to add both jobs require a LOT of mental strength. My grandpa saw a little girl burn under a car, and my dad, while trying to move a woman who had bloated after death, saw her stomach explode from the gases inside. I don't know any firefighters, but I'm sure there are a LOT of horror stories for them. Whichever way you go, you need to sort of desensitize yourself, or you're going to have a bad time. I don't live in a violent area either.

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