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The Leafeon Pinkeh

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Status Updates posted by The Leafeon Pinkeh

  1. I remember that one time I had -15 warning points.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Galen Selanno

      Galen Selanno

      Perhaps there was a glitch where the site system that decreases WPs went over a bit and went down to -15. Did you have any warnings around that time?

    3. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      I had 20 for going off topic or something xD

      But still..

    4. Galen Selanno

      Galen Selanno

      Well, the system decreases by 25 points each week, so perhaps the system glitched.

  2. A neighbors house is going for sale for 2million .-.

  3. Hai :3

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      Haha, that's great! xD

    3. duidamasterXD


      Yep :D. I think I'm gonna try and find something to eat now. Talk to you later, if you like :3

    4. The Leafeon Pinkeh
  4. GAAH xD Your avatars are quite the creepy ones. #nightmarefuel thanks for making it less scurry though

    1. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      It's alright, dude, the Faun's a good guy.


      Mostly. Don't mess with his fairies, though.

    2. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      xD I don't think I would bother him at all

    3. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      There's a lot of creatures in this movie, but it was either the Faun of the Pale Man, who is one of the most terrifying movie monsters I've ever seen.


      So yeah, I picked the Faun.

  5. Coffee.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      I enjoy Power C and Revive.


      Dat Dragonfruit and Fruit punch.


      I am currently drinking one right now. I'm kinda addicted.

    3. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      xD I haven't heard of any of those.

      Should I make it a goal to get one the next time I'm at the store?

    4. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      If you want. I'd recommend them. They're really good.

  6. I have to hold my headphones a certain way to hear out of the left side o.o

  7. I started Tokyo Ghoul today and ITS GOOD WOW ALDKJ O:

    1. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      I'm filled with regret.

  8. For a project: I need a close-combat lady superhero's name o.o

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. GammaDove


      No Problem. c:

    3. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      I changed Femme to Female which is Latin.. since my teacher knows a bunch of Latin xD I think he would appreciate that more or something..

      Thanks so much though >w<

    4. GammaDove


      I'm just surprised someone actually likes one of my ideas.

  9. I found an old childrens history book and it mentioned Backstreet Boys as the "new pop music" xD

    1. GammaDove


      Wow, you reached into the archives!

    2. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      xD it was from like 2000

    3. GammaDove


      I know, Backstreet Boys aren't that old, I like them quite a bit.

  10. Today I realized Crystal Pony rank is lower than Unicorn and Pegasus?? I thought it was the top rank xD


    1. Wingnut


      LOL, somebody noticed. :D


      Too bad it's still not a *real* signature. I tried uploading one and it never worked out right. :C

    2. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      :C maybe one if these days youll get a real signature..

    3. Wingnut


      We shall see. :)

  12. Armin! :D

    1. honk friend

      honk friend

      armin is the cutest and i have an unhealthy obsession with him.

    2. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      Ahaha xD

      He's one of my favorites. I love Levi the most though c:

  13. o: I really like your background not sure why but its very satisfying xD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      I looked at pictures and realized whst it was and that I have quite a few things made of it o: like a turtle necklace thng! :D

    3. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      yeah depending on where you get it you can get it from beaches (those are genuine) from stores (fake ones) I think there is even a place that will break glass bottles and tumble them to get to a nice smooth surface but those are a pain in the butt to make because it takes a lot of energy and power as well as time

    4. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      All the ones I have are probably fake :I

      Next time I go to the beach I'll have a goal of finding a genuine one!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Away


      im so pruod of u *tears of joy* :,D

    3. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh


      :') now mayb i will b able 2 taek over t world

    4. Away


      Sure and after you do, we'll get some ice cream to celebrate :)

  15. Goodnighty everyone! :3

    1. M'aiq the Liar
    2. AfTeRwArDs


      dont let the frostbite bite

  16. O: IM A PHEONIX! *has been waiting for this moment since I found out about rankings*

  17. I would love to have an OC, just got to magically obtain artistic talent

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      Yeah, thats one of the problems is that I want an OC, I just have no plan on what I want it to look like xD I can say whether I like one or not, but have no real idea. Hence I'll probably never have one

    3. AfTeRwArDs
    4. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      xD I'd really want a pony based off a Leafeon- or any grass, nature-y looking pony. Not sure how to describe it in detail though

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