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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by WindsweptFrog

  1. What? Nice brushables? nah I joke they can be good Plus what you've done it amazing!!! How long did it take you to do that to them? they look sooooo good
  2. I can't even find blind bags -__- where abouts did you buy?? every I have looked sells little MLP merch and none sell any blind bags from any of the waves D:
  3. haha that could be it, but it's more fun to think that you legs are turning into hooves and your becoming a pony and did you feel really cold after? or was that just me? :L
  4. thats kinda like what I had but insted of wanting to strech my whole body, it was more of a pull all of my limbs inside my torso :L
  5. haha i'm not sure why I didn't just go to sleep and I felt really odd for like 30 minutes but I think its gone now and I think thats cool? depends how annoying it is to feel like you have hooves :L
  6. I just did the Fluttershy one, and now I feel a bit weird, and I kinda just want to curl up into a ball and sleep and never wake up :/
  7. From my experience with looking for pony merch you'll fine the shipping is ok on things like shirts of the such on the websites above but its next to impossible to get any other sort of pony merch for a reasonable price
  8. Its soooo much money to ship to the UK lol its like $50 -___- but if I buy Derpy and Dash, and preorder Fluttershy and Dr. Whooves I believe it comes to about £12 per pony :/ Ahhhh I want them so much, but i'm soooo poor right now -____-
  9. haha I best check out walmart then, dont suppose you know if they ship to the UK because we dont have them over here :/ and i'd prefer to avoid sets really, i'm more intrested in the figures them selfs insted of a whole set
  10. To start with you should know that i'm new to pony mech lol I want to start a collection of pony figures, cuz ya know, there AWESOME! XD The thing is im not made of money and i'm in the UK so I cant just pop into a Hot Topic and buy killer pony figures Now the big question is what sort of figures should I start with? and were should I buy said pony figures??
  11. ahhh ok, well ill try to do something involving MLP then, ive got an exam on monday, soo i wont be able to get much work done for untill after then, but ill do my best to get it too you as soon as i can
  12. I can probably throw something together when I get a chance, and then get it to you as soon as I can, any thing you want? and any perticular type of animation?
  13. Ermmm i wouldn't imagen so lol I recently swept though my HHD and deleted loads of stuff. The only thing I that I might be able to find is an ident i made for my college but I did that with photoshop so it probably wouldn't be much use :L
  14. I have used Flash Professional a bit, and if not I have used a lot of similar programs. I have not used Illustrator, but I have did used After Effects to do some stuff a long time ago lol
  15. @Alexlonewolf I have made a few animations before but nothing to huge, and I haven't done anything with MLP before tho. I am doing an alevel in animation so I should probably be of some use, what sort of programs would you be using?
  16. Sounds like it could be loads of fun! I might be able to help out on the animation front if you still need people? I'm not the best when it comes to drawing but I could probably animate most things
  17. Erm well I suppose pinks and yellows would probably work well with Fluttershy? but if you think something would work better then I wouldn't mind im not sure what font you used for the Trixie one above but i really like it! so WindsweptFrog in that font would be super
  18. hey could i be an a*** and ask ya to make me a Fluttershy sig similar to the Trixie one? i did ask about it in the free sigs section but that was like mounths ago :/
  19. like all of that makes no sense to me :/ but im dyslexic so the likely hood that i understand anything is sooo low :L maybe you should just google it?
  20. ahh :/ you may not have seen it right? of course i might just have no clue what it means :L the important thing is, i can not help you
  21. It sounds like something i should know lol are you sure thats what it actually says?? if you write it exactly how it is written i might be able to help you
  22. thats probably not a good thing, but ya know...i think that kinda makes you a super pony. all be it a slightly mad one but i think you should start claiming it
  23. Not to sure how to respond to this....feel like i should be worried whatever happened to love and tolerence? and im sure if you look deep enough inside you will find you inner beauty!
  24. OMG!! i said CMC should be the starting 3 XD but i believe its already been coded so that dash is the only starting pony and any and all ideas have an equal chance to be put in the game, even if the admin dislikes an idea if the other developers think it would improve the game then it will probably be put in You should probably go and put those ideas in the wiki, and ill make sure we talk about them later
  25. All are welcome to join the wiki and help keep it in good stand!! Heres the link again if you missed it in the post http://ponymon-blue.wikia.com/wiki/Ponymon_Blue_Wiki Also feel free to add any ideas you have for the game to the ideas page of the wiki XD We have started deveolpment, so hopefully it shouldn't be too long untill the first release! keep checking the wiki for updates!
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