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request Could someone please make me a "gaming" cutie mark, please?


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Woah, I said 'please' too many times.


Anyways, as the title reads, I'm just giving my pony persona a new cutie mark, really want a game controller on it.


Doesn't sound like too hard of a mini-project, right? ^^


I would really appreciate it.


I'm looking for an Xbox 360 controller, but the GameCube controller would be okay too. ^^;


Thanks so much in advance! ^^


Any other details I will gladly answer. ^^ (\

Edited by Adorkable


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Here is a pretty basic xbox controller. I can always redo it later If you want  ;)


Wow, it looks very nice!


I wouldn't mind seeing a redone version of it though, if you don't mind.


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