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A mystery mare shot out of the bushes and threw midnight against the ground. as soon as he hit the ground more blood started flowing "ah, that's gonna hurt for a while" he said. He tried to get up and go warewolf but he had already used up all his bloodlust for today and was badly injured "Shouldn't... Have... Stabbed... Self" he managed to get out before blacking out for the 2nd or 3rd time today

Edited by Rainbro dash 16
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(Oops, Missed the notice. Oh, and screw first person. Too much work.)

Drakk sighed when his friend has left 'his' death cave. He had been looking around the cave a bit closer since he had a whole day to waste, and he had found some pretty decent loot. 4 health potions, 3 magician potions, 5 stamina potions, a paralysis poison, some pony flesh and a heart,(He nearly threw up on that one) Some sort of staff that has no apparent power, a black robe, and finally a dagger made of some kind of dark steel. Once Drakk had fully explored the cave, he went ahead and tried to do something dangerous. He put on the black robe, covering his whole body, and made his way outside. Once he was a few steps away from sunlight, he took a deep breath and leaped out, expecting a burning pain. But to his surprise, nothing. He developed a huge smile on his face once he realized his plan had worked. He chuckled and looked directly at the sun, wanting to taunt it, but as soon as he looked at it, his face started burning.

He leaped back inside, yelling from the pain. Once it went away, Drakk went ahead and packed a saddlebag with everything useful he had found, including some bottles of blood, and put it on his back. Satisfied, Drakk moved to the exit and looked at the surroundings. A lake, a mountain, and somewhat flat land. He started trotting in a random direction, since he had no idea where he was anyway.


@,@@madpenguin44, @@AppleLover 

After a few minutes of wandering aimlessly, he heard some noises coming from nearby. He raised his head as he used a quick tracking spell to detect life... Wait, how did he know that spell? He didn't remember ever learning that, let alone any other spell. He shrugged it off and turned back to his current situation. Once the spell was cast, he looked around and saw three ponies, seemingly fighting, even though one seemed to lie on the ground. His aura was still visible, so he must have been alive. Drakk sneaked to some bushes and looked at the two awake ponies. He paused for a second to think of some way to silently. Wait, he was a vampire! Of course! He closed his eyes and tried to do something, which he didn't even know how to do. Suddenly, he felt something happen to him. He opened his eyes and looked at his hoof... It wasn't there. Which can only mean one thing. The invisibility spell worked! Now, he just had to somehow take out both of those ponies. He though back to what he had found, and remembered that he had a dagger and a paralysis poison. Hmm, convenient. He silently took out the poison from his saddlebag, and then tried to silently pull out the dagger, but failed horrible, as a sharp *Snap* was heard when he accidentally cut the ropes strapping the bag to his coat.

The bag fell Audibly onto the ground, probably alerting the two ponies. He cursed under his breath as he quickly leaped into the open, and trotting to the side of the two ponies. He was still invisible, so they could not see him. He slowly coated the dagger with the poison, and the poison somehow dissapeared. He looked at the air where the bottle filled with paralysis potion once stood with confusion. But he didn't have time for that, he had to deal with something more important. So he just stood there, silently watching for the right time to strike. "This is going to go horribly wrong" He thought.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@,@, @@AppleLover,


1 pony on the ground, one pony in front of her. Shadow had this in the bag. Just as about she was about to tackle the one she was fighting with, she heard a sound, like a bag dropping. She glanced to her right to see if anything was there. Nothing, but oddly, she felt like something "was" there. The pony she was battling with seemed kinda dazed. On the other hand, there might possibly be more people with them. "Screw this" She thought to herself. She started to dash towards the nearest town, almost stepping on the pony bleeding on the ground. (Hey that rhymes!) She quickly left the area unsure of what would've happened if she stayed. 


After about 3 minutes, she stopped running hoping nopony followed her. She sat down on a rock. Looking at the sky, she realized it would be dark soon. The town she thought was near her seemed to be farther than she thought. She decided to set camp up where she was. There was a good shallow crater near a tree where she could rest. She put her sleeping bag down and fell asleep, leaving herself unguarded.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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size=4]@,@@madpenguin44, @@AppleLover, [/size]


Drakk watched as one of the ponies looked towards his bag. The other one didn't really do anything, for some reason. He saw this as a perfect opportunity to strike, and just as he was about to gallop forward and stab one of them in back, the pony ran away. Did it sense his presence? We'll never know.


Drakk wanted to follow the pony that was galloping further and further, but at the same time he wanted to gather his stuff. He could kill the two ponies that were left, though. With that decided, he proceeded to sneak over to his stuff and - ... He looked sat his hoof. It was there. And he stood right infront of the pony that wasn't unconscious. Totally visible. "Ponyfeathers" he said aloud. Well, Plan B. He turned and ran in the direction of the other pony, hoping to catch up and at least get some good loot. After a few minutes of running, he slowed down as he saw a sleeping pony. "Perfect" he thought as he held up his dagger with his Magic. He stepped closer until he was right behind the pony, not seeing the face. He looked at the dagger, and it was still dripping with a green liquid. He nodded to himself as he aimed for the pony's heart, hoping to make it quick and insufferable. And just as he was about to make his move, the sun slightly burned his hoof that was sticking out, making him jump and yell. He dropped the magical connection holding up the knife, and managed to somehow stab himself in the leg. He instantly felt the poison flowing through his veins. Then he went limp, and fell over. Thankfully, he didn't blink. And he was able to see quite clearly. Problem is, he didn't like the sight.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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midnight blinked then opened his eyes, he looked at one of his hooves. he wasn't sure but it looked like his coat was paler and he felt light headed. he tried to stand up but his legs felt like jelly and he fell back down on his stomach. he needed wind to heal him before he would be able to do anything

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Shadow woke up with a started. She was dreaming and heard a scream. [is Drakk still invisible?]


[if he is]

She didn't see anything except a knife on the ground. She was curious, yet scared. She decided to get up and run, figuring the ponies she fought followed her. She grabbed her stuff and once again, started running.


[if he isn't]

Shadow woke up from a yell. A pony right in front of her, bleeding from his leg. She was still tired, so couldn't see him clearly. She got out her dagger quickly. She squinted and found out it was Drakk. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok? What happened?" She got out a healing potion, that she apparently had in her saddle bag.  

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Drakk looked at the pony, which was apparently Shadow(He felt bad for trying to kill her, now) But he couldnt really do anything else, since he was paralysed from his own poison. All he could do was watch. Watch as Shadow took out her dagger, then ask what happened, then pull out a potion. He sighed inwardly. From what he remembered, the potion would keep him paralysed for a few minutes. He hoped that Shadow would realize and not leave him here in the dirt.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Little Wind groaned and got up. The pony that had hit him really left a bruise. He was grateful it wasn't serious. He heard another groan, not from him, and remembered what Midnight has done. He raced over and held his hooves, letting a golden glow engulf the. he pressed the agains it, and it healed within 10 seconds. Flat. 

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Shadow healed Drakk with a potion. She sat down, trying to get him to talk about what happened. She then noticed the dagger that was on the floor. She picked it up and studied  it from the handle to the very tip of the blade. "Isn't this your dagger?" She said while handing it to him.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Drakk was starting to despise this, not being able to do anything, feel anything, answer anything, he couldnt even breathe! Shadow had been trying to talk to him until she picked up the very same dagger he was trying to use to kill her. He was getting nervous. He didnt want her to find out. It would likely be the death of him, or the loss of a friend.


He suddenly felt something happen. He could actually feel his blood turning warm and flowing all the way from his head to the rest of his body. Once the blood reached his feet, He jumped and started breathing heavily. He could actually move again! It felt like it would never wear off. When he calmed down he silently looked at Shadow for a good minute, then opened his mouth."Sorry"

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Sorry? Sorry for what? You're the one that got stabbed and poisoned!" She started to gather her stuff. "Anyways, are you going to tell me what happened or not? Because if you're not, I wanna get going". She walked 3 steps and said "Or, we can talk while we're walking". 

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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"Well, there's no time to explain right now. All you need to know is that i found a way to move outside while its day, and we need to get back to those two ponies. I lost my saddlebag back there." Drakk said without stopping to breathe. he then looked at the dagger he had earlier and picked it up, holding it with his magic since he had no where to put it. "Anyway, lets get a move on, like you wanted to." He slowly got out of the small crater and started trotting in the direction of whence they came from.



Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Midnight got up and checked his wound "I, Guess it worked... Thanks" he said "I wonder why these two were fighting" he checked them for anything, surprisingly Little wind hadn't looted everything from them yet. He noticed he hadn't put his armour back on after turning into a warewolf had

Stripped him so he donned his iron helmet and horseshoes, and studded armour. just then he thought he saw something in the bushes and went over to investigate



Edited by Rainbro dash 16
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  • 1 month later...

Little Wind was about to suggest going back to the village, but then he noticed that Midnight was staring into the dark. "What's wrong Midnight? See something out there?" Little Wind then lifted a torch, which he pulled out of his saddlebag, and yelled "Who's out there!"


(So what are we done with this? Cause that would be a real bummer)

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(I messaged Bradley about it and he thought it was dead but I want it to continue)


"It's nothing... Just my mind playing tricks I me I guess" midnight said "we should get back to the village and see if the other two are at the inn" he turned and started trotting in the general direction of the village

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Wind looked at Midnight with a questioning face, but he decided to drop it. " alright let's get going then. Oh and here, you can have one of my torches, it may not be too dark, but you never know. Vampires could be lurking at this time." He said, a wicked grin on his muzzle.

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"Sure, vampires" midnight said, rolling his eyes "I suppose next you'll be telling me of how dragons are going to come back... Oh wait... Yeah, I think one of those torches may come in handy" he gripped in his mouth "dith way" he said with the torch obstructing his ability to speak normally

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"Ok, but first, how bout we raid a bandit camp? Please? It'll be SO fun." Little Wind said, tail wagging and eyes growing huge like a foals. He started hopping up and down, a smile growing on his muzzle*. "Come on man, I literally hear one not even half a mile to the west!"


*Horses, and ponies, have muzzles right?

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((Yes, they do have muzzles))


"Alright" midnight said as he put on the most important piece of his armour, the knee guards "I don't want to end up one of those poor fools who had to cease adventuring simply because of a stray arrow" he thought to himself. "To The bandit camp!"

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AS we stand there looking at everyones faces as the dragon loomes overhead, I look for cover, and also if I see any weapons lying around. If so I make a run and grab the weapon, at the same time heading for cover, and searching the sky overhead for the location of the dragon, what do I see?


  • Brohoof 1


                                           Signature created by Starlight Glimmer  Avatar made by ConcorDisparate

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"Yeah, that would suck." Wind said sheepishly.

He remembered his time wandering Cyrodil, shooting random guards in the knees. Especially the knees.

"Anyway lets go! As a once great fox once said, 'swiggity swooty, were coming for that booty'!" Wind said, fighting the urge to snag a bow and shoot knees 'Cause it CAN be done as an Earth Pony! Just have to believe!' He thought, a smile on his muzzle and a rainbow over his head.


(I'm sorry, but I was feeling silly. Also, Poetic, whoever you are, I haven't really looked at theOOC in a LONG time, I love that little poem!)

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Midnight wondered why there was suddenly a rainbow over wind's head but dismissed it by going "eh, we're technicolor ponies, it's hardly the strangest thing I've seen all day" and with that, started flying to the west to try and find the bandit camp they were going to raid

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"You do that, while I scout the ground. Maybe I'll find a cave or a wandering merchant." Wind went west, like Midnight, and scoured the ground, looking for something of use. But after a bit of trotting, he found a bloodstain and a sword. "Either I'm getting close to the camp, or a vamp/animal killed and dragged somepony off. I wanna think the latter is false." Wind then heard a noise, and the next thing he knew, a sword was by his neck and he was on the ground. Whoever the pony was, it wanted something. "Can I just wander without shit jumping out at me! Damn!"

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Midnight flew for a while until an arrow whizzed past his head. He had zoned out while flying and hadn't noticed he was directly above the camp. He flew down onto a small hill near it and drew his bow. Bandit's weren't exactly the smartest in all of skyrim so they probably forgot they had just seen him... probably. He was immediatly proven wrong by an arrow flying towards him and burying itself deep in the soil of the hill. He jumped behind it and tryed to shoot back, this would have worked. If he didn't only have three arrows with him. He decided to wait for little wind so he had some assistance.

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Wind bucked the pony off and gathered his sword in his mouth,. The attacker was charging again, but Wind was ready for the pony this time. He dodged and swung, his sword slashing in an arc, making a cut through the ponies black leather armor. "Now before you charge again, know this. My sword was coated with the strongest poison known to pony kind. If you wanna live, I suggest you run and get healed. And if you want a rematch, you can find me in Whiterun." The pony looked around and the ran off. Smiling, Wind walked to a hill way off in the distance, all the while being glad he came up with that poison lie. Not long after, he saw Midnight on a hill. When he reached the top, an arrow quizzed through his right ear. "Holy hell that stings!"

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