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open Skyrim


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((Seriously? Nobody?))


Midnight walked up to this "balgruuf" to tell him of the Dagon he had seen a few days ago, surely he would want to know if there was a dragon on the loose. When he got close a Pegasus with grey fur and red eyes asked what business he had speaking to the jarl "is he called the jarl? Sorry I'm rather new to skyrim" he said "anyway it think he would like to know that there is a dragon out and about in your hold"

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  • 2 weeks later...

(I haven't been posting lately because I've been without internet for a while)


Little Wind shook his head and looked around. He had zoned for a minute and forgot where he was. He remembered Midnight trotting up to the castle and galloped to him. The door was just closing and he slipped in. He looked around and remembered the place was called Dragons Reach. He read about it in an imperial travel guide he grabbed from a bandit camp once. He walked up the stairs and saw Midnight talking to a pony with gray fur and one dressed in royal garb. A surprised look on their face. Wind decided to slink off and explore. After exploration took him into the jarls chambers, he realized their was but bags everywhere. "Looks like I've got an extra 324 coming in." He smiled. After he plundered the money, he saw a gem floating on a container. He picked it up and put it in his saddlebag. "Maybe I'll get it for an awesome price."

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"I'm sorry, I must have misheard you, I thought you said dragon" the grey pony replied "I did" midnight said "well, I suppose the jarl will wish to speak with you, personally" she said and let him approach balgruuf "so, you've seen a dragon?" He asked "seen? nearly slaughtered is more the word you're looking for" mid replied "well, I think I may have a job for you, come" the jarl got off his throne and led him to a small room off the main hall with a unicorn in a blue robe. "Speak to faringar here, he has a job for someone with dragon experience" the jarl explained "just a second, I think more of my group may be here soon" midnight said

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After putting away the floating gem, he heard a strange "da-dum hoo" and looked around. Nothing was around that make a sound, so he dismissed it. He turned and went back to the main hall. He noticed Midnight and went to his side. He plopped his left front leg (no clue what else to call it) around Midnight's neck and asked him, "Why are we waiting here?"

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"This guy has a job for us" mid explained to wind "I was waiting for some more of our group but I haven't seen drakk in like forever so I guess it's just you, now what was the job you had in mind?" He tuned and asked the unicorn. "Well, I need you to fetch something for me, and by fetch I mean delve into an old ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may, or may not, actually be there" faringar said "well, I may have to consult my partner on this mission that I'm sure a perfectly sane pony would accept"

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"Dude who wouldn't explore a deadly cave that has the possibility of imminent death? And you say it's an old ruin? Than no doubt their are bodies of ancient ponies that may have been resurrected. Plus the chances of some serious bank? Yeah I'm in." Wind said. "When do we start?"

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"Well I think we're supposed to start right away but I have the feeling that we can put this off for as long as we want and they'll still react as if we just went and did it right away" mid said "but if you wanna go do it right away I'll come with you" "I would prefer that you did it sooner than later" faringar butted in "nopony asked for your opinion" mid snapped at him


((I just realized that mid is still only 26 percent okay after that giant club))

Edited by Rainbro dash 16
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"I think we should start it right away. It is the first real quest we got in this land and w should fulfill it. Plus Dragons do bring a sense of urgency to my life. So let's go!" Wind said, galloping to the front entrance before remembering he didn't know where to go.

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((Sorry for not replying for a while, I'm moving to a new house and using hotel wifi right now, I should have a new router on Tuesday))


Midnight trotted outside and down the steps but stopped when he saw a small house with the door bashed across from a shrine of Talos, he walked over to it and found that with the door bashed it was quite easy to open. He looked around and found a dead preist of Talos on the ground with lifeless eyes (not surprising for a dead guy) and saw a pair of holes in his neck, almost as if he was bitten... Midnight searched around a bit more and found drakk sleeping in a bed. He tried to shake him to wake him repeating the phrases "drakk, did you do this?" and "are you a vampire?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

As excited as Wind was to get to the dungeon they were going to, a death in a main city was equally exciting. Course he would never have known if not for Midnight stopping. He went to midnights side and saw Drakk asleep. "You really think it's a good idea to wake him up? He seems at peace." Wind said

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Suppose I could leave him, for now" midnight said "you can head to the barrow if you want, I need to sell this bulky iron armour for some leather armour and a dagger and maybe even a better bow" and with that he left and headed to the forge he saw quite close to the house, he ran up to the smith and said "hey, ya wanna buy some stuff?" To which the smith replied "sure, what do you have?" Midnight proceeded to take off all his armour "hey, HEY!" The smith said "I want to buy armour, not whatever 'services' you're selling" it took midnight to realize what he ment and laughed for a second then traded with him for leather armour and a hunting bow. He couldn't find Wind anywhere so he just headed towards the city gates and stopped by an empty looking house. "You know, I like this house, I think I'll buy it someday and be roomies with anyone who is willing to live with me for more than a month"

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Drakk yawned as he felt something touch him from the side, grumbling a bit and tossing and turning. ".mhn, leave me alone, candy fairy... Ah don't want none of your mercs..." He muttered as he slowly woke up. Opening his eyes ever so slightly, he noticed that he was still in the house he brok-Ehm, entered. He looked to his side to see what was the cause of the poking and caught aight if his partners, Wind and Midnight, standing there. Well, Midnight was running out just as he looked, but whatever. He looked at Wind and stared for a bit, before finally speaking. "...It morning yet?"

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

((I think it's been long enough that a revival post makes sense))


Midnight exited the city gates and went in the direction of the town they had stayed in for the night. After an several or so minutes of flying he landed in the town and learned it was called riverwood. He walked to a random pony and asked where he could find the barrow. The pony just looked at him like an he was an idiot and pointed at the very easy to see barrow atop a small mountain. "Well now I feel like an idiot" he said

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  • 3 weeks later...

((Oh fer the love of... I haven't been able to log in for half a month and you guys still haven't done anything? Also forget the last post, I was just try'na revive this thread with it))


Midnight turned and saw a tavern, "the drunken huntsman" (just pretend it's called that, I didn't feel like making a pony substitute for huntsman) and entered. He looked around and saw a stallion with black fur and a strange helmet on, it was rectangular but it had a slit down the front with some small black thing at the bottom and two larger slits on top, along with the necessary eyeholes and earholes, he sat down with him to ask about it "what is that thing on your head?" He asked "Never seen a toaster before, huh?" He replied "not surprised, I found the blueprints in a Dwemer ruin" midnight was confused with the name of the helmet, "shouldn't it be called a toaster helmet instead of just a toaster?" To wich the stallion replied "well it's just what the dwemer called it on the blueprint.. hey, I forgot to say, you look like somepony who goes on a lot of adventures, do you want a companion? I need some way to get out of this boring town" midnight considered his offer and decided that he may need some help "okay" he said "yay!" The stallion exclaimed "oh, by the way, my name is trolof bald-archer, but you can just call me toaster head" midnight wondered at the nickname "a fancy helmet seems like an awfully strange thing to base your name on" toaster laughed and said "when I put it on I accidentally pushed a button that made me unable to take it off so now it's like my head" mid laughed at that and the two went to wait for wind and drakk


((If you guys are wondering why the dude with a toaster helmet it's because of an inside joke that ended with me nick naming him toaster head and I was looking to incorporate him into the story))

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  • 3 months later...

((At this point it feels like I'm just sitting in the corner, all crazy like pinky from party of one, with puppets of everyone trying to get all of them to rejoin))


Midnight stepped out of the city gates and found a group of long furred ponys with eyes that resembled those of a cat, he approached them and found that they had exotic sounding accents that were definitely not from Skyrim, one pony in the group looked around shiftily and whispered "would you like to sample some skooma?" "What's skooma?" He replied. The pony just laughed and said "Magic in a bottle" midnight thought for a moment then said "well actually there are lots of things that would be considered magic in a bottle, like a red potion you can drink to heal mortal wounds, or a green potion you can drink to be able to run longer, or a blue potion you ca-" "I GET IT, I GET IT!" The pony interrupted.

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(You're dedicated homie. I'll give you that. I thought this thing was deader than a draug that you brought back from killing it and it turned into a pile of dust. Course I haven't been on this website since.... I can't remember actually. I think last year?)


Little Wind had absolutely no clue what was going on. Drakk was still asleep (as far as he knew) and that old ruin was still waiting. He galloped out of the out and put the main gate, only to find Midnight talking the ear off of a cat pony thing. It looked like a cat, but had the build of a stallion. Weird. Anyway, Little Wind trotted up to Midnight and tapped him on his muzzle, then pointed his hoof in the general direction of the ruin. As if to say, let's go kill some stuff. (Ps I would love to see this come back to life again. Might take some work)

  • Brohoof 1
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((Yay, some help with reviving the thread!))


Midnight felt a tap on the muzzle and saw that it was Little Wind, pointing towards the barrow "alright" midnight said "sword? Check! Bow? Check! Armour? Oh!" Midnight realized that after purchasing the armour he forgot to put it on "why did you not tell me!?" Midnight looked at Toaster Head angrily "hey man, I thought you were just crazy" Toaster Head said (hey that rhymed!) "whatever" midnight said as he put the armour on, except for instead of putting it on like a normal pony he just got a blank look on his face and the armour appeared on him, the boots and arm guards followed

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Little Wind was freaking out. Midnight had put that armor on with his mind. Course he couldn't freak too much not like he could freeze time to browse his inventory at any point in time whenever he wished. Right? Either way he started on his way to the barrow checking his own equipment as well. He has a iron sword and some body armor, but no hoof slipper/boot things or helmet. If he had any, he doesn't now because the narrator of Little Winds thoughts and actions is too lazy to remember. (Gonna let you get us there. Wherever your character goes mine will follow)

Edited by AppleLover
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Midnight flew upwards and had a look around. the barrow wasn't very far away and they could get there pretty quickly assuming that they ran full tilt at it. He landed and turned to the two ponys "ai'ight, here's the plan, we sprint directly at the barrow until we can sprint no more, any questions?" Toaster Head raised his hoof "your plan is bad" he said "that is not a question" Mid said back. "Alright, let's go" midnight sprinted down the stone path and immediately stopped and began panting, the two earth ponys behind him happily bounced along, "aren't you guys tired?" He asked "heh, no" Toaster replied and continued bouncing. "damn earth ponys, always being good at... Having endurance... And being stronger than Pegasi. I'll fly just above the ground, that'll show 'em" and did just that, unknowingly creating a new alternative to walking for the lazier of the pegasai.

Edited by A Canadian Fritter
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  • 3 weeks later...

Midnight flew ahead of toaster head and little wind, who was being uncharacteristically silent. Once they got to the end of the road midnight was, of course, bored. "Let's go for a swim!" He proposed, toaster head looked at him, waved his hoof in front of his own neck and began to shake his head "c'mon, how bad could it be?" Midnight asked, "cold" toaster replied "very cold" midnight wasn't listening however, and had already done that blank stare equipping and unequipping thing that freaked out little wind. He took a few steps back and ran towards the river. He jumped in and floated around for a second before yelling

"OWOWOWOWOUCH!!!", He lept from the water to reveal that a slaughterfish had firmly clamped itself to his *ahem* prostirior, "get it oooooffffffff!" He yelled to his follower, "no man screw you" toaster replied, "why nooootttt!!???" Mid questioned, "becauause I warned you swimming was a bad idea" "but if you don't help me you don't get your cut of the dungeon loooooot" midnight said in a singsong voice "so kill this fish on my arse or you don't get any of whatever the hell is in this barrow we're going to" toaster quickly slashed the slaughterfish in half and the group kept going on their way

Edited by A Canadian Fritter
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  • 1 month later...

"Suppose I could leave him, for now" midnight said "you can head to the barrow if you want, I need to sell this bulky iron armour for some leather armour and a dagger and maybe even a better bow" and with that he left and headed to the forge he saw quite close to the house, he ran up to the smith and said "hey, ya wanna buy some stuff?" To which the smith replied "sure, what do you have?" Midnight proceeded to take off all his armour "hey, HEY!" The smith said "I want to buy armour, not whatever 'services' you're selling" it took midnight to realize what he ment and laughed for a second then traded with him for leather armour and a hunting bow. He couldn't find Wind anywhere so he just headed towards the city gates and stopped by an empty looking house. "You know, I like this house, I think I'll buy it someday and be roomies with anyone who is willing to live with me for more than a month"

((just forget I traded the iron for leather, lately my class has shifted back to heavy armour))


The trio trotted up the hill and through Riverwood, they got a nasty glare from the innkeeper, Midnight didn't know why she was being so rude at first, then he remembered that one night when they had had one bottle of wine too many... he smiled sheepishly at her, then they passed the blacksmith's and caught sight of his love, the iron helmet he had not yet named, midnight ran up to the smith and flashed a bag of coins in his face,


"I would like that helmet please!"


"okay, okay, calm down, you can have it"




midnight dropped the bag of coins, grabbed the helmet and put it on, and was suddenly bathed in a divine light. okay fine, nobody else could see it but midnight swore it happened, and the heavenly chorus that sang was definitely not midnight singing out of the side of his mouth like a puppeteer 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually, he was very convincing with that chorus considering he only had a fraction of mouth to work with to make it, anyway back to the current adventure


The three ponies made their way to the bottom of a mountain that they were fairly sure had bleak falls barrow atop it.


"The only way to find out is to just walk to the top and see" midnight stated


"or, you could... Maybe... Fly up and check with those wings you got there?" The toaster helmeted pony sugested


"But what if they've got bows 'n arrows?" Midnight looked at his follower with puppy eyes that said "I don't really wanna fly up there"


"So what?"


"I don't wanna get shot down"


"Oh, shush"






They all climbed the dirt trail which eventually became black stone steps, as they neared the top an arrow bounced off a step and clattered at their hooves, midnight looked over at toaster with a smirk and a raised eyebrow


"Told you so"

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  • 1 month later...

"Well damn it. At this speed alduin should have already destroyed the world while we're still on one of the first quests in the game" Midnight said, breaking the fourth wall like a total dick "guys, remember that one time I got banned and ya'll started posting on this like crazy? We should do that again, but without the me getting banned" midnight was flat out ignoring the fourth wall at this point and slapped himself in the face because he's being rude, much to the amusement of the narrator, who did not approve of midnight's 4th wall breaks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Midnight's face really freaking hurt now, because with hooves there's no difference between a slap and a punch. Midnight trotted over to little wind to make sure that he was ready, as he has been silent the entire way here, and had an all around vacant expression, when he got no answer from "dude you feeling alright?" Mid decided to poke him on the face, that small amount of force was all that was required to make him fall sideways and land rather hard on the stone steps, wind immediately shut his eyes and began snoring, there was no point in trying to wake him in the time since his last rest he had fought a giant and hauled an entire stallion wearing armour across whiterun, he just looked down at wind enviously, he would probs be sleeping too if he didn't have job to do, midnight then turned to toaster head and dismissed him from service


"But why?" The black pony asked


"Because" midnight said back


"Is it because I'm black?"


"Wha? We aren't even in a time period where that would be a thing people say?"


Midnight slapped himself for breaking the fourth wall again and silently vowed to switch to a first person perspective next time so the narrator couldn't do stuff like this


"Then why?" Toaster continued


"Because you make dialogue too confusing"


"Like when?"


"Like now"


"I don't get it, what dialogue are you talking about?"


"This right here"


Toaster head clearly couldn't hear the narrator, and decided to just go


Midnight dispatched the bandits with some difficulty and began looting them, when that was done he was, like, 13 septims and 46 iron arrows richer. He walked towards the large door that led into the barrow and stopped for a moment to look around behind him, he thought he saw little wind stirring and yelled "hey kid! You wanna see a dead body? Just wake up and look around, you'll see plenty!" Midnight wasn't sure why he did this, but he did and entered the barrow



((I'm super tired right now so I'll come back in the morning when my mind is clear to spell and grammar check it))

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