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ooc Ponyville Fell (OOC)


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Concept: Ponyville has fallen on hard times. The good times seem as far away as Appleoosa, and as distant as Celestia's Sun. Many ponies have moved away and abandoned their shops and houses. Only a quarter of the inhabitants of Ponyville remain from its former glory. it is up to you to find out why Ponyville is this way and find was to improve it and return it to its former glory as a bright spot in the shadow of Canterlot.






1. Nopony can play as the main 6.


2. No "Mary Sue" characters.


3. If you try to break the game you will be banned and I will find a replacement.


4. No trolling.


5. All ooc must be posted in this thread (as per the rules of the rp forum).


6. Intentionally screwing things up for other players will get you banned.


7. No swearing in character, unless you use "flying feather" "hay" and other ponyisms.





Posting Rules


Posting will be done at least once a day, also posting will go in order from first to last on the list. If a pony hasn't posted for a day the next pony in line can post, unless otherwise noted by me.


Posting style:














RP Guide:


Char Guide:




Player List




1. MasterCombine- Dr. Spritus Whitemane (Spirit) Unicorn


2. SkySong- Blue Haze (Hazey) Pegasus


3. Nevermore (Slendy)- Shadow Chaser Unicorn


4. Coal- Coal, Earth Pony


5. Ninja CPU- Carrick Murphy, Earth Pony


6. Strong Hooves- Six String, Earth Pony

Edited by Tyoeman
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Hey guys I have a question. I think the posting method that I am using may be a little inefficient, and since I am new to online DMing what posting rules do you think would be better than the one I am utilizing? What is your opinion on the current posting rules? Just let me know, I want to make this as fun and interesting for you guys as possible without making it chaotic and unwieldy for everyone.

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Hey guys I have a question. I think the posting method that I am using may be a little inefficient, and since I am new to online DMing what posting rules do you think would be better than the one I am utilizing? What is your opinion on the current posting rules? Just let me know, I want to make this as fun and interesting for you guys as possible without making it chaotic and unwieldy for everyone.


I think your posting method is fine, Tyo, but I realize we went slightly out of order when posting in the RP just now. We posted 1-3-2-5-4, instead of 1-2-3-4-5 according to your above list. Should we go more strictly in order next time? It's not like it's ruining anything, now, at least, but going in specific order might be useful for avoiding confusion in the future when the characters are interacting and such.

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Yea I noticed Coal posted before me but its all good anyway. By the way Master and Sky, very nice posts. You guys are making me want to step my game up a bit. I get slightly competative when it comes to writing. Haha I shouldn't, but its a personal curse I have.

Edited by GuitarGuru007
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Made by: Vex3d (This dude is a genius!)

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Yea I noticed Coal posted before me but its all good anyway. By the way Master and Sky, very nice posts. You guys are making me want to step my game up a bit. I get slightly competative when it comes to writing. Haha I shouldn't, but its a personal curse I have.


Thank you! XD I'm the exact same way - a competitive writer. Master's post makes me want to really step up my game and get those descriptions in there!


I would say for now, you should. when we get to dialogue though things will probably change up.


I'm really sorry for posting out of order >__<;;; I got a bit excited and assumed everyone was waiting on me. The next round I will gladly wait for my turn!


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hmmm, if we're gonna be competeing I better step my ame up. and don't worry about me either, I'll keep in order roo.

Electrobolt: "You watch your back... You just watch your back..."


Coal: "Pfffft, my back needs no watching."

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Everypony is planning on stepping up their game, what about me? Two words...


Posted Image

*won't try to beat Master's though :P*


The posting method seems to be fine, although as time goes on we might want to let it be more free-form. (but you already brought up that when conversations start things might change)




I have most of my post written already, but I was wondering something before I finish. Can Shadow be the teacher in Ponyville, or is that spot held by another pony?

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Haha, thanks guys :P

The better we all write, the more awesome this RP will be as a whole, so keep up the good work ;)

And now I wait my turn...

Edited by MasterCombine
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I will post once I know the answer to my question. :ph34r:


Sorry Slendy, I've been busy all day. I suppose you could be the teacher in Ponyville. At this point in this time I made up Cheerilee has left Ponyville.


If anyone is still around you can post your reactions.

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You sure? I don't mind waiting.


not your official post but a reaction if you would like it's up to you.

Edited by Tyoeman
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not your official post but a reaction if you would like it's up to you.


Alright correct me if I'm stupid but by reaction you mean...summarize what I would post in the OOC? Or what...?


Made by: Vex3d (This dude is a genius!)

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My reaction to this matter? No, I think that allowing Shadow to be the teacher in Ponyville would be a terrible affront to everything good and righteous in this world. :mellow:


On second thought, nah, I'm fine with it. :lol:


Edit: Oh, now that I read your message to me, Tyo, I understand what you mean. This time I'll just wait my turn to post, though, since you're back.


Secondary Edit: And now I see that Coal posted before Slendy, but since our official posts are all just going to be reactions to the guard's request, it shouldn't matter too much, right? I'll still wait for some of you guys to post before I do, though.

Edited by MasterCombine
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Alright correct me if I'm stupid but by reaction you mean...summarize what I would post in the OOC? Or what...?


not a summary of what your post is going to be, but more like "Blue thought that was weird," or something along those lines. I know it's filler; I just want the pacing of the rp to go smoothly. I don't necessarily want there to be stalling and stuff like that. I'm not trying to make things difficult. I just want everyone to have a good time.

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Was the guard ignoring Coal a sign that you don't want us to post out of order, Tyo? Haha


Like I said before, I'm happy waiting my turn.

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Was the guard ignoring Coal a sign that you don't want us to post out of order, Tyo? Haha


Like I said before, I'm happy waiting my turn.


In a way yes. ;)

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Yea I just posted a very long winded reaction haha. Blue didn't move. Its just what he was thinking. And Master, I think its cool if you post in a way that I did.


Made by: Vex3d (This dude is a genius!)

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Well, you weren't going to have the guard react until we had all posted our responses, right? So it shouldn't cause any trouble.


But for the future, guys, let's all post in order unless Tyo says otherwise.


Edit: Aw, but I wanted Spirit to start an interaction with you guys and the guard. I'll probably just wait until Slendy and Sky post.

Edited by MasterCombine
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Oh no I totally want to stay in order too, but he said it was fine to post fillers and stuff so I did.


Edit: What I did was cool, right Tyoe?

Edited by GuitarGuru007


Made by: Vex3d (This dude is a genius!)

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Oh no I totally want to stay in order too, but he said it was fine to post fillers and stuff so I did.


Edit: What I did was cool, right Tyoe?




Also posting filler should just be when the rp is held up for some reason. If it's during a regular post and the person hasn't posted that day for whatever reason you are going to just have to wait for the next person on the list to post. :)

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